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D&D 3E/3.5 Githyanki - Not as a Favored Enemy in 3.5?

Jai Kel

Lurker Extraordinaire
Githyanki in the MM are listed as Medium Humanoid (Extraplanar). Strictly by the rules it sure doesn't look like a Ranger can select Githyanki as their Favored Enemy. There is no Humanoid (Githyanki) on the Favored Enemy table, or anything to do with Extraplanar. Am I missing something?

As an aside, what would you all house rule in this case in order to allow them as a Favored Enemy? Would you go specific with Humanoid (Githyanki), or more general and classify them under an Outsider?

-Jai Kel

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Pyrex said:
I would add 'Humanoid(Extraplanar)' to the favored enemies list.
That would be a mistake. Extraplanar is a situational subtype. A human from the prime material plane in Mechanus is extraplanar. A fiendish elf from the Abyss on Oerth is extraplanar.

Humanoid (Githyanki) would be more appropriate, IMO.


shilsen said:
That would be a mistake. Extraplanar is a situational subtype. A human from the prime material plane in Mechanus is extraplanar. A fiendish elf from the Abyss on Oerth is extraplanar.

Humanoid (Githyanki) would be more appropriate, IMO.

It would also mean that when you were in the astral plane you wouldn't be able to use your favored enemy ability against them as they wouldn't be extraplanar at that poit. You could use it against your fellow party members how ever, as they would be (extraplanar) at that moment in time. :D

So, definitely Humanoid (githyanki) or even Humanoid (gith) if you wanted to be nice and include githzerai as well.


First Post
shilsen said:
That would be a mistake. Extraplanar is a situational subtype. A human from the prime material plane in Mechanus is extraplanar. A fiendish elf from the Abyss on Oerth is extraplanar.

Humanoid (Githyanki) would be more appropriate, IMO.

This could still work though. Think of the Githyanki is always extra-planer from the humans perspective, not matter what plane they are in. In that respect, Humanoid extraplanar would work, if you always consider it from the rangers perspective.

- Kent -


Prismatic Programmer
I'd do the easy thing and just add Humanoid(gith) to the favored enemy list. That would apply to both githyanki and githzerai.


I'd add the subtype "humanoid (planar)". This would cover both githyanki/-zerai and my "diet" version of the planetouched (basically, they're humanoids instead of outsiders, don't get Darkvision or outsider immunities, and don't have a LA).


kpdezend said:
This could still work though. Think of the Githyanki is always extra-planer from the humans perspective, not matter what plane they are in. In that respect, Humanoid extraplanar would work, if you always consider it from the rangers perspective.

Sorry to bump an old thread, but this is a misunderstanding of how the extraplanar subtype works.

The ranger's perspective is irrelevant. What matters is where the ranger and the githyanki are. On the prime, a githyanki is extraplanar (as he's from the astral) and the ranger is not. On the astral the githyanki is not extraplanar. He is on his home plane. He can't be dissmissed or banished etc. However, the ranger is still not extraplanar. She's away from her home plane, but she's on the astral, and, as the quote below says transitive planes don't get the extraplanar subtype.

If the ranger was fighting githzerai on Limbo she would be extraplanar, as would be her companions. Not only couls they be dismissed/banished etc., but if the ranger suddenly decided to attack her companions, and the DM had allowed the ranger to take favored enemy: humanoid (extraplanar), then the elven bard or the dwarf barbarian or the human rogue would all be humanoids with the extraplanar subtype. Just because they were all from the same plane makes no difference to this subtype, just as it makes no difference where the githzerai are from.

A third situation would be if the ranger was now fighting a group of slaadi on Ysgard as they raced each other to reclaim the Mystical Doodad of Hacon-Sa. In this case EVERYONE would be extraplanar... slaadi and the PCs. The favored enemy thing would only work against party members of course because slaadi are outsiders, not humanoids, but it might work against the guardian of the Mystic Doodad, Jim. Jim's a human born on Ysgard. He's never been to the prime, but both his parents were from there.

Basically, the thing to remember is that, in the immortal words of Eric B and Rakim "it's not where your from, it's where you're at".

Make sense?

SRD said:
Extraplanar Subtype: A subtype applied to any creature when it is on a plane other than its native plane. A creature that travels the planes can gain or lose this subtype as it goes from plane to plane. Monster entries assume that encounters with creatures take place on the Material Plane, and every creature whose native plane is not the Material Plane has the extraplanar subtype (but would not have when on its home plane). Every extraplanar creature in this book has a home plane mentioned in its description. Creatures not labeled as extraplanar are natives of the Material Plane, and they gain the extraplanar subtype if they leave the Material Plane. No creature has the extraplanar subtype when it is on a transitive plane, such as the Astral Plane, the Ethereal Plane, and the Plane of Shadow.


Penguin Herder
Personally, I'd make them Humanoid (Human, Extraplanar). They trace their stock to the same ancestor as Humans, and it's not like there are hordes of them in a typical campaign setting, and it's no longer Evil to target your own type... so IMC, they're (Human).

-- N


Nifft said:
Personally, I'd make them Humanoid (Human, Extraplanar). They trace their stock to the same ancestor as Humans, and it's not like there are hordes of them in a typical campaign setting, and it's no longer Evil to target your own type... so IMC, they're (Human).

That doesn't solve the fact that making any kind of extraplanar subtype a favoured enemy doesn't make any sense!

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