• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

GM found! 0-level funnel pending!


I crit!
Lurk all you want, I don't mind. And since you're the one with DCC experience if you have any suggestions or advice I'd be glad to hear it.

Let the dice fall where they may. It may seem brutal but letting the players talk out their characters deaths can great fun. If a player actually runs out of characters, have them ask the other players for one of theirs, or maybe have a prisoner or some such contingently hidden away in a barrel at the end of a hall....

Oh and the whole adventure doesn't need to be a funnel. As soon as any character has enough XP to go to level one, let them advance. The other characters can hang about or decide they've had enough and leave, but maybe not to far, incase that newly minted level one isn't long for the world.
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Hi guys. Just saw a reference to this posted on the Goodman Games Forum. Is there by chance an opening for one more player?

So far we have GlassEye with a the funnel
fireinthedust and myself as rats in the funnel, so to speak.

Whizzbang Dustyboots and Deuce Traveller have both expressed an interest, but then so have you.

4-6 is the usual number of PC's for a PbP game. But given that GlassEye is running this one, I think that it should be his call.



[MENTION=51930]fireinthedust[/MENTION]; [MENTION=8243]doghead[/MENTION]; [MENTION=11760]Whizbang Dustyboots[/MENTION]; [MENTION=34958]Deuce Traveler[/MENTION]; [MENTION=6774979]Dogmatron[/MENTION]

Ok, just a few things. You are all welcome to play but with five players I'll cut the number of 0-level characters down to three each. If there are three or four of you then we'll run with four 0-level characters each. The Rogues Gallery is up so you can post your characters (Dogmatron, you may find you are limited in what you can do until you get 10 posts under your belt).

Just so you know, I have no DCC experience. I've done a fair amount of pbp but I'm not sure what sorts of concessions we'll need to make for the format or DCC rules. I'm sure we'll work it out as we go and I'm more than willing to listen if you have suggestions on running a smoother game and increasing the enjoyment for everyone. I'd like to run a fairly fast-paced game so no one gets bored and drops out. I'm not insisting on daily posting but every day or two would be ideal. When posting, if your character does something that you think might need a roll go ahead and include one. It might help speed things up so I don't have to ask you for a roll or roll for you (which I don't like to do).

I hope to have the game thread up this weekend but I want to see your characters first. If you've expressed interest in the game please post whether you are still interested or not so I know who we've got and how many characters should be rolled.



First Post
I'm definitely interested and can commit to posting at least once per day (give or take the odd day if real life kicks my butt).

I've played a bit of DCC RPG before...I GMed Portal Under the Star for some guys from my old RL gaming group and have played in one other pbp DDC RPG game. I don't think there needs to be a lot of concessions to run the game. One of the things I did in my RL game during the funnel was to have each player roll once for initiative and then act for all their PCs. If I need to figure out a random PC to do something too I would base it on their luck scores (bad things happen to people with low luck.)

If I can think of anything else i'll let you know.

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