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I did something similar in theme. But mine was an old man traveling along a river. He was retired and going to the big lake to spend his golden years fishing. Problem was, every morning he would get up and travel about 20 feet or so then make camp again. The old man was just a mysterious local legend and at that time served as an interesting encounter.

Odd legend are fun and add flavor to a game. The dwarf could be a part of the current plot. He could be an intetresting side puzzle. Or he can even be a reoccuring character over multiple campaigns untill one day the players up and decide to get to the bottom for his story. One things for sure - you got a great concept going, so have fun with it!

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Im not sure - I dont want to rain on your parade but the dwarf seems a little forced.
How does he survive in dungeons, with out killing off many of the monsters that the PC's would prefer to fight? If the PCs kill him can they use his stuff to become undetectable? does he actually have any motivations or he he just a bugaboo?

Nightcloaks old man, that I may have to steal.

Gurney Halleck

First Post
Ah, now that's where the mystery lies, is it not? Say the PCs bar themselves in a room in a dungeon, with only a single door that has several powerful monsters the PCs KNOW are there. When they all take a nap, somehow the dwarf is just kind of sitting there, humming his tune.
He might also be epic compared to the characters. You are right, he might be forced, but what if he has a few levels in wizard, or, better yet, the prestige class of Wayfarer Guide. The PCs wouldn't know this, but meh.


It sounds like a good idea, but I try to steer away from such instances. I dont like having to use a Deus Ex machina, it makes the PC's feel they didnt do anything worthwhile


Just as an update on my campaign thus far, for those who expressed interest in hearing how my game went. WARNING...potential spoilers to Grasp of the Emerald Claw.

We had started just before the final set of encounters, as about 8 members of the Emerald Claw and a brutal War forged were charging the PC's.

Thorak, the remnant of Moradin, took our most of them with the Stone Spikes spell. The warforged however made it through and started beating on the dwarf, scoring 2 crits in a row. When they finally beat them, they followed the assumed vampire they've been chasing into the ancient vault, where they learned that he was actually a Changling.

The fight ensued, he took Truban, the remnant of Torm, out of the battle with Hold Person, and seriously hurt Thorak with Harm. And dealed some considerable damage to the rest of the party with Flame Strike. Kerry, the remnant of Selune, finally took him out with a couple well shot Scorching rays.

While everyone patched up, Lynx, the remnant of Corelan Lorethian, went to retrieve the Creation pattern and the final schema that they have been searching for. Unfortunately, the pattern came to life, and completed it self by inserting the final schema into its place on the pattern, then attached itself to an Ancient Giant Warforged that was left in there, giving it sentience.

The battle was fierce, in sequence, the pattern had successfully confused Truban and Thorak. All the while, Lynx, was trying to destroy the Creation Forge. Truban and Thorak ended up in a 1 on 1 fight, while Kerry tried to blast the huge creature with her spells. Truban was knocked unconscious by thorak, who then was able to charge the Warforged and destroy it.

So now, they disassembled the creation pattern and returned it to House Cannith.

As a note, I thouroghly enjoy watching PC's kick the crap out of each other, especially when under an enchantment.

So technically, you can say that this was the season finale. Next season, there will be many more perils for them to face..Mwuhahahaha.

One thing I like, is that they returned the pattern, which is an Inteligent item and evil, to the House Cannith. Now I can use it the future.


For awhile now I have been trying to think up of some interesting Random Encounters to throw at the PC's, in my Eberron game, as they travel to their destination in the depths of Khyber. I've had a few ideas, but would like to have them expanded on a little.

I would like to have one of the options be a patrol of Cultists of the Dragon Below, another be a few Mind Flayers, and another be some Dolgrim's. I just can't figure out what others I would like on a Random Encounter table. I looked through a lot of possiblities, but nothing just doesnt stand out much from the others.

The PC's are all Level 11, and these encounters are Underground. Some help or advice, such as how big of a table should I have and such. Thanks.

I had my own thread on this, but this is probably a better place for it. Mr. GR DO NOT READ.
Warning: long.
[sblock] So heres da' thing. I just recently got Heroes of Battle, the new supplement on D&D warfare. I've had an idea ever since I got Lost Empires of Faerun that I've wanted to use on the PCs, and now I can, thanks to HoB. I just need some help on the specifics. I also have another idea as part of it which I got from the Champions of Ruin supplement (thats right, two new supplements in three days, I'm on a roll ).

Little backround. Alright, this is in our groups "Bloodlines campaign" in Faerun. For those of you who don't already know, this means that we will be using multiple parties at once, and often they will be family members. Or in conflict with the other party/ parties. Now then, the "hero" PC's (5th level), have just taken out a bandit lair. One of the enemies inside, a goblin wizard, had a ****load of notes. The PC's nabbed them. Now, in among the pile, the PCs will soon find what appears to be text mentioning the "Elfblades". These are ancient blades that once belonged in Myth Drannor (more deatil on them in LEoF), but have been missing since it's destruction. This scroll will have a clue on it as to the location of one of the three blades.

I am planning on this setting in motion several other events which will end with them on a quest to find the three blades. I'm going to have them create another party, all of them relatives of the PCs, to help search for one blade while the PC's search for another (no, I haven't forgotten the third sword, but I've got other stuff planned for that).

Now, here is one of my difficulties: deciding how to get them to go on this quest. They are all elves (2 sun elves, one drow/wood elf) except my human bard DMPC, and in his thirst for knowledge he'd be motivated to go as well. Motivation isn't a problem, it's "breaking the news to them". Any help on this would help. I'm looking along the lines of them doing research and then being asked by some elf scholar to help find them, not something like Correlon Larethian divine interventioning them into doing it.

Next. Though I'm working on the path for the other "hero group", I need some help on the ideas for this one. Once they are convinced to go in whatever manner it is you guys suggest, I'm planning on one of their options to find information, in fact the best way, to be to ask his Sage guy I made up (not the one from LEoF), a really powerful mage (and LN lich). There will be local rumors that this guy, being a diviner, can answer almost any question, but he has a price. No one is sure what it is, but it is something about "playing his game". This game will involve, if they agree, the PCs being transported to a demiplane the guy made (as of yet, no name). There will be soldiers and armies from all across the planes here, as well as people there from other parts of the Prime. Some of them have questions of their own to ask him, some are there because he imprisoned them, and some are there for the heck of it. You see, this guy's hobby is building armies, sticking them on this battlefield (which by the way, is theoretically limitless, and has all different types of terrain) and watching them duke it out. You impress him, he answers your questions. I'm planning on having them join a military as mercenaries. Any ideas as to how to go about this, and well as other details, such as what I should call this demiplane? Also, what should happen if the PCs die in there. Should they actually die, be teleported out, or be reserected in the morning like on that one plane in the DMG? By the way, I'm planning on having the PCs spend a good amount of time there.

Last but not least, I had them make an evil party. This is our "anti-hero" party. I want them opposed to the PCs, but not knowing it, if you know what I mean. They too will end up transported to this battlefield. Any ideas on how to do this?

Whoah, long post. I applaud you if you go this far. Anyways, if you need details on anything, just ask and I'll provide. Thanks in advance.

Blade of Desecration. [/sblock]


First Post
themind said:
For awhile now I have been trying to think up of some interesting Random Encounters to throw at the PC's, in my Eberron game, as they travel to their destination in the depths of Khyber. I've had a few ideas, but would like to have them expanded on a little.

I would like to have one of the options be a patrol of Cultists of the Dragon Below, another be a few Mind Flayers, and another be some Dolgrim's. I just can't figure out what others I would like on a Random Encounter table. I looked through a lot of possiblities, but nothing just doesnt stand out much from the others.

The PC's are all Level 11, and these encounters are Underground. Some help or advice, such as how big of a table should I have and such. Thanks.

Eberron's underdark is a different creature than the default Greyhawk/Forgotten Realms concept, so the evil races are out. When I think of Eberron's underdark I think of pulp-horror/other world type of flavor. Some things that might work would be:

1. Undead
2. Minor demons
3. Half-fiend [insert underground critter here] like a half-fiend delver. (Oh, side thought... Something like this can be a unique encounter that hunts the party and becomes a side trek. Once the creature in gone, remove it from the encounter charts)
4. Fire Elementals or Earth Elementals
5. Half-Elemental templates (from MotP) on a favorite creature
6. A swarm creature or two
7. Opposing NPC party (another unique encounter)
8. Flip through the monster books and pick a few random abberations that you think are cool but have never gotten around to using.

Hope those randomn thoughts help!


One we loved in Eberron is the Grisgol from MMIII. A lich bound to a construct of broken and worn-out magic items, set as a guardian by the lich queen Vol (yes, THAT Vol). Lots of great special abilities, damage reduction 10/ peircing and magic, immune to any spell that allows a saving throw. A CR 15 creature, but since its been some few months since you asked, maybe the party is ready for it! :]

Mission continues


Actualy, we've taken a nice long break from the game, so that I could get ready. Unfortunately, it's taking me a lot longer than I hoped to finish this part I'm doing now.

I am probably about half way through the adventure though. All I have to do is set up the encounters in the Illithid base, make the map I'm going to use for the Stalagmite to my liking, set up encounters in the Stalagmite, and get some interesting descriptions of said places.

Oh, and I also got to set up a Chase scene in Sharn to kick things off.

The next two adventures I want to do for this game, includes a Tournament of some kind, which leads into a dungeon crawl, and the last one I want to involve a trek into the Plane of Fire.

And through all of that, at least 2-3 enemy plots will be spinning.

Voidrunner's Codex

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