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GM1: Bizarre Bazaar


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ooc: I'm easy either way. I'm assuming Tank will rejoin us at some point, so that's three plus the cleric, which is okay. But I'm not opposed to some more help either. We could actually use a spellcaster or two. Whatever you guys decide is fine with me.

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ooc: Okay, I'll post something in the RDI then. Please do watch that thread; I'll want your input on who to take when we see who's interested. In the meantime....

Donal and Morran lead you to a cleverly hidden cave entrance well off the road you've been following. After a dizzying series of twisting passages just barely large enough for your horses, you emerge into a wider, straight tunnel, with a gentle downward slope. Donal points down, saying "It's a straight shot from here. Just follow this passage, straight down, no turns. Leads ye right to Umraecyl's cavern. Ye should be there in an hour or two. Now we'd best be gettin' back to work. That entrance won't dig itself out."

Their advice proves correct, and soon the tunnel levels out and opens into a huge, arched cavern whose ceiling glitters, nearly out of sight overhead. At the entrance from the tunnel into the cavern stand two guards, one an elf and the other a mongrel of some kind, probably a half-orc. Both are strong and experienced-looking, with well-maintained gear and an air of casual competence. One of them addresses you with a professional smile as you approach.

"Welcome to Umraecyl's Bazaar. I don't recognize you folks, have you been here before?"


The elven guard nods briskly. "Then I'd better go over the rules. Don't worry, they're not long. The Bazaar consists of this cavern and the adjoining caves. All the entrances have guards stationed at all times, so you'll know you're leaving the Bazaar if you pass a guard station. Umraecyl guarantees the safety of his guests and their property while they're at the Bazaar itself. Those caught stealing or attacking other guests in the Bazaar are punished as Umraecyl sees fit. Usually that means a permanent ban. Outside the Bazaar, Umraecyl cannot guarantee your safety, so take care wandering down here. It can be dangerous.

Lodgings can be had at the Thorn and Castle for ordinary folk, or at the Golden Wind for those who like their comforts and are willing to pay for them. Also, there are a series of small caves that are kept free from vermin, for guests whose physical needs preclude beds, or those who wish to camp alone. If you go there, best seek a guide, since I know some of the caves are occupied at the moment. There's no camping in the main cavern itself, unless you're a merchant with wares to sell. Then you can camp with your stall, once you've paid a small fee.

There will be an auction for several rare and specialty items in five days time. You can find the list of goods up for auction posted in the main square. That's where all the merchant stalls are, too. Any questions?"


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"I can't think of any other questions at the moment, how about you, William?" Octavio asks.

If there's nothing else here, Octavio will wish the guards a good day and move on. "We should probably get some rooms, first. While the Golden Wind sounds inviting, we might be better off trying to blend in with the common crowd at the Thorn and Castle. More to the point, I'm not sure we have the coin for the Wind.

We should probably check out the auction list to make sure we know when and wear our item is being sold at.

Then we have five whole days to enjoy ourselves before the auction! Look at all this hustle and bustle, Wiliam! I had no idea there was so much going on underground!"

ooc: A couple of quick questions. How is the cavern lit (if at all)? And was the elven guard a surface elf or a drow?


The guard is a surface elf, not a drow. The cavern has a brightly lit central area, including several permanent buildings and a handful of temporary structures; tents, awnings, and so forth. There are regularly spaced lampposts there, topped with a glowing ball of... something. The edges of the cavern are dimly lit, with regularly spaced everburning lanterns.

In response to William's question, the guard answers, "There's only one auction, in five days. It will be held in the market square," he points toward the brightly lit area. "If the Urn you're after is on the list, it'll be auctioned then. If it's not, then you'll have to ask Umraecyl about it."


[sblock=recruitment]According to the "who's in the tavern?" thread, there aren't any arcane casters available at the moment. Which surprises me somewhat, but, hey, you work with what you've got. Anyway, the only interest so far seems to be from a cleric. I'm inclined to take him, and let Phelan fade into the background a bit. What do you guys think?[/sblock]

[sblock=actions?]The adventure becomes much less linear at this point, so while I can drive the plot forward if I have to, it will work better if the PCs are proactive. Just sayin'. :)[/sblock]


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"Well, let's go have a look at this list and make sure that we're clear on everything. And its in five days? Hmmm...how do they measure days down here? I'll have to ask someone."

ooc: I say we check the list and get lodgings first. Then we've got five days to get in and out of trouble.;)

ooc2: I'm okay with bringing the cleric in. He's first level, though, isn't he? Will he be okay at that level?

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