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GMs: What (across all editions) was your favorite adventure to RUN?


Not *read*, but something someone else published, which you ran, and which you loved and would run again.

Not even "finished," it's cool if you got halfway through and stopped for whatever reason. As long as you thought "Man this is awesome" while you were running it.

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Hah! I ran that! I ran it for my coworkers at Pandemic and was somewhat alarmed that they hated it. :D They wanted grim and gritty and White Plume Mountain is somewhat...ahh, unrealistic?

But *I* loved it, I thought it was a blast. Thanks for reminding me of that.


Red hand of doom - RULES OK

I absolutely LOVED running "Red hand of doom"

I thought the event based story worked really well! Nice range of contrasting situations and encounters... ...PCs saving Brindol was great, the street battles were awesome! ...and taking out the dragon that was toasting the western quarters was epic... The most famous Brindol bard wrote a song for them, and sang (and played) it to them during one of the sessions.

I found some of the monsters pretty complex... almost everything had templates or Class Levels... but apart from that... YAY!


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Keep on the borderlands - I have run that adventure/mini-campaign setting at least three separate times for different groups, and it ran very differently each time, though I did customize it for the needs of each group. It's just the right amount of social interaction, exploration, and good old fashioned "kill monsters and take stuff" (the so-called "three pillars") intermixed that modern designers have been striving for for the past dozen years or so.

Zephrin the Lost

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Tomb of Horrors 4e DM rewards edition. Tweaked it for Eberron by making the tomb itself a kind of warforged - sentient and an actively trying to destroy the PC's within it. I worked several other setting specific details in there as well.

But my dressing aside, the reputation of the place and the devilishness of the hazards and traps kept the players completely engaged. 4e characters are very robust even at heroic tier, and this admittedly can lead to a reckless approach to exploration, but laying down 35 ongoing on the fighter has a galvanizing effect on the entire table.

In the end, only two out of six characters survived, and we all found the intensity to be a little wearying when extended over several sessions, but everyone was very pleased with the sessions and proud that 'so many' of the team made it at all!

I do hope the players like it as much when I send them through all 4 tombs from the 4e hardcover. **tents fingers, laughs manically**



An old dungeon adventure, called Chadranthar's Bane; it is set in a way-station on an old road. The PCs get shrunk down to about 3" tall, and have to make their way across the gardens of the way-station to the fountain and recover an artifact that can enlarge them again. It was like playing "the borrowers", Dnd style!

And an adventure I wrote myself, involving a thieves' guild, a stolen package, a man-hunt, and an ambush. It was a perfect mix of interesting campaign details, Npcs and roleplay and combat. It was the first time I ever used a flowchart adventure outline to great success, and I was very happy with it.


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Saga of the Shadowlord

It was the hellhound and emporer looking bad guys on the cover that hooked me. The spy the players had to find and the epic feeling of the adventure was very cool!


It's got to be I6 - Ravenloft. I've used in every campaign since I discovered it.

2nd and 3rd place would go to Keep on the Borderlands (though I've never run it completely through) and White Plume Mountain, respectively.


B2 keeps coming out for me. I have a soft place in my heart (and head) for X2. It's so ridiculous - I love to run it!

Voidrunner's Codex

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