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Goblins in the Cellar (Bront judging)


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Hours pass, tension mounts, but all remains quite around Thellick's tower. Down on Level #1 it is very quite for awhile, until Braiden's sharp ears pick up what can only be Thellick snoring. Nathanziel wakes him.

It all changes abruptly sometime after midnight when you hear something that sounds like a far off explosion. The two guardsman outside start talking but do not leave. A few moments later an alarm bell starts ringing. Thellick and Nathanziel start up a conversation, discussion what could be going on. After about a minute another, louder, explosion is clearly heard by you all. Shouting starts up soon thereafter outside, other alarm bells join the first. "Fire, there's fire at Brenael's Exchange!" is clearly heard being relayed across the ward.

OOC: Fire, as you all know, is the #2 general hazard in Sharn behind military invasion.

Thellick curses loudly. After composing himself somewhat he issues orders: "You five stay here with Nathanziel, I have to go. If the fire reaches this tower you must flee." He takes the lift up and exits via the roof into the night.

Moments later the two guardsmen at the door are summoned away. Not long after the immediate are becomes much quieter, alarm bells and shouting can be heard in the distance. The source of the fire does not seem to be very close to Thellick's tower.

OOC: Does anyone want to do anything at this point?

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With a calmness born of military experience, Justice checks his shield's straps, and draws his sword. That would be the distraction. Things are about to get more difficult.


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"With no one down there, they will most probably come here by the ground door. I'll go watch there, but if they decide to take another path, let me know." Benedict takes his chain and goes down. He put himself his back next to the wall, just aside the door. If someone enter, it would be too late for them to see Benedict, they ould laready be inside his chain's reach.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Hide check (1d20=4). Ok, he is really not use to prepare ambush. Sadly, I might not win a surprise attack, but I can still win the initiative if they show up by the door.[/SBLOCK]


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Velmont said:
"With no one down there, they will most probably come here by the ground door. I'll go watch there, but if they decide to take another path, let me know." Benedict takes his chain and goes down. He put himself his back next to the wall, just aside the door. If someone enter, it would be too late for them to see Benedict, they ould laready be inside his chain's reach.

Nathanziel is still down on the 1st level. "Very well, but if something happens up there be ready to take the lift up." he tells you.


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Jezira looks to her companions. "It's going to be a long night."

[sblock=Spells Prepared]
Spells prepared (Save DC 13 + spell level):
0 - 4. Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Read Magic.
1st - 3+1. Divine Favour, Hide from Undead, Summon Monster I (Magic Weapon)
2nd - 2+1. Bull's Strength, Hold Person (Spiritual Weapon)


"Gnoshallfrobit!" Balnibar swears. He runs around, checking the entrances, doorways, chimney flues, and any other methods of entry from the upper floors he can think of. "Windows explode, excellent.... Paperweight through the window at the opportune time, check. Hazardous materials are where..."

He pulls out his crossbow, loads it, and looks around for any other traps or tricks that can be sprung on intruders.


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OOC: OK, it took some time to get the grids set up. The roof can be done later if we need it.

A little over 5 more minutes pass, it seems like much more time than that to you. Tension is thick, you feel certain something is about happen. Justice, Jezira, and Benedict have the same feeling in their bowels they get before a battle, that uneasy mixture of fear and anticipation.

The explosion on level #3 at the "window" catches everyone by surprise, even though everyone knew something like that could happen. The alarm ward is activated, a "siren" of sorts starts sounding. For about two melee rounds smoke is clearing and you all are coughing, make a DC16 Fort save and get a partial action (a move or a standard action) during that 2nd round.

Everyone post Initiative. Everyone on level #3 post a spot check please.

Benedict hears the explosion up above. Post a Reflex save DC15, make it and you react immediately getting a partial action in the first round, that is enought to take you to the lift. The lift moves 20 feet up per round (two levels), but that could happen only on round #2 if you make the save.


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"How impolite! Can't they knock on teh door like everyone?" tells Benedict to Nathanziel as he rush to the lift. As he activate the lift, he looks above at the smoke and take a deep breath to not get choke.

[SBLOCK=OOC]I am not sure if I needed to make the Fortitude roll, but I made it in case. If the smoke didn't reach the first floor, Benedict will take his breath to not choke at the smoke.:

Initiative: 15, Fortitude: 4, Reflex: 19[/SBLOCK]

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