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God-children. Native Celestials with access to divine spells.


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for the most part, i've modeled it after the half-celestial template with a few exceptions. Special Attacks: A god-child retains all the special attacks of the base creature and also gains the following special abilities.

God-children are the result of a diety mating with a normal creature.

The base creature becomes a native celestial. God-child is an inherited template that can be added to any living, corporeal creature with an Intelligence score of 4 or higher and nonevil alignment (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
A god-child uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to outsider/celestial. Do not recalculate the creature’s Hit Dice, base attack bonus, or saves. Size is unchanged. God-children are normally native outsiders.

Speed: a god-child's base land speed is 50ft. If the parent diety has a weather/air sphere, she can fly 100ft in the air (agile). if the deity has a water sphere, she gains water-breathing and an automatic swim skill (100ft agile). if the parent diety's main spheres do not include air/water, their children are 50% likely to have either water-breathing or magical flight.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +1 (this stacks with any natural armor bonus the base creature has).

Special Attacks: A god-child retains all the special attacks of the base creature and also gains the following special abilities.

Can use all clerical orizons at will.
5 spells per level of creature or per hit dice of creature 1x a day. So a first level creature would only have access to the first level clerical spells.
All spell choices are subject to DM approval. Use some common sense. A good-aligned character with a good/aligned parent deity is unlikely to have access to spells like command undead or unhallow.
If the character choses raise dead or atonement, they should only be able to use it 1x a year as it amounts to asking a BIG favor from their parent and if they do ask for it, some sort of return favor would probably be required.

Special Qualities: A god-child has all the special qualities of the base creature, plus the following special qualities.

Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Immunity to sleep, domination and charm based spells
Cannot be turned into an undead creature.
Immune to all forms of disease, including magical.
Immune to scarring and lycanthropy
Holy aura acts as a protection from evil/good/law/chaos (depending on alignment) 10ft radius
Detect Alignment.
Detect undead/living within a 60ft radius.
Blind-sight out to 60ft
Arcane sight out to 60ft
True sight out to 60ft
Regeneration 1 hit point per hour
Comprehend languages (permanent)
+4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows:
Str +4, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +4.

Challenge Rating: ?
Alignment: Any
Level Adjustment: Same as base creature +1

Prohibited classes: Paladin, cleric (they already have access to the cleric/divine spheres, so i thought this would be logical).

should it be of any alingnment? or just non-evil. i dunno.
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Pretty nifty, you might want to think about doing the template up as a racial level progression, that is have the god-child grow into their abilities. Maybe over 4 or 5 levels, that way you dont need to mess with level adjustment and if they have levels in classes you can just make their CR their EL, for critters without classes you still have the CR plus levels of gold-child.

One note though I thought Celests normally got low-light vision and fiends got darkvision? Either way you should probably make it 120ft like the blind, true, and magic sight.

One thing that does give me worry is the spells, I would say that for each level of cleric spells they can cast you should adjust the level by +1, even if it is a limited spell list.


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the racial level thing..

i was considering the racial level thing and the +1 thingie, that, but i don't really understand the mechanics of it. mebbe someone could help?

also, i just based it off the celestial template. dark-vision seemed more appropriate as god-children can be of any alignment.

hmmm.... maybe dark-vision for evil-aligned creatures and low-light vision for good aligned creatures and a 50% chance of either for neutral aligned creatures.
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I would just like to offer my suggestions.

Firstly, with the release of the 3.5e MM, the half celestial has a +4 LA, so i would siggest that the god child gets a +5 LA. Also, most deities have low light and dark vision, so i would suggest that all god children get both.
another thing thing is that it should be available for any alignment.

Finally, i think that the Ability modifiers should be slight higher: eg all +4

Hope this helps Azakiel


First Post
Here is my challenge to your proposal: Write up the following well-known mythological "god-children", giving them only the abilities that the myths give them, but giving them ALL of the abilities that the myths give them.

Castor and Pollux

That's a good start.

You know, the funny thing is that NONE of them ever cast any sort of spell, come to think of it...

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