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Gods and Demon Lords, how do you handle them?


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I'm really not trying to troll here, I'm actually quite interested in what CRs you put the deities and demon lords in your campaign, and how you deal with the god's not smashing the demon lords/ archdevils?

IMC I generally put the avatars of deities in the 20-25 CR range, and the planar lords in the 25-35 CR range. The planar lords aren't exactly more powerful however, as you have to take into account that a deity can summon many avatars, and have powers related to their deity level. I've only had one campaign reach a point where they actually challenged a planar lord, namely Mephistopheles, as part of a long term plot at level 31. I wrote up the encounter fully expecting the PCs to die at the archdevils hand, but they managed to scratch out a victory with one PC left at little more than 50 hps.

With respect to the god's killing demon lords: I've always viewed the god's as less of a physical being, and more of a manifestation of a belief or thought that can create avatars to carry out physical tasks. The god's lives rely on them having followers, because if no one believes in them the manifestation ceases to exist. In this way, there power is also controlled by the amount of followers that they have.

Unfortunately for the gods the planar entities such as tanar'ri, celestials, and baatezu are more resistant to following the gods. They more often than not follow their respective lords, and the will of the plane they are attuned to. The gods rarely gain powers from planar beings. Mortals on the other hand are quick to lend their services to a power.

Hextor wouldn't begin a war with Asmodeus, not because Asmodeus is a physical threat, but because the hordes of devils that Asmodeus controls could quickly and easily overrun the worlds that his followers call home. A mass genocide of Hextor's followers would quickly and effectively cripple the god. The priestly magic given by Hextor would be little defense against an army of beings dedicated to war and killing since the beginning of time.

So that's my explanation of how things work IMC, what about yours?

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Tinker Gnome

They are however strong or weak I want them to be. If the plot somehow makes it that the PCs fight a god at 15th level, then he/she will be slightly stronger than that, and it will be a HARD fight. I expect many peoples heads to explode after reading this post. :)


Meh, gods don't wipe out demons and devils because there are gods on the demons and devil's SIDE. I always thought that was the point. Evil gods can count on the support (as much as possible) of evil demon lords and vice versa. Good gods have incredibly powerful minions like Solars. Evil gods don't. So, evil gods have demon lords and devil princes.


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Most of my game's 'gods of evil' are Demon Princes and Lords of Hell. not all get listed off the bat, but the demon cults can get very sloppy and are well known. Evil Dragons can also be worshipped, not just Big Momma. The Tarrasque is worshipped by some deranged maniacs, though i won't say if the spells are coming from the big T or something else.

Behemoth: The Destroyer N (only Chaotic Evil clerics receive spells) Domains: Strength Destruction. FavWpn: any. Symbol: Ruined civilization
Devil worshiper: We like to keep our secrets.” -Asmodeous
Dragon cultist: alignment must match dragons. Domains: choose from dragon you worship. FavWpn. Natural attack or Dragon’s Claw. Holy symbol: varies, Example; Tiamat: Mother of evil wyrms LE Domains Law, Evil, Strength, Trickery. Holy symbol 5 headed dragon
Gruumsh: The all seeing lord of the Orcs., NE Domains Evil, Strength, War, Destruction. FavWpn any spear Holy Symbol: An orcish eye
Orcus: Demon lord of undeath. CE Domains; Death, Destruction, Evil, Trickery. FavWpn. mace. Holy symbol wand of Orcus (skull headed mace)
Yeenoghu: Lord of Gnolls. God of bloodlust and cannibalism, Domains: Animal, Chaos, Evil, War. FavWep: any flail Holy Symbol: an eviscerated corpse

If a calamity befalls the kingdom of magic, Tawil At' Umar might return to His original state of Yog-Sothoth. Going from Chaotic Neutral to unpredicatbly Malignant. [some might defineas Chaotic Evil.]

Tawil At' Umar. (Ta-wil at UU-mar)The Dweller at the Gate. Patron of arcane magic. CN Domains: Chaos, Dimensions, Knowledge, Magic, Trickery, FavWpn staff Holy symbol. A swirling Gate with a key in the middle.
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Zelda Themelin

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For me it is campaing depedant.

However, my current one demon/devil lords have 40-80 HD. My demi-gods have 40-60, so in sense of combat statics, demon/devil lords are around same level than most of demi- or lesser-gods. Good beings, and elemental & other planar lords are about on same level, but I speak of devils/demons for short. Mostly because they are something pc:s of mine most often want to kill. Their earthy manifestions are often less poweful, so 18-20th lv party with right tools have possiblity to melee-banish such beings.

Though actual problems come from insolent demi-gods, lords of evil and innocently destructive elemental lords, and some alien things with reality twisting presence. For example.

My gods aren't worship dependant, though it adds something to their power and more to local infulence in worlds of mortals, and they just plain like it.

For demon/devil lords mere worship don't add to their power, but it grants them certain freedom and access to world of mortals. And some of them also like worhip, though not all. So stronger cult-fallowing they have, the more likely it is they are able to manifest without help, though typically in less powerful form, or through possession. They also need sacrifises, simple ""praying" won't do the trick.

Anything more than demi-god is a concept, and such beings can't be "killed" actually in simple combat. With special means you can kill gods, which means killing part of world or at least some spiritual concept behind some part of nature.

Demon/devil lords aren't so important personally, but they are part of primal concept. If they truly die on their own home turf they die, but new bearer for that power is going to take the place sooner or later. Under different name, though. Dead demon/devil lords can also be brought back with some special means, as well as demi-gods.

Everthing in this cosmos of mine can change or die. Planes can vanish, worlds can die, universe itself can be annihilated. But killing or changing powers that manifest those things and that are manifested in those things is not an easy task. Doable yes. If pc:s want to take that as their personal quest, I sure am willing to create that adventure. With lot and lot of twists.

Gods don't kick demon/devil lords, for these reasons.
a) "Evil" gods like them as power, though have killed in past some personalities they despised
b) Others than evil gods can't manifest on homeplanes of lords of evil, not with their great power anyway
c) Just killing them would't help much, except maybe sometimes settle personality issues
d) balance and certain free-will for mortals reason when those powers manifest on mortal plane
e) on certain concept level they are killing them, all the time, and they are constantly regenerating
f) But they do, demi-gods have killed them and vice verse
G) where comes in: Maybe pc:s are heroes than can with their deed change something to break the cycle

I don't have inspiration now to make real write-up about this. But something there is. :)

I don't generally pay too much attenton to WotC epic or divane rules. I use those bits that are cool for me, and give kick to everything else. i also don't mix Planescape with my d&d, it doesn't fit.

I also don't ever use idea of worship dependant gods btw, unless it's Discworld game.
I instead use vampiric alien entities who sometimes play gods. Stargate Orai (or whatever they were called) has some similarity to that. Sure players don't always know the truth about divane/other entities.

Zelda Themelin

First Post
frankthedm said:
If a calamity befalls the kingdom of magic, Tawil At' Umar might return to His original state of Yog-Sothoth. Going from Chaotic Neutral to unpredicatbly Malignant. [some might defineas Chaotic Evil.]

Tawil At' Umar. (Ta-wil at UU-mar)The Dweller at the Gate. Patron of arcane magic. CN Domains: Chaos, Dimensions, Knowledge, Magic, Trickery, FavWpn staff Holy symbol. A swirling Gate with a key in the middle.

Cool. This one remains me of Palladium gams Xy the Great One, Power Incarnate of Old Ones, who become Thoth, god of wisdom and knowledge.

I once made plot around that ones return. Fun fun.

Yog-Sothoth of course is more original. :)

The Serge

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Bryan898 said:
I'm really not trying to troll here, I'm actually quite interested in what CRs you put the deities and demon lords in your campaign, and how you deal with the god's not smashing the demon lords/ archdevils?
My campaign setting, The Godspell, and by extention, Dicefreaks, sets the range of deity avatars significantly lower than the actual god... Anywhere from 20 up to the mid 30s. Our avatars do not have divine ranks beyond 0 and typically have half the total levels of the actual god in question. These two adjustments severely reduce the avatar's overall power.

Cosmic entities, our term for planar lords, run the gamut. The lowest official cosmic entity at Dicefreaks is Mormo (our King of Ghouls) who's currently a CR 20. They run all the way up to the mid 70s currently (unofficial as the current Demogorgon will be overhauled). Our philosophy is that gods and cosmic entities have to be roughly equal in order to share the planes of existence and, since we believe that there's no reason not to give gods stats there's no reason not to give cosmic entities stats. The two groups are roughly parallel in power in different ways, with many cosmic entities having signficantly higher HD, with portions of these purely outsider-based, and gods having class-based HD but a wider array of abilities and flexibility due to their SDAs and avatars.

We do not design our cosmology with the intent to allow PCs to fight gods or planar lords. Although we do not take the position that it can't and hasn't happened (point of fact is that it has happened in my campaign setting's history), our goal is not for PCs to fight gods and cosmic entities. Our goal is to create consistent cosmology using the (adjusted) rules to reflect most levels of power (we go up the greater god status and will probably never completely establish rules for overpowers and similar beings). So, while there are some quasigods, demigods, and low status cosmic entities once can fight in the lower epic ranges, it's unlikely that high epic PCs will reach the point to contest Demogorgon or Asmodeus. Indeed, Dicefreaks assumes that the highest potential for a mortal is 49th level (50th is reserved for truly unique mortals and typically those that have some spark of the divine or cosmic within them).

With respect to the god's killing demon lords: I've always viewed the god's as less of a physical being, and more of a manifestation of a belief or thought that can create avatars to carry out physical tasks. The god's lives rely on them having followers, because if no one believes in them the manifestation ceases to exist. In this way, there power is also controlled by the amount of followers that they have.
Our philosophy is somewhat different. As described in The Gates of Hell (if you click on Hell in my signature below, it takes you to our nine chapters), gods represent ideals specific to a given culture, society, continent, or world (sometimes worlds). So, you may have a god of war in one part of a world that's committed to the fiery death of enemies and based upon the hatred and chaos of war while in another part of the world, the people worship a god of war that's purely neutral and amoral, interested only in combat.

Conversely, cosmic entities are eternal representatives of an Ideal. The Overlord of Hell, as personified by Asmodeus, is the personification of Lawful Evil. Kossuth, or whatever one calls the Elemental God of Fire, is the personification of all Fire, not just fire of a particularl world. They are singular beings that represent the purity of a concept across the entire Cosmos. As such, they are just as powerful (and in some cases, more so) than a god but in a different way. Lesser aspects of what they represent are the various spirits, be these elemental spirits or alignment exemplar outsider beings like demons and devils and angels.

Gods created or were granted stewardship over the mortal realms while cosmic entities are interested in the spread of their given Ideal regardless of mortal concern. As a result, gods and cosmic entities do not get along in most cases. The gods have effectively barred cosmic entities from the mortal realms, but the cosmic entities have ensured that divine power has been restricted to divine realms in the outer planes. This balance in the Cosmos is a delicate balancing act.

At any rate, aspects of all I described are available in The Gates of Hell, various official threads at Dicefreaks, and will be expanded upon from a CE perspective in our upcoming release Horrors of The Abyss (which has been in the works long before we heard of WotC's Hordes of the Abyss.


IMC, when a deity creates an avatar, I have always had in my mind that they may create a 20th level character with divine rank 0. With additional avatar abilities, it might come to 24 or so.

This is explicitly due to a "divine compact" that makes the prime into a sort of divine demilitarized zone. Were the compact not present, divinities could extend more of their power in their avatars. How much power varies. In the godly realms, there seems to be no upper limit beyond what the deity is capable of. Speaking in D&D terms, a deity could create an aspect that is up to their divine rank minus 5. (IMC, my equivalent of Kiarnsalee is an aspect of Kali.) (As I side note, I sort of resent that the term aspect has been officially hijacked to create minis-game suitable versions of divinities...)

I never really pegged the CR of divinities, but I figure they'd be somewhere in the range of 30 + 2 * divine rank.


Mod Squad
Staff member
For me, different campaigns use different cosmologies, so there's different answers.

In previous games (and editions) there was plane-hopping and demon killing enough.

In my current game, the gods never intervene directly. They may shove their own champions around with hints and portents and such, but never in the history of the world has a god clearly and directly affected anything. All work is through clerics and worshippers. The PCs have not seen a real outsider. Nobody's even used a monster summoning spell in the PCs sight. They've never heard of planar travel.

So, for all the PCs know, the powerful beings you mention may not exist at all.


Mostly undefined, though anything can be worshipped as a god.

I like the Greek/Norse model of beings who can be interacted with.

I like the various projections for different power levels model of Demon lords and so I am tempted to get the mini's handbook for the CR 10 aspect stuff.

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