Gods and Monsters: Legends Reborn main campaign thread


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*staring angrily at the crowd, Loki attempts to lift the woman carefully from the ground. Unable to lift the the frail woman in his crone form, Loki casts caution to the wind, and changes, consequences be damned. His form thickens and grows, his clothing absorbed into his flesh. Shoulders stoop, brow extends. Eyes narrow and turn a malevolent red. In the crone's place stands a Dire Ape. Reaching down, he gently cradles the woman in his massive arms, before turning his back on the uncaring villagers, wordlessly lumbering up the mountain slope towards the shaman's hut*

OOC: Crone Strength Check Natural 1=4 . Dire Ape Strength Check Natural 20=26 (both checks have already been modified for fatigue penalties and reflect the final result.)


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Helm- "Well, well, such an unfortunate hex upon you. Are you hear all by your handsome self?", the old woman asks in earnest. "Would be a shame if you didn't bring any friends to share in the delights I can offer you while you are here." She nods her head towards her bed and smiles at you a smile that could break a mirror. "Care to indulge?", she asks.

Zoser- While crossing open sand toward the river, you notice that if it weren't for your spell you quite possibly could have been swallowed up by a quicksand pool. You make it to the river in about an hour, and you can see that almost no land along it is left unfarmed. There are wheat, barley, hops, plums, grape vines, and fruit trees all up and down both sides, which simple homes hear and there to house the farmers. The main road is on both sides of the river, with a bridge across about every mile. When you stop to drink your fill, the water is cool and fresh, and you drink deeply to the point of overfilled-ness. There are farmers tending their fields and shepherds tending their flocks. There are some guard posts from the city along the roads.

GM: If you spend time and Gather Information (via diplomacy) from the locals and the guards, you can learn more about the area

Kossuth- You step onto the first pillar and the heat rising from the lava combined with the heat from the Whiteflame buffets you. You take 16 fire damage, but maintain your concentration on the Prayer and keep your footing. You step onto the second pillar and the heat again buffets you for 17 fire damage, but you maintain your concentration on the Prayer. Your foot slips as you are about to leap into the Whiteflame, but you manage to catch yourself. You steady yourself again, continuing your chant while ignoring injury, and leap into the Whiteflame, taking 29 fire damage. Your concentration begins to waver as the heat has started melting your flesh off, and you need to roll a Fortitude save and another Concentration check to finish the prayer before your body is consumed.

Loki- You hear a lot of startled yelling from the villagers when you work your magic and pick up the woman, but no one comes to stop you. You easily walk up the mountain path with your chosen form, and reach the shaman's home, where your symbol is displayed upon a banner. There is smoke rising from the chimney but the door is closed. There is a training dummy hidden up under the lean-to covering the firewood supply, a chopping block with axe, a compost heap, and a small covered garden with just enough vegetables to support one person. A tanning rack is setup with some furs and leather on it with the smell of old urine permeating the air around it. The last thing is a totem made of several different animal skulls hoisted above the door, from bottome to top- moose, bear, deer, badger, rabbit, weasel, chicken. You can hear a lute being played inside, a mellow and lonely tune.
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Now but a shadowy silhouette in the raging flames, one that is quickly burning away in the intense white flames. Thaklor's body seems to expand somehow as he screams out the last words of the prayer.

OOC: Divine immensity to large size mostly for effect but the con buff is nice too. ;)

OOC: Concentration check 29, Fort save 26

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Kossuth- Finding the mental fortitude to overcome the pain, as well as the shock, you finish the Prayer of Pure Flame as the last remnant of your health gives way to the flames. Intense white pain fills your mind, opposite to the cold pain brought on by thinking of your past. As it sears you, your mind retreats inward as you pass out within the Whiteflame. You see the main temple of Kossuth, in Thay. You see fiery rocks falling from a storm filled sky. You see the ground shaking so violently only the most sturdy structures are resisting. You see great mages of the colleges casting their most powerful magics in an attempt to assuage the horrible doom befalling them, and the entire city, and then your point of view rises, and you see that the devastation isn't just in the city in Thay, but of the entire world. All of Faerun is suffering from earthquakes and fiery rain, and storms blowing so strongly that nothing can take flight, and then you notice shadows moving about in the storms. Glimpses of otherworldy beings directing the destruction. And then a flash of white light, and you remember and feel the cold pain again. It is so strong it numbs your mind, and then suddenly you open your eyes. You are lying prone on the stones near the pillars leading up to the Whiteflame. Your body feels like it has been seared through with flames, yet it appears undamaged. The Whiteflame coalesces into a pillar of pure white, flashes, and then a colossal sized fire elemental materializes around the Whiteflame. It addresses you, "You now stand as Eternal Flame of Faerun. Rise, purified, and serve the Lord of Fire. You have earned his favor this day." The elemental reaches his massive flaming fist toward you, and the numbness dissipates.

GM: You have reconnected yourself to your divine powers and your Fire portfolio. You gain 20 Qxp, and 5,000xp
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Red smiled a devilish grin as she took a knee behind the brush.

"Oh I'm quite certain I have a few tricks up my sleeve to keep those fiendish and brutal swine preoccupied. It may roughly equate to me standing in that clearing and smashing their skulls against the rocks, but it'll do."

As she settled into her internal dialogue yet again, dividing tactics and strategy again in her thoughts, a raucous clamor of moving ogres migrated across the clearing to where they were hidden. It was the raiding party, she guessed, setting out for plunder and brutality. She smiled that devious smile once again as she gripped the pommel of her greatsword.

~The field shall run red today and justice swiftly shall be done.~

She looked over to nod at Aurelia. As soon as the band of misfit and unknowing imbeciles moved out of their range of sound. . .

~It's showtime!~

GM: Now that you are close enough to see details of the ogres, you notice that there are 2 blue-skinned ogres conversing with each other before one gathers up 9 others with him to leave. The other returns to the camp, and you notice that there are only 6 other ogres resting. You can hear Aurelia's breathing change slightly, possibly letting you know she has noticed as well.
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Thaklor heaves over, choking out a string of coughs as he gets his hands under him. He slowly pushes himself up as he clears his throat, standing to face the mighty being before him.

"I shall do as Kossuth wills."

With that he turns and moves in search of his equipment. He had a warning to give and no idea where he was or how long he had to deliver his message.

GM: Your equipment is right where you left it, with an addition. You have a noble's outfit draped over your pack, that of an Eternal Flame, but with many more adornments that prove it to be a superior garment to another version. It includes lacing that allows it to be modified in order to fit over armor worn, or tightened to function as normal clothing. (masterwork noble's outfit, +2 circumstance to diplomacy when talking with members of your faith)
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Your God has arrived

GM: After looking around the area, your polymorph ability fails and you return to the form of the old woman with the vine hat. You feel drained, as if forcing the ability to work through your will alone was what made it function, but it tooks it toll. You temporarily have 1 negative level, it can't become permanent as it won't last long enough.

*as he reaches the shaman's door, he reaches his ape hand to rap on it three times, and notices his form shrink and strength fade, almost dropping the woman. He sets her down gently against the wall, and knocks, perhaps a little harder than intended. the door rattles loudly, fortunately not coming off the hinges. Propping the woman, he disguises himself in a more regal form, to receive his servant, and then knocks on the door firmly.


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I ask the farmers, the guards, and any other locals that I meet along the way about the area and anything that has happened recently or that happened in the past that was very significant.

OOC: My roll was a 41 (21+20) on diplomacy


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Loki- You knock upon the shaman's door, and the lute music inside stops immediately. There is a slight pause, and then a voice is heard from within, "Yes, hello? Marik, if that's you I swear to Loki I will bash you in the face with my mace. I'm sick and tired of you harrassing me. I am already ridden with plague, what harm am I causing by staying in my home?" There is a pause as the man inside waits for a reply.

Zoser- Whilst milling about asking the people about recent events in and around the city, you learn a lot about the area, and that this city is called Calimport, and the country Calimshan, this being the capital. (Think Cairo in Egypt). There are reports that an ancient pyramid suddenly appeared to the northeast of Calimport, in the deep desert. There are also reports that there is a thriving colony of Drow, living on the surface, deep in the Forest of Mir.

One person, in particular, that you questioned seemed extremely odd to you. He was a Cleric of Myrkul, introduced himself as Roscoe, and is travelling to Calimport to book passage on a ship sailing to Innarlith, a city at the far eastern end of the Lake of Steam. He was searching for a woman he calls "Darius", because his god revealed a cryptic prophecy about her. He stared at you for a moment, as if he could see the real you. He hands you a medallion, depicting a skull rising from the sand and says, "I believe you will have need of this soon." After handing you the medallion, he hurried along his way toward the city, upon the back of a summoned skeletal mount. The sight disturbed onlookers, but after he left, they went about their normal business.


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You wouldn't like me when I'm angry...

*Loki's voice thunders with the pain and anguish he has felt his entire life, even as his weakening body shakes*

"I have little time for pleasantries, and even less for foolishness. You have a patient that requires your aid. I command you to open this door, before I rip it from it's hinges. A woman's life may be at stake, and if she dies, so help me, you will face the wrath of your God. I will accept nothing less than absolute obedience!"

OOC: includes -1 penalty for negative level


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