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Golden Apple Rescue Squad ( Four Color to Fantasy campaign) Updated September 21th


avangel said:
Ok, where can I get the rules for this d20 superhero game? Did I miss that?!

Great stuff!

The game is called Four Color to Fantasy and it's written by Morrus, Ranger Wickett and Nemerle, and published by Natural 20 press (EN World publishing brand), and you can buy it from the EN World store, of course.

About the update, I'm finishing it right now. Sorry about the awful delay...

If you read these boards, maybe you would have noticed that thanks to a half joke in a thread and a wild combination of silliness and too much creative force, I'm (along with two other board members) now a future d20 publisher.

Yesterday it was an intense day...

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Let's continue with the story, and that means Tikey's stats!

G.A.R.S. cast

Tikey, part I


Drawing done with HeroMachine v2.0 (beta)

Tikey, 9th level Hero

Ellen Stuart childhood was a happy normal one, with loving and caring parents, two brothers and a nice house in a nice small town... at least until the FBI discovered that her parents lived a double life as masked parahuman thieves. When a full PHSWAT squad blasted the door and took her parents away, Ellen's nightmare began.

Her parents were condamned to 15 years at Nohope, in the Death Valley, an unassailable high security prison specially designed for parahuman imprisonment. Ellen and her brother went under the guardianship of the government, and placed in the Parachildren Project, a special orphanage for sons and daughters of parahuman criminals. (See Note 1)

The Parachildren Project seemed more a prison than an orphanage. Children were treated like convicts, an punished when they didn't obey the orders fast enough. At least twice a month, children were taken to the Infirmary, a big room where they were subjected to painful experimentations, supposely to help them to develop their potential. Dr. Druekov, the director of the project, always was present in the experimentation sessions. Ellen was seven years old when she arrived, and even if she was very frightened and hated the Infirmary sessions, at least she was with her brothers so didn't suffered too much.

A day, when she was fifteen, her brothers were chosen to join a participate in a new experimental project about parahuman development under stress. Ellen wasn't allowed to join because she hadn't still show trace of any parahuman capacity, she had been label as "failed"and she had to be separed from her parahuman brothers. When the Parachildren Project's guards dragged her away, screaming and crying, Ellen felt it was the last time she saw them. And she was right, because her two brothers and another boy died when one of the tests went wrong. Some weeks after, one of the guards filtered all the information to the press and the government declared the project cancelled and framed Dr. Druekov with murder. The children who had shown parahuman potential were transferred to an Army training camp, and Ellen and the other "failed" children were placed in more conventional institutions. Dr. Druekov dissapeared along with all the tracks of the project's activities.


Note 1: In those years (1986) scientists suspected that "parahumanship" can be genitically trasnmitted, so those children had the potential to become parahumans. By placing them in the Parachildren Project intitution, the government thought they could be both studied and raised to become "good" parahumans instead of "bad" ones. But often theories doesn't survive the contact with reality, and that were the case at the orphanage when Dr. Druekov, a former Soviet scientist, was placed at its head. Having worked in the Soviet Red Parahuman Project, Dr. Druekov was widely known as an excellent scientist, expert in parahuman physiology and psychology. But he was also a sadist and a fanatic of discipline. The project was cancelled in Automm 1994 after three children died drowned during an underwater experiment.


Your comments are always welcome!


Very interesting background for Tikey. Have you ever read a book called "Hex" by Rhiannon Lassiter? The backstory for it shares a bit with Tikey's background.

Look forwards to seeing some stats :)


Horacio said:
If you read these boards, maybe you would have noticed that thanks to a half joke in a thread and a wild combination of silliness and too much creative force, I'm (along with two other board members) now a future d20 publisher.

Yesterday it was an intense day...

Must have missed this altogether! What are you publishing?


Jarval said:

Thanks for the bump ;)

About your questions, I haven't read that "Hex" by Rhiannon Lassiter, I didn't ever know Rhiannon Lassiter.

About my publishing venture, two fellow EN Worlders and me have the bizarre idea of staring a d20 company, Two Euros and a Yank(2e&1Y), and begin to prepare our first product, 2E&1Y's Guide to Fiendish Stout.

Next update in a few hours ;)


O.K., it was almost 24 hours ;)

Now here Tikey's stats, and a cool :)D) new power for 4CTF...

G.A.R.S. cast

Tikey, part II

Some weeks after Ellen arrived to Orson Powers' Home for Orphan Children, bizarre incidents began to muddle the daily life of the institution. Objects that fell down without anybody pushing them, bizarre noises came from empty rooms and so on. Soon enough, a common denominator was found in all the incidents: Ellen was near. Mr. Powers, having been informed of Ellen's story, called the Parahuman Section of the FBI, and asked for a complete investigation.

Luckily for her, Ellen heard in her head all the conversation. She didn't know how, but sometimes for the last few weeks, when she walked near a person she could hear his thoughts. And she clearly heard the director's call to the governement's agents. She didn't want to return to a special center like the Parachildren Project, and she wouldn't do it. That night Ellen evaded.

Since then, Ellen lived on her own, always moving along. It wasn't easy for her, a teenager alone, pursued by the FBI (at least, she believed she was pursed), without money or friends. But she survived, she learnt to use her powers to get money and dodge problems, she moved every few weeks, when somebody began to ask too many questions about her. Some baby-sitting here, some petty thefs there, some small jobs in next town. She had a knack to feel danger, she knew when it was time to take her baggage and move on.

Ellen lived that life for five years, without education or formal training, but her parahuman capacities developed from contant use, and eventually she even learnt to levitate or cover herself with a protective force field. By Summer 2001, she felt it was time to stop of hiding and fleeing, she took the identity of Tikey and searched for a parahuman job. She joined the Ohio Watchers, a small parahuman team, but she never truely liked it. In Summer 2002, she saw the advertisement for a post in the G.A.R.S., and she applied. Some weeks later, she was the sixth member of the famous rescue team.

Officially, Tikey's powers are telekinetically-based. Her telepathic abilities are unknown to the public or even to her new colleages in the G.A.R.S.. Ellen knows that telepathy is widely fear and mistrusted, and she doesn't want to suffer that estigma. Ellen has also a very strict moral code about telepathy, and she would never useher powers against an unaware or unwilling person.


Female human; CR 9; Medium-size humanoid (human); HD 9d4 + 9; hp: 34; Init +15 (+1 Dex + 4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft; AC 11 (+1 Dex); BAB +4; Attack +3 melee (varies) or +5 ranged (varies); SA Super powers; AL NG; Fort +4 (+3 base +1 Con), Ref +4 (+3 base +1 Dex), Will +12 (+3 base +5 Wis + 4 Height. Will); Str 9, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 21, Cha 17.

Skills and Feats: Bluff +6(3+3), Diplomacy +6(3+3), Perform +6(3+3), Swim +2(-1+3); Improved initiative, Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons).

Posessions: Typical for a middle class citizen.

Hero Points: 72.

Force field (12 HrPt): Innated. Activated. See description under Tikey's stats. Base rank 2. Increased hardness x4 (4 ranks), Increased hit points x2 (4 ranks), Increased radius x1 (2 ranks).

Heightened Charisma (2 HrPt): Innated. Persistent. +2 Charisma. Base rank 2.

Heightened Will (4 HrPt) Innated. Persistent. +4 Will saves. Base rank 1. Increased effect x3 (3 ranks).

Heightened Wisdom (8 HrPt): Innated. Persistent. +8 Wisdom. Base rank 2. Increased effect x3.

Telekinesis (12 HrPt): Innated. Activated. As a standard action, Tikey move an object at up to 190 feets away, at a speed of 30 feet per round, with an effective Strength score of 20. An unwilling taget can resist with a Will save (DC 22). Base rank 2. Minor Str. (1 rank), Moderate Str. (1 rank), High Str. x2 (6 ranks), Increased speed x1 (1 rank), Medium range(1 rank).

Telepathic Communication (10 HrPt): Innated. Activated. As a standard action, Tikey can send silent message to someone up to 9 miles away (even if she do not have line of sight with the target). An unwilling taget can resist with a Will save (DC 20). Base rank 5. Medium range(1 rank), Long range (1 rank), Extreme range (1 rank), Line of thought (2 ranks).

Telepathic Scan (12 HrPt): Innated. Activated. As a standard action, Tikey can hear the surface
thoughts of any creature she can see, up to 760 ft away. The target is always aware of the scan attempt. An unwilling taget can resist with a Will save (DC 20). Base rank 11. Medium range(1 rank), Long range (1 rank), Miscellaneus restriction: target is always aware of the scan attempt (-1 rank).


New power: Force field

Base rank: 2

You can creat a protective field around yourself. The field has a hardness of 1 and 5 hit point. Any succesfull attack directed to you hit the field instead. If the field arrives to 0 hp, it vanished and you must do a Will Save (DC 10 + field's hp/5 + field's hardness/2) or be stunned fot 1d6 rounds, and the field cannot be activated again until restored to at least half its original hp. When not activated, the field restores hp at 1hp/round.


Increased radius: you can extend your field and cover everibody in an sphere of +5 ft (2 ranks) Multiple
Increased hardness: field's hardness increases by +1 (1 rank) Multiple
Increased hit points: field's hp increases by +4 (2 rank) Multiple
Increased restore speed: field's hp restores at +1 hp/round (2 rank) Multiple


Your comments are always welcome!


The force field power seems to be really poweful. She can cover the entire group while they blast the enemy for, at the very least, one or two rounds.

But hey, very interesting character.

Voidrunner's Codex

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