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Good rogue prestige classes


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Are there any good rogue prestige classes? I think Song & Silence utterly failed in it's deliverance of prestige classes for either class (bard/rogue).

I think the most interesting ones are Assassin, Shadowdancer, Guild Thief and Arcane Trickster.

Geez... what's a rogue to do...

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Well, I'd say that of the core classes, Rogues and Fighters have the least need for dedicated Prestige Classes, since they're already very flexible classes (either due to skills or Feats). Pureclass Rogues get those special abilities at levels 10, 13, 16, and 19 (Improved Evasion, Skill Mastery, etc. are very nice), or you can multiclass to Fighter/Barbarian/etc. for more combat ability.
It's also easy for Rogues (especially Fighter/Rogues) to enter Fighter-based Prestige Classes.

Rashak Mani

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I have to agree with BlindKobold and Spatzimaus. I believe there really few GOOD PrCs for rogues and that a Pure rogue or with a few levels of multiclassing is the best way to go.
There are only two PrCs I really like. Assassin, which I acheived with one character, and Arcane Trickster but his prereqs are a bit high and I havent gotten there yet.


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I agree, Rogues don't have a lot to choose from.

Monte's Nightsong Enforcer is a good rogue PrC for building a combat rogue. The Soulknife is a great rogue/psion PrC. The Ghost-Faced Killer, from Dragon mag, is a cool assassin PrC. The Herald is overpowered, but interesting (spy that gains spells, meant more for bards but easy for rogues to get into).

I hate most Rogue PrCs that have NO sneak attack progression.


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If the campaign goes epic, be sure that the PrC has sneak attack increases so that you can get the really cool Epic feats like Lingering Damage.


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the first thing I'd say for a combat rogue would be quicker than the eye.

But prestige classes (these usually require some magic or fighter/ranger skill ability):
Sword and fisst
Order of the Bow initiate (4 lvs of fighter for the prereqs)
Duelist (perfect melee rouge, mixed with fighter levels and expert tactictian/quicker than the eye =:D )
lasher (always a good one)
Ninja of the crecsent moon (fun fun fun)
Devouted Defender (with the high reflexes, y not, help out that weak wizard)

Tome and Blood
Arcane trickster (as said before)

Planes Manual
gatecrasher (fun for a plane traveling campaign)

Masters of the Wild
Deepwood sniper (in masters of the wild, but hey, it's good for rogues!)
Forsaker rogues could make for some pretty scarey encounters (because lets face it, rogues are good whether or not they have magic!)

Arcane archer (... mabye)
Shadow dancer

Traps and Treachery
Trap Master

And lets not forget all those MANY variants in quissential rogue
assasin, spy, democrat, on and on and on and on

not exactly pure rogue prestige classes, but good enough!

Anything I missed?
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First Post
Nightsong Enforcer (combat oriented) and Nightsong Infiltrator (skills oriented), from Dragon Magazine (both from MC) are the best PrCs for Rogues around IMO.. ..then there are the Trickster or the Lasher, but they're different from the rogue concept..

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