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Good Spouses


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I am one of the ones lucky enough to have a wife that games. We met through gaming and continued to game to this day. Gaming is our main social outlet and one of the few hobbies we have in common.

Of course having a spouse that games does not nessecarily protect you from the "You game too much" argument. She seemed to find playing in three tabletop games a week + three session offf Larping a month to be a bit excessive. She had a perfectly understandable desire for us to spend more time together when we are not gaming.

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My wife doesn't game any more, but she used to back in our salad days.

She understands the Gazebo story.

That's about all I can ask for.
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First Post
My fiancé don't mind me playing every saturday. She says that she wouldn't want to spend time with me when I'm rather some place else. She recognise that it's my hobby and she supports it, although she once admitted being a bit jealous as I have a hobby as she does not. When I come home on saturday night she always ask me if I died (don't know why). She's not a gamer herself but she helps me out with adventures, scenarios and such. I've introduced her to the game by teaching her to play NWN which she now likes to do. Still I don't think she'll ever join my group. Hopefully we can find some game we enjoy playing together.

Wait, we already have one. :rolleyes:


Princess of Florin
After listening to my stories for a year, my dear husband said he might like to try playing. Now you have to understand that he's painfully shy, and the whole thing doesn't come naturally to him. He's getting better with each session, but I'm not convinced that he'll stay with it. But he told me that he wished we were playing in a science fictional setting instead of a fantasy one, and when one of our players said he wanted to run a T20 game and assigned me to come up with players, my husband eagerly said he wanted to be one of them. So who knows?

He's the best. I'm well aware of how lucky I am to have found him.


First Post
I'm lucky to have a girlfriend who was curious enough about RPG's to actually start playing. Sure, she lacks a little self-confidence when actually talking IC, but she's getting much better. She also really enjoys herself, which is of course the main aim of gaming.

I'm always a little tentative when introducing new people to RP'ing, because we do have a rather unfortunate stereotype (think of the comic-book seller in the Simpsons!) - it always seems to be something of a gamble - but it's so rewarding when a good friend of yours is introduced to the hobby, and they turn out to enjoy it as much as you do.

I'm bringing some new people along to Gen Con UK - is that a good idea?


First Post
I met my partner through gaming - sort of, it's a long story - but we had so many mutual friends it was going to happen anyway. She hasn't played much recently (since becoming a doctor - I wonder if this is related :rolleyes: ). It's in the genes, I reckon - her uncle has played tabletop wargames since the year dot.

So I don't have to make any excuses :D

Rashak Mani

First Post
A former DM/Player of ours would become irritable or crazy to game if he went without gaming for more than 2-3 weeks. His wife, who normally wasnt bothered about his gaming, was bothered by his withdrawl symptoms.

In a particularly busy moment I think he hadnt played for 5-6 weeks. His wife met me by chance and ASKED ME (!!), almost requested, that I get him some gaming fast !! Wifes can be supportive... but to REQUEST others to get their Husband some gaming is great !!

I myself have no such luck yet... thou my Girlfriend has noticed my humor is better after gaming. :)


I've been married nine years now and just last year got my wife to start gaming.

Her biggest complaint since then is that she misses me talking about adventure ideas with her. I used to bounce ideas off of her but now that shes in the group I can't.

Still, its much nicer having mutual hobbies with one's spouse IMO, the more the better. :)

My wife has played in campaigns where I've been a DM and in others where we've both been players. We have also LARPed together. Currently she just plays in the game I run for our family (we have two daughters - ages seven and nine).

She supports my weekly gaming session with a group of adults, though she doesn't want to play in it. She even got me into 3E by buying me the books for my birthday.

My wife, I think I'll keep her.


First Post
I just hit the three year mark in our marriage and my wife has always been supportive of my gaming, even when she didn't understand what it was. Recently I finally got her to come play with my group. You can read her exploits as Aurora in the SMALL BEGINNINGS story hour, but even though she enjoyed it, she felt it was something special for me and my friends (we have been gaming together for 12 years). Needless to say she left the group, but she keeps hinting at a comeback. I think she has the bug now and doesn't want to admit it. She is a great help though when i need to test my ideas on someone or playtest a new race or monster. She loves rolling the dice and killing me. If you read this honey, Thank You. (She likes to read the Story Hours)

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