D&D 5E Goonalan's 5th Ed Games- The Union in the Red Larch Adventure Session #72 to #75 (12/04/17)


Chapter 21: Redbrand hospitality.

Alas the adventurers' visit to the Sleeping Giant doesn't go exactly to plan, the four stride into the Taphouse and are met by four red-cloaked Redbrands, the ruffians are quickly to their feet, swords within their grasp.
“Well, what have we here?” the first sneers.
“Little puppies sent for us to play with,” a second adds.
“We are here to see you gone.” Grimm firmly states.
“Murderers!” Zyler adds in a fit of pique, the war priest spits the word out.
“That's right,” the first ruffian adds, “and we'll do for you too.” He lets the threat hang in the air for a second or two before continuing.
“So drop your weapons, and your money pouches- turn around and walk out of town, and don't bother coming back.” The Redbrand finishes his speech toe-to-toe with Zyler, the other ruffians close in.
“Or else?” Zalt asks, “what are you going to do if we don't?”
“Kill you, and then take your stuff,” the second ruffian snarls.

Ronnie the barkeep - and owner of the Sleeping Giant - sighs loudly in the background, grabs the few breakable items not yet broken, and then ducks down beneath the bar. "Here we go again," he thinks.

Alas the staring contest between the two groups comes to a sudden conclusion as the paladin of Tymora attempts to head-butt the Redbrand stood before him. The ruffian dodges back in the nick of time, the holy warrior is better with his blade.

Zalt is instantly into action, the warlock mumbles rough sounding words- the Redbrand before him gurns and grimaces, and is then hit by a blast of eldritch power- badly wounded he staggers back.

The other three ruffians are however much quicker to their blades, Zyler is cut along his thigh while Zalt is stabbed and skewered twice in quick succession. The warlock is covered in blood- alas his own, and barely able to keep on his feet. He manages however to project a little more of his power in retaliation for the second hit, the ruffian before him is briefly swathed in hellish flames.

The fight goes from bad to worse. Before Ken Lee can react, one of the Redbrands steps in and cuts the wizard twice. He falls- bleeding out on the floor - only for a second,  Zyler calls upon Tempus' power and Ken Lee's wounds all but disappear. The priest is not done yet, he whispers more fervent prayers, and Zalt is also much recovered.

Yet still the Redbrands continue to make their mark, Grimm is cut across his brow by a flailing shortsword and the adventurers are losing the fight; it doesn't help that the paladin swings mightily and momentarily embeds his greatsword in the ceiling of the Inn. Grimm does however manage to lay his hand upon the sprawling wizard, who revives further at his touch. Ken Lee rises to his feet and fires a trio of magic missiles killing, one of the Redbrands and leaving a second mortally wounded.

Zalt continues to shape and mumble words of power, a slowly building susurrus- the warlock motions and the badly wounded Redbrand is caught in his eldritch blast, lifted off his feet and slammed into a nearby table, left sprawled on the floor, unmoving.

“Drop your weapons and surrender, keep your lives,” Zalt hisses.
“Never,” the first Redbrand calls back, and then to his comrade shouts, “quick, kill the wizard,” he motions towards Zalt (actually he's the Warlock), and then slashes wildly at Zyler- the priest keeps him at bay. The second Redbrand cuts not at Zalt but at Ken Lee, the actual wizard, and bloodies the elf again- Ken Lee looks almost spent.
Zyler smashes his warhammer into the Redbrand he is fighting, “for Tempus!” the priest screams in the ruffian's face.
“For Tymora!” Grimm adds and cuts the fellow down- just one Redbrand left alive. A second later Grimm turns his blade and cuts again, the last enemy standing is left clinging onto life, and sprawled on the floor clutching the stump of its left hand, unarmed and unable to continue the fight.
“Spare me! Spare me! I beg of you!” he screams, and cries out in bloody agony.

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Chapter 22: Session #4 OOC.

The following are the notes sent to the PCs, a summary of the action from the fourth session which appears in story form above.

Session #4, Wednesday 26th August 2015

Zalt, Half-Elf Warlock 2 played by Simon.
Grimm, Human Paladin of Tymora 2 played by Zoki.
Zyler, Human Cleric of Tempus 2 played by Christer.
Ken Lee, High Elf Wizard 1 played by Bob.
Hellwhip, Human Ranger 2 played by Pedja.

The Action-

1. The adventurers rise and shine in the Stonehill Inn, four of the five are now level 2. Down to breakfast with Sildar- next up to investigate Phandalin.

2. Leaving the Inn the adventurers are approached by Pip, the Innkeeper's young son- he informs them that Carp Alderleaf knows a secret way into the Redbrands' lair.

3. Individually, and in groups, the adventurers visit with a number of inhabitants of the town, looking for information regarding the present state of affairs in Phandalin; they learn that a) Sister Garaele is fine, she just had an accident in the woods- she wasn't beaten up, she is however concerned about the Redbrands- something must be done about the thugs; b) Linene of the Lionshield Coster concurs, she would also like the adventurers to recover her missing shipment taken by the Cragmaw goblins; c) Carp Alderleaf, a nine year old halfling, with permission from his mum shows the adventurers a secret tunnel into the Redbrand hideout, later he identifies bugbears as being present; d) Daran Edermath, an ex-adventurer, is pleased to see the adventurers- he too wishes for the Redbrands to be taken down, what's more he has info- the Redbrands are being lead by someone called Glasstaff; lastly e) Halia of the Phandalin Miners' Exchange wants Glasstaff dead and any correspondence s/he has bringing to her- she suspects that a larger organisation is at work, she is also willing to pay- Quest #4 Take down the Redbrands and kill Glasstaff. XP AWARDED.

4. Lunch with Sildar, the member of the Lords' Alliance is now the deputy mayor, he has sent for soldiers from Neverwinter, he will also reward the adventurers if they solve the Redbrand problem in Phandalin. He also pays the guys the 50gp he owes them for getting him safely to Phandalin. Sildar however has a problem- Quest #5 Find Iarno. Another member of the Lords' Alliance, Iarno Albrek, was sent to Phandalin a little over two months ago. A short, dark haired bearded mage- Iarno is missing, last seen investigating Tresendor Manor, the Redbrands' hideout. Sildar wants Iarno, or his body, found and recovered- he is of course willing to pay. XP AWARDED.

5. The adventurers head to the Town Hall and play dumb for Town Master Harbin, they accept Quest #6 Destroy the Orcs at Wyvern Tor. Harbin is an incompetent fool, and out of his depth- he seems terrified of the Redbrands, and defends their actions in Phandalin. The adventurers check in on Klarg the bugbear (in the cells) and ascertain that Pip did indeed see a trio of bugbears entering the secret tunnel into the Redbrand lair. The adventurers have also learned, from a number of sources, that a bunch of Redbrands hang out at the Sleeping Giant Taphouse, time to pay them a visit. XP AWARDED.

6. The adventurers go toe-to-toe with four Redbrands, their enemies prove to be adept swordsmen- Ken Lee, very briefly, takes a dirt nap. Eventually three of the four are cut down, the last - bloodied and battered - surrenders. The adventurers have a prisoner, four red cloaks, and a few gold. XP AWARDED.

7. Ken Lee also has enough XP for level 2.

Session #4 Ends.

Ongoing Quests- Quest #4 Take down the Redbrands and kill Glasstaff, Quest #5 Find Iarno, and Quest #6 Destroy the Orcs at Wyvern Tor.

NPCs of note- Gundren Rockseeker (Patron)- MISSING, Sildar Hallwinter (Lords' Alliance), Elmar Barthen (Barthen's Provisions), Toblen Stonehill (Stonehill Inn), Tilena Stonehill (Toblen's wife), Pip Stonehill (Toblen & Trilena's young son), Linene Graywind (Lionshield Coster), Sister Garaele (Shrine of Tymora), Harbin Wester (Townmaster), Daran Edermath (ex-Adventurer), Halia Thornton (Phandalin Miners' Exchange), Qelline & Pip Alderleaf (Halfling female Farmer and her son). Lastly, and also missing, Iarno Aldbrek (Human male, short with dark hair and a beard- a wizard).

Enemies of note- Klarg (Bugbear Chief)- captured; Hobgoblins lead by Targor Bloodseeker (took Gundren); King Grol? (Cragmaw Goblin leader) & the Black Spider? Glasstaff & the Redbrands.

New Info- Gundren has been taken by Targor Bloodseeker and his Hobgoblins to the Black Spider, or King Grol, or... Gundren needs to get found and rescued, remember he also has two brothers- Tharden and Nundro. Sildar is set up in the Town Hall- his colleague Iarno however is missing. The Redbrands are very bad people, time to do something about them, both Halia and Sildar will pay. There are Orcs in the hills, pestering the miners, so says Harbin the Townmaster- the fat fool. Sister Garael is fine, she just needs the Redbrands gone, as do all of Phandalin's inhabitants it seems. The Lionshield Coster, run by Linene, wants her stuff back.

You have four red cloaks and a Redbrand prisoner- play nicely with him next session; you also know a secret way into their lair- although it seems there are at least three bugbears present, and the Redbrands are no slouches with a blade.


D&D 5th Edition is proving to be very good for me, alas the number of games I have going on at the moment has prevented me from finding the time to add to this story hour, that said I'm still documenting the adventures of the various games I DM.

And so at Obsidian Portal- Goonalan's D&D 5th Edition Campaigns you can find the following games in play, all with lots of nice pictures-

My main game the EU Campaign playing Lost Mine of Phandelver (the guys from this story hour), we're approaching the finale of the adventure, the guys are level 4, having completed the following sessions-
1) On the Road to Phandalin.
2) The Rescue Mission.
3) Out of the Frying Pan...
4) Meet the Redbrands.
5) A Meeting of Minds.
6) The Invasion.
7) An Accidental Slaying.
8) Death to the Router.
9) Glory to the New Router.
10) Dead Bad.
11) Kill or Care.
12) Ongoing Investigations AKA WTF?
13) A Sudden Death.
14) Let's Slay Together.
15) Venomfang!
16) King Grol!

The Noob Campaign is also playing Lost Mine of Phandelver, I figure why not get two games out of the scenario. These guys are slightly behind my main campaign above, although they're catching up- obviously they don't know about the other group. The Noobs, now level 3, have completed the following sessions-
1) Ambushery.
2) Death Comes Calling.
3) The Enemy Within.
4) A Bloody Massacre.
5) Rounding up the Redbrands.
6) On the Road.
7) In-Fighting.
8) A Bit of Everything.

The Noobs have also got a break off group, some of the original Noobs but with a handful of new Noobs, if you can follow that. These guys are pretty ad hoc, so far they've played through Bandit's Nest (Dungeons on Demand) & Forgotten Tomb (R&D Adventures), next up is Mischief Makers (Dungeons on Demand), followed by... no idea. The Noob B Team, all level 2, have completed the following sessions-
1) Polly Want a Cracker.
2) A: The Misstep & B: Tomb Robbers.

Finally is the Old School Gamer's (singular) Campaign, my mate James is playing five PCs through my conversion of the default Points of Light Campaign from 4e. He's just started Keep on the Shadowfell and has completed just one session so far-
1) To Koboldly Go.

I hope you find something here you like, I'd be delighted to receive any suggestions or observations, thanks for reading.

Check out the campaigns here.



The Noob Campaign playing Lost Mine of Phandelver- Session #9 added.

1) Ambushery.
2) Death Comes Calling.
3) The Enemy Within.
4) A Bloody Massacre.
5) Rounding up the Redbrands.
6) On the Road.
7) In-Fighting.
8) A Bit of Everything.
9) Do the Monster Smash!

In which the guys enter Thundertree, meet Reidoth the Brown, and sign on to rid the ruined village of its unwanted guests- mostly Twig Blights and Ash Zombies.
Last edited:



My main game the EU Campaign playing Lost Mine of Phandelver- Session #17 added.

1) On the Road to Phandalin.
2) The Rescue Mission.
3) Out of the Frying Pan...
4) Meet the Redbrands.
5) A Meeting of Minds.
6) The Invasion.
7) An Accidental Slaying.
8) Death to the Router.
9) Glory to the New Router.
10) Dead Bad.
11) Kill or Care.
12) Ongoing Investigations AKA WTF?
13) A Sudden Death.
14) Let's Slay Together.
15) Venomfang!
16) King Grol!
17) Fire & Lightning.

In which the guys take on King Grol and pretty much all of the other inhabitants of Cragmaw Castle and come to learn that the Black Spider is... well, they're not sure.



The Noob B Team, playing Dungeons on Demand's Mischief Makers (set in Phandalin)- Session #3 added.

1) Polly Want a Cracker.
2) A: The Misstep & B: Tomb Robbers.
3) Phandalin is Seized.

In which the guys head to Phandalin and discover the town has been invaded, they're tasked to enter in and save, slay and survive- until the cavalry turns up. Good luck to them.

And a Merry Christmas to you.



The Noob B Team, playing Dungeons on Demand's Mischief Makers (set in Phandalin)- Session #4 added.

1) Polly Want a Cracker.
2) A: The Misstep & B: Tomb Robbers.
3) Phandalin is Seized.
4) Phandalin is Saved.

In which the guys get jumped by a goblin patrol, and then almost out of resources head on to the Phandalin Town Hall in an effort to rescue Sildar Hallwinter, and hopefully save the day.

And a Happy New Year to you.



My main game the EU Campaign playing Lost Mine of Phandelver- Session #18 added.

1) On the Road to Phandalin.
2) The Rescue Mission.
3) Out of the Frying Pan...
4) Meet the Redbrands.
5) A Meeting of Minds.
6) The Invasion.
7) An Accidental Slaying.
8) Death to the Router.
9) Glory to the New Router.
10) Dead Bad.
11) Kill or Care.
12) Ongoing Investigations AKA WTF?
13) A Sudden Death.
14) Let's Slay Together.
15) Venomfang!
16) King Grol!
17) Fire & Lightning.
18) Grimm the Wanderer.

In which the guys enter Wave Echo Cave with Gundren, discover a dead dwarf- steal his boots, and then get bitten and clawed a lot; mostly thanks to Grimm.

Happy New Year



My main game the EU Campaign playing Lost Mine of Phandelver- Session #19 added.

1) On the Road to Phandalin.
2) The Rescue Mission.
3) Out of the Frying Pan...
4) Meet the Redbrands.
5) A Meeting of Minds.
6) The Invasion.
7) An Accidental Slaying.
8) Death to the Router.
9) Glory to the New Router.
10) Dead Bad.
11) Kill or Care.
12) Ongoing Investigations AKA WTF?
13) A Sudden Death.
14) Let's Slay Together.
15) Venomfang!
16) King Grol!
17) Fire & Lightning.
18) Grimm the Wanderer.
19) Fire & Nice.

In which the guys in Wave Echo Cave discover an ex-wizard of the Phandelver Pact, the Forge of Spells and its guardian- Rupert; and then try to work out a way to get rid of them both without resorting (alas) to violence. Don't worry sports fans before the end of the session something very nasty sets all of the adventurers on fire- normal service is resumed.

Thank You.

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