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Great Villain Showdown [5th Round Results Posted]

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Round Five:

1. Wile E. Coyote (Wile is awesome and I have to vote for him, even though I don't think he will win)

2. Darth Vader (Darth Vader beats the Emperor because Vader was a cool villain in 4-6. 1-3 don't count for Villainy purposes.)

3. Sauron (Lord of the Rings)

4. The Joker
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Round Five:

1. Hannibal Lecter

2. Darth Vader

3. Sauron (Lord of the Rings)

4. The Joker

Gotta go with Hannibal - more realistic = more scary
Gotta go with Vader - despite his change at the end, he's still scary when you think of him.
Gotta go with Sauron - how long did he scheme to get the ring back? Longer than Moriatry can even conceive of.
Gotta go with the Joker - Mark Hamil, Jack Nicholson, and Cesar Romero can't be wrong!

1. Hannibal Lecter

2. Emperor Palpatine

3. Sauron

4. The Joker

1 -Coyote must die, Coyote must die, Coyote must die, Coyote must die, Coyote must die, Coyote must die, Coyote must die. How could he beaten Morgoth and Voldemort?!

2- Palpy is the man. After PT we can clearly see him as great villain who easily manipulated Anakin/Vader. He is the ultimate Sith.

3. I just like Tolkien more.

4. Joker is evil and has style. I don't care about Galactus, what is he doing here?
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Round Five

1. Wile E. Coyote

2. Emperor Palpatine

3. Professor James Moriarty

4. The Joker

Wil E. because of his, er, indomitable spirit, and because I want a non-serious villain to make one of the final cuts. Vader versus Palpatine was tough, actually, though I'm lukewarm on both. In the end, I pick Palpy because of the prequels and because the unmasking at the end of RotJ was always a let-down for me. Moriarty beats Sauron because incredible human cunning gets more props from me than mythic Satan-fugure doings. And the Joker rules the day.

I'm still irked that Great Cthulhu didn't make it to the last round. Darn me for not showing up for that vote!

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