[Green Ronin] Announcing the True20 Setting Search


Fate Lawson said:
The way I see it: The mechanics are OGL, but "True20 and the True20 Logo" are not. So it's exactly like d20 and the SRD: Two seperate licenses. Except in this case GR wants to pre-approve who uses the True20 license, verses WOTC's post-publishing disapproval process for the d20 license.

That is correct.

I've been working on an FAQ this weekend that we'll be putting up in a couple of days. That should provide some clear answers on some of the questions we keep getting.

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First Post
Will settings that also use the d20 system be excluded from submission. We have a setting in the works that I think might benefit from using True 20 as well and would be willing to offer a True 20 expansion, but only if we wouldn't be cut out because it uses multiple systems.


First Post
This does look interesting, though I'm not sure how much it would benifit the writer of the setting. I think a good setting for tis will have to be a mix of a reat hook (comething to make it stand out in the book) and room for expansion (so the author can write more and profit from their writing).

Anyways, this sounds really cool. nice thing for Green Ronin to do.


If the writer (publisher) does nothing other than get their setting introduced in the True20 book, there is no benefit to the author(s). What they get is a royalty-free use of the True20 license to publish more material based on their setting. The trick is that the author/publisher has to actually produce products once the True20 book is out to see any real benefit.

Still, it's a great opportunity. Anyone interested should submit something. Especially since I don't have to read through all of them ;)


First Post
If any publishers are interested by lack of a pitch or the time to write one out, I'm an experienced writer with an original idea tailored specifically for this concept. Have a number of writing credits, including Dragon and a couple of books in print.

The concept is one not yet addressed in any D20 or True20 (of course) system. I'll approach some publishers independently as well.

Others can email me for the pitch at propeliea@hotmail.com or mtrice@apple.com if you prefer a non-free account.


This seems as good a place as any to put this out there:

We've gotten a surprisingly large number of folks emailing in the past few days, so I'm posting here what I've been telling them--

Adamant Entertainment is not looking for any outside pitches for True20 settings.

Just curious, GMS, is that because you've already got a setting in mind that you're going to submit or is it because you don't intend to submit?

As for BDG, we're definitely submitting an entry. Although, I've already got two settings in mind that I'm choosing from, so we're not accepting outside pitches either.

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