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Greerson's Glory - 3 years later


I have a copy of Falon that is, pretty much, approved for play. Gwen and Silas are pretty much ready to go. I have a copy of Klaw, though he is really light on equipment. Ditto for Trigolar.

I do not have anything for Dervon and Atomos. I suppose if they email me something by the morning I might have a chance to review it before the game, but maybe not. It will really depend on my schedule since I have my gaming group on Thursday.

So, I can positively say that Falon, Gwen and Silas are ready to go, Trigolar and Klaw can play, but they are very light on equipment. Dervon and Atomos are slim maybe's. Especially since I need to go through and tabulate all of Atomos' spells to be sure everything is priced out correctly. It will really be interesting to see what difference equipment has on the characters. I suspect it will be a pretty serious difference, but we will see.

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This is Russ, I have Dervon updated I just don't know how to import it into this site. Mike can submit it tomorrow or run a hard copy to you. Mostly I picked up a couple of wands and things and a ring and cloak. I upgraded my sm shield to a +2 and my chain shirt to a +2. Bought about 10-12 potions: cats grace, bull strength, invisibility, fly, cure moderate wounds. My cloak adds a +2 to my saving throws and the ring is of featherfall. Boots of elvenkind (add to move silent). Items along these lines


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Letter From Gwen

Dear Greerson's Glory and Crill's Commandos,

What a fantastic three years! Hard to believe it's been that long since we rained down positive power on the undead army and released them from their misery! I was glad to see those of you who made it to Crill and Johanness's wedding this year. They are practically a perfect match, although I was going to inflict some serious pain onto Johanness if he hadn't stopped brushing away invisible flecks of dirt from his suit when his bride walked in at the ceremony! Thank goodness both of them have loosened up somewhat since the battle. I think Crill being a part of Lune's consciousness was very benificial to her.

Anyway, I was writing to invite you on a journey. Recently, Silas and I invited Castlewort and Merrygold to join us on a couple's night out. We teleported them to the Tower of Power, as I like to call it, and successfully came out with the permission to perform ninth level powers. We would have invited Crill and Johanness, but I don't think it was their idea of a fun honeymoon. The challenges were very interesting. We were greeted inside the tower by four Gods. One was an undead god who was mad at me because I am friends with Crill. The lych Crill apparently squashed in the great battle was his consort. I don't know why he was mad at me over that. I can understand if he didn't like me because I have made it my mission to release whatever undead I find from their miserable existence, but to blame the squashing of his girlfriend on me was quite ridiculous. Another god there was that deceptor god who had been posing as P'ter to Aaron's brother Jack. What a creep! His challenge was for us to duel with that Sedelinia bitch and her body guard master Blackwing. This time, we killed them. I still didn't get the skull though.

I think the other god was some sort of neutral god who gave us a psionic slug, and then of course Lune. I always love talking with him. He is a very attentive God. We picked up a few nifty items in the tower, and of course have permission to do ninth level magic. I can't do it yet, but Castlewort and Merrygold are fairly awesome to behold at this point.

So getting back to my invitation, Silas doesn't like dragons, as I am sure you remember. We have decided to try our hand at taking out one of the green dragons in the forest. We thought some of you would be interested in joining us. If you are, please send your reply to me at the Fort. I am going to be there awhile, tied up in some diplomacy issues for Crill, and then we should be ready to go.


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First Post
Gwens letter

Hello Lovely Gwen,
Indeed it has been a quick three years. I am glad to hear that all is well with Crill and Johannes. Her quick temper can be a bit of a trial but I think his affection for her and his patience will be a soothing balm to counter her outbursts. I am happy to hear that Silas and yourself are still doing well also. Please be careful my dear. The gods still are not done with us I fear and evil will never give up its hold on this world willingly. I have been back and forth, in town and out travelling about the land and trying to understand and heal the terrible waste that has become a blight in many areas. The resilience of the people is astounding but the poor conditions have left many with little resources and hope can only carry one so far. I have learned much, seen much but obviously not anywhere along the lines of yourself and silas. I haven't attained ninth level magic yet but with perseverance and the blessing of beautiful Belmay I may yet attain that lofty perch. I thank the gods every day for the chance I was given to meet her. I truly am honored to serve the lady. I still pray for the blessings of the gods on the fallen from that terrible day. Many will be missed and the honors that we give them will never be able to pay for their sacrifice in giving the rest of us continued light and life. Dragons are no mere play in the woods, Care and cunning should be your companions if you insist on taking this path. I would be delighted to accompany you in this matter and help in any way I can but I am not sure if I will be in town when you depart. My journeys are many and the people in need are too numerous to count. Perhaps fortune will smile upon us and we may meet again. Please convey my blessings to all who may still be living and when next we meet the first ale is my treat. Protect her well Silas or my staff will lay upon your brow quite heavily. Choose your companions wisely, trust in their strengths.

May Belmay walk on your left and Lune walk on your right, protecting you and guiding your steps,
Dervon, the far traveled


Great letters! Thanks.

I am home and trying to go through the emails I received today. I might get tired and stop though. I'll try to get through all of yours. We will see.


OK, Friday was a bit slow getting started as we tried to get spell lists finished, etc. No biggie though. We still have a chance to get through the adventure. However, we won't be able to do it if combat continues to take as long as it did.

Admittedly, with 18 opponents it is going to be a little cumbersome initially. As well, we were all reacquainting ourselves with high level PC's. That is why I wanted to toss a quick encounter out there. But, if we don't find a few ways to speed things up, we might not be able to get through another real combat.

So, to speed things up, let's try to keep track of when your turn is coming up and have a plan for what you are doing.

If you have spells or magic items that you are not familiar with, please look it up before it comes to your turn, so you are ready to go.

I will try to keep closer track of what the NPC's can do and I will study up on the attack options they will have this week, before the game.

If we can pull all this together, we might be able to get to/through the dragon lair by the end of Friday night. Otherwise, I don't think we will and history will write itself based on that outcome.

In any case, it is kind of fun to see the horrendous amounts of damage the group is able to deal out. The question is whether it will be enough to win. :)


Well, picking this up almost a month later. Sheesh! I am slow aren't I?

OK, so much of the party came out of the ordeal, in one way or another. I believe Dervon was going to raise everyone he could, that wanted to return to life. (I doubt anyone was ready to retire from the mortal realm, but if somebody was, please post it up.) Sadly, Atomos was lost. All of his items and body were lost. Detect Magic spells didn't ping anything. If anyone thought to memorize Locate Object, they wouldn't be able to find anything either. I suppose you could try to use water breathing spells and try to find some way to control yourself in the deeper currents of that pool, but it will take some creativity. The dragons used to swim down there for exercise. If you want to try to explore the bottom of the pool, let me know what your plans are, what your plan is and how long you want to take. Then I will figure out if we can resolve that in posting, or in a seperate session down the road.

For those that want to explore the two caves, here is what you end up finding.

Each cave goes back at least 100 feet before opening into a large, rough chamber. Each contains a pile of coins, gems and assorted things. I am sure some of you will look through it. :) I will combine the piles together to make it easier to track. I am also assuming that you guys are doing appraisals yourselves.

25420 Copper Coins
18336 Silver Coins
3897 Gold Coins
209 Platinum Coins

Angel's Skin - 115 gp
Agate (Tawny colored) - 11 gp
Topaz (Unusual blueish green color) - 500 gp
Grossular (faint green garnet) - 125 gp
Heliodore (A gold-colored beryl) - 755 gp
Gray Iolite - 70 gp
Morion (Black Quartz) - 10 gp
Layered Onyx with red, pink, orange and honey yellow - 105 gp
Orange Quartz - 5 gp
Orblen (Well cut) - 1235 gp
Royal Plume Jasper (purple shade) - 90 gp
Sunstone - 10 gp
Zoiste (pink) - 100 gp

A small golden vase with floral patterns - 110 gp
A miniature silver and gold ship with mother of pearl inlay - 675 gp
A solid gold statuette that reminds many of you of Eilanihih (Especially Silas) - 950 gp
A silver brooch with very rare small blue-white diamonds - 6575 gp

Obviously, the piles consisted mostly of coins. I will leave it to you guys to figure out what you are going to do. :)
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