Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Ordred flings the flask of Alchemist's Fire at Kobold #3, hoping to burn him and his adjacent comrade-in-arms. But a funny thing happens... the flask misses the Kobold by a whisker, striking the doorframe, and spinning sideways into the room, directly striking the Kobold Chieftain! The Chieftain yelps in surprise as his clothes and skin burst into flame! The nearby Kobolds are also hit by liquid fire, as it splashes outwards.

Kobold #3 Touch AC: 13. Range = 30 ft. Increments = 10 ft.
1st 10 feet: No penalty.
2nd 10 feet: -2.
3rd 10 feet: -4.
Ranged Touch Attack: 16 - 4 = 12. This misses the Kobold's touch AC of 13.
Roll for misdirection (hits doorframe) = (3) = directly east.
Three range increments = "bounces" 3 squares.
Flask lands in Kobold Chieftain's square!
Misdirection Attack Roll = (22) - 4 = 18. This hits the Chieftain's touch AC of 13.
Kobold Chieftain takes 3 pts. of Fire Damage.
Kobold #5 takes 1 pt. of Fire (Splash) Damage.
Kobold #6 takes 1 pt. of Fire (Splash) Damage.


The doorframe is circled in black. The flask hits it, and bounces directly onto the Kobold Chieftain.
Ordred: 21
Sphynx: 18
Kobolds: 17a
Kobold Chieftain: 17b
Dire Wolf: 17c
Quixt: 13
Nimbar: 9
Hawke: 7

Kobold #1 is Disabled. (22 pts.) - Surrendered.
Kobold # 2 is Dead.
Ordred is significantly injured. (9 pts.)
Dire Wolf is Entangled. (8 Rounds Remaining)
Dire Wolf is dying. [-2]
Kobold #5 is slightly injured. (1 pt.)
Kobold #6 is slightly injured. (1 pt.)
Kobold Chief is slightly injured. (3 pts.)

SPHYNX: It's your turn! What do you do?

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Dissatisfied with his current limited power and options, Sphynx resolves himself to repetitive action, knowing he can but improve in the future or die trying. Leaning to his left momentarily, to make doubly sure of the oddity of a bounced alchemist's flask, he curls out his left arm pointing two fingers at the kobold in the upper corner of the doorway (#3). As before, two shards of searing white light race from his outstretched hand toward his target.
OOC: Cast Magic Missile: (1d4+1) x 2 = 2, 5

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sphynx, your missiles slam into Kobold #3, and he shrieks in pain, but does not fall; these Kobolds seem to be the toughest of their kind, specially chosen as elite guards, for their hardiness and fighting prowess. Nevertheless, your spell is still quite effective, and you doubt that one of these creatures could withstand such punishment for long.

Coming Up: The Kobolds Attacks & Movements. Stay tuned!

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Kobold #1 takes a step backward, cowering, having seen their fabled Greeka felled so easily by the giant.

Ignoring everyone else, Kobolds #3 and #4 focus their fury, charging Hawke, Screaming in Draconic: "Wolf Killer! You shall taste the sting of our Rose Gold! DIE FOR THE GLORY OF NERULL THE REAPER!!"

GM: Anyone with Knowledge (Religion) should make a skill check at this point, DC 10.

Kobold #5, who cannot charge (he has no straight line to Hawke) moves forward and joins his comrades in attacking the Wolf Killer, by making a normal (non-charge) melee attack.

Kobold #6, who wears a silver tiara, enters the fray as well, but is unable to reach Hawke; therefore, she takes the opportunity to kill Kobold #1, as she exclaims in Draconic: "DIE, COWARD! YOUR QUEEN COMMANDS IT!" She thrusts her spear into the Kobold's chest, killing him stone dead.

The Kobold Chieftain enters the room next; his spear is still in its harness, on his back. He is carrying a wooden staff in his right hand, and it is this item that he looks intent upon using.

Kobold #3: (15) = Miss
Kobold #4 (19) = Hit
Kobold #5 (20) = Hit
Damage: 1d6+1 (x2) = 4,7 = 11 pts. total.
Kobold Chieftain: Activation while taking continous damage: DC 12: (20) = Success
Activation of the staff is a free action.
Activation of the staff requires the sacrifice of 5 hit pts.

Three Kobolds gang up on Hawke, finding purchase with two of their attacks; Hawke takes two minor wounds, one to the left thigh, and another to his right forearm, but it is not enough to keep him down. In fact, the attacks only serve to increase his rage!

The Kobold Chieftain's eyes begin to BLEED as he taps the head of his staff to his chest! A bright, blue symbol appears on his chest, flashing outward with searing light, and terrible power! THE WHOLE PARTY winces and cries out, as an agonizing pain wracks their bodies!

Symbol of Pain: The victim suffers wracking pains that impose a -4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. These effects last for 1 hour after the creature moves farther than 60 feet from the symbol. The area of effect is far reaching, as indicated by the yellow squares on the combat map; because the symbol is on the Chieftain's chest, the 60' radius will change as he moves around. Everyone needs to make a DC 19 Fort save to avoid the pain effect. Post results in LINE chat, please.

Nimbar = 10 (Failed)
Hawke = 28 (Saved)
Ordred = 21 (Saved)
Quixt = 13 (Failed)
Sphynx = 17 (Failed)

The Dire Wolf continues to bleed out.

Ordred: 21
Sphynx: 18
Kobolds: 17a
Kobold Chieftain: 17b
Dire Wolf: 17c
Quixt: 13
Nimbar: 9
Hawke: 7

Kobold #1 is Dead.
Kobold # 2 is Dead.
Kobold #3 is significantly injured. (7 pts.)
Ordred is significantly injured. (9 pts.)
Hawke is moderately injured. (11 pts.)
Dire Wolf is Entangled. (8 Rounds Remaining) [Updates on Quixt's turn.]
Dire Wolf is dying. [-3]
Kobold #5 is slightly injured. (1 pt.)
Kobold #6 is slightly injured. (1 pt.)
Kobold Chief is significantly injured. (8 pts.) [Updates on Ordred's turn.]
Kobold Barricade 001f.jpg

QUIXT: It's your turn! What do you do?
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Aust Thale

Thrown off by the pain, Quixt’s concentration is shattered. The small but thick creatures before him flicker in the shadows, magical light dancing before what is clearly the Kobold leader. The pain is magical. It might even be in his head, though the effect is real nonetheless. He musters a brief flicker of clarity and does the quickest thing he can think of at the moment, he launches an arrow awkwardly toward the chieftain which misses high again, hitting the wall, snapping the arrowhead from the shaft.
Failed Fort Save and Rolled Natural 5 on d20 for total modified hit roll of 6; almost certainly a fail.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Nimbar attempts to cast one last protective spell, Nimbar's Improved Shield, but pain wracks his body, causing the spell to fail! With a grim look of determination on his face, he draws his rapier and advances into the dying Wolf's square, being careful not to step in the goo, prepared to do combat against Kobolds #4 and #5 on his next turn.

GM: Concentration DC: 14; Skill check (with -4 penalty) = (9): Failed.

GM: Hawke is raging (4 out of 6 rounds.)

Hawke is not impressed; his rage is such that it has made his body unassailable, and he takes that rage out on the nearest Kobold, which happens to be Kobold #3. His first swing goes wide, and the quick Kobold ducks under it; but his second and third blows strike their marks, breaking the Kobold's left arm, and crushing his entire ribcage! The Kobold sucks in a last, desperate breath, but quickly regrets it, as he spits up his own lung-blood, in a hideous fit of coughing and wheezing, as he slumps to the ground in a dead heap. As his foe falls to the wayside, Hawke takes a 1-square (5 ft.) adustment into his foe's square, so as to place himself within striking range of the Kobold Chieftain.

Hawke's attack rolls: (9,23,22) = Miss, Hit, and Hit.
Damage: 5,12 = 17 points total.
Kobold #3 has taken a total of 24 pts. of damage.
Kobold #3 goes down, and starts to bleed out. [-2]

Ordred: 21
Sphynx: 18
Kobolds: 17a
Kobold Chieftain: 17b
Dire Wolf: 17c
Quixt: 13
Nimbar: 9
Hawke: 7

Kobold #1 is Dead.
Kobold # 2 is Dead.
Kobold # 3 is dying. [-2]
Ordred is significantly injured. (9 pts.)
Hawke is moderately injured. (11 pts.)
Dire Wolf is Entangled. (8 Rounds Remaining) [Updates on Quixt's turn.]
Dire Wolf is dying. [-3]
Kobold #5 is slightly injured. (1 pt.)
Kobold #6 is slightly injured. (1 pt.)
Kobold Chief is significantly injured. (8 pts.) [Updates on Ordred's turn.]

Kobold Barricade 001g.jpg

ORDRED: It's your turn! What do you do?

On Ordred's turn, the Alchemist Fire burns the Chieftain again, then goes out.
Kobold Chieftain takes 5 pts. of Fire Damage.
The Kobold Chieftain has taken a total of 13 pts. of damage.
The Kobold Chieftain is moderately injured.
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Ordred can hardly believe the sight of the dire wolf and is relieved to see Hawke clobber it to the ground so swiftly. However, the words of the charging Kobold warriors and the sight of their chieftain quickly sobers his mood yet again. ~Nerull??? Did they say Nerull! Muammon protect us!~ Ordred prays as his mind races. Why in the nine hells were Kobolds worshiping anyone but Kurtulmak? This did not bode well...

Ordred ponders his options in a flash deciding there is nothing else to do but commit fully to battle. Lifting his bloodied morningstar yet again he moves forward into range to attack Kobolds 5&6. (Moves forward 10 ft.)

-Speaking Draconic- "DOWN WITH NERULL!" He roars.

(Ordred Melee Attack w/Morningstar vs. Kobold #5: = 22)
= 11)

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Unaffected by the symbol, Ordred's clarity of purpose guides his hand, allowing him to smash Kobold #5 with an effective attack; Kobold #5 is intent upon attacking Hawke, and is paying only peripheral attention to the approaching Dwarf. It is a costly mistake. The Kobold notices the proximity of the Dwarf a moment too late, swinging wildly as Ordred approaches, missing him. Ordred strikes with precision, landing a good blow; if the Kobold had been a man, the blow would have ripped the skin off of his face; Ordred smashes the Kobold on the left side of its face, leaving a nasty gash on the Kobold's tough, scaly skin! The Kobold cries out, with a mixture of surprise, pain, and anger, as it turns to face Ordred!

Kobold #5 Attack of Opportunity: (17) = Missed.

Ordred: 21
Sphynx: 18
Kobolds: 17a
Kobold Chieftain: 17b
Dire Wolf: 17c
Quixt: 13
Nimbar: 9
Hawke: 7

Kobold #1 is Dead.
Kobold # 2 is Dead.
Kobold # 3 is dying. [-2]
Ordred is significantly injured. (9 pts.)
Hawke is moderately injured. (11 pts.)
Dire Wolf is Entangled. (8 Rounds Remaining) [Updates on Quixt's turn.]
Dire Wolf is dying. [-3]
Kobold #5 is moderately wounded. (12 pts.)
Kobold #6 (The Kobold Queen) is slightly injured. (1 pt.)
Kobold Chief is moderately injured. (13 pts.)

Kobold Barricade 001h.jpg

SPHYNX: It's your turn! It feels as if every muscle and nerve ending in your body is ON FIRE! You doubt the wisdom of trying to get off a spell. You suspect a thrown dart might be a better decision in this instance; What do you do?
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Posting on behalf of Sphynx, after voice phone call discussion.

Sphynx moves up behind Hawke, and despite the pain wracking his body, manages to cast a spell, closing his wounds, and driving away the fatigue of battle.

Sphynx chuckles, and says with a grin, "You don't look well, you big oaf. Allow me to give you clarity of purpose!"

Spell DC: 14; Concentration check with -4 penalty: +4 (instead of the normal +8)
Sphynx's roll: (14) + 4 = 18 (Success.)
Points cured: 1d8+4 = 12 pts. Hawke is completely healed!

With a simple touch, Sphynx's spell restores Hawke to full vigor, giving him a spring in his step, a gleam in his eye, and a renewed sense of vitality! A worried look crosses the Kobold Chieftain's face!


Kobold #6 (The Queen) moves to help her husband with the giant warrior. She moves 1 square diagonally up and right, and then one square diagonally up and left (a distance of 15 feet); she draws an attack of opportunity from Ordred as she does do, but the attack misses.

Ordred spits, "Rat farts!"

Ordred AoO = (14) Miss.

The Queen raises he bloody spear, and stabs at Hawke!

Attack Roll: (9) = Missed.

Hawke easily blocks the blow with the head of his lead hammer, grinning at the Queen as he does so.

Hawke says, in Draconic, "Relax, after I deal with your hubby, you're NEXT."

This angers Kobold #4, who attacks Hawke with a renewed sense of urgency!

Kobold #4 Attack: (9) = Missed.

Hawke grins as he side-steps the clumsy thrust; for a big guy, Hawke moves quite gracefully.

Kobold #5 keeps his attention focused on the pesky Dwarf...

Kobold #5 Attack: (12) = Missed.

Ordred winks at the Kobold as he blocks the awkward thrust with his shield. The Kobold gets a worried look on his face.

Kobold #3 continues to bleed out.
The Dire Wolf continues to bleed out.

The Kobold Chieftain winces in pain, as the Alchemist Flames begin to burn out. He attempts to activate the staff once again.

Activation of staff is a free action.
DC to activate while distracted by continuous damage: DC 12.
Kobold Chieftain: 1d20 (3) = Failed.
Kobold Chieftain does NOT pay the activation cost of 5 hit pts. since the activation failed.

Seeing that his mind is not focused enough to correctly wield the powers of the staff, the Kobold Chieftain simply grunts, and takes a couple of swipes at his enemy the old-fashioned way!

Kobold Chieftain, two attacks: (28,18) = Hit, Hit
Damage: 6,3 = 9 pts. total.

The Kobold Chieftain is a far more experienced warrior than his guards are; he manages to get past Hawke's defenses TWICE IN A ROW, smashing Hawke in the left knee, and on the right side of his face! Both blows leave Hawke with nasty-looking, purple bruises!

Kobold Chieftain, Taunting in Draconic: "Oooooh, that's gonna leave a mark!"

Kobold Barricade 001h2.jpg
Ordred: 21
Sphynx: 18
Kobolds: 17a
Kobold Chieftain: 17b
Dire Wolf: 17c
Quixt: 13
Nimbar: 9
Hawke: 7

Kobold #1 is Dead.
Kobold # 2 is Dead.
Kobold # 3 is dying. [-3]
Ordred is significantly injured. (9 pts.)
Hawke is significantly injured. (9 pts.)
Dire Wolf is Entangled. (8 Rounds Remaining) [Updates on Quixt's turn.]
Dire Wolf is dying. [-4]
Kobold #5 is moderately wounded. (12 pts.)
Kobold #6 (The Kobold Queen) is slightly injured. (1 pt.)
Kobold Chief is moderately injured. (13 pts.)

QUIXT: It's your turn! What do you do?

Aust Thale

Struggling to maintain composure in the midst of the Kobold Chieftain’s curse (if that’s what it was), Quixt digs deep, whispering, “I’ll use your tongue for a potion, Lizard.” He steadies his aim for a moment and fires an arrow straight into the middle of the kobold chief’s torso. It plugs him midbreath, surprising him, but his thick hide and armor keeps the arrow’s kinetic energy in check.

Natural 20 attack roll; No Critical (7); 6 points of damage.

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