• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Sylvar B.

[MENTION=74522]tam[/MENTION] Tam Thats a good idea, if we can somehow sneak in and tie up the entrances to keep everyone in the buildings then set fire to them we could possible kill or hurt many of the enemy.

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Kleborn lays down, but can't help but chuckle at the thought of those abominations burning in their mighty fortress. He says, "These are good thoughts, perhaps we should rest first and discuss more when we are fully rested."

Thallok Looks down around the fortress attempting looking for any sign of movement below.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Scouting Out The Fortress...

It's hard to see over the palisade, the walls are simply too close in height to the roofs of the various structures. But after several moments of careful observation, Thallok can see that at the West end of the entryway structure, which is on the South side of the fortress (away from him, since Thallok is on the overlook, which is to the North) there is a watch-tower that rises above the rest of the fortress, and there is a single, Hill Giant guard, who appears to be leaning on his longbow, asleep!

Here is how the fortress is situated within the canyon; the red line traces the trail of the switchback. Brown areas are muddy clay, sparsely populated with pine and oak trees. Green areas are damp, heavily forested, mostly with pine trees, and littered with pine needles, which is easier traveling than the muddy clay. Take note of the scale of this map. The "F" represents the Giant Fortress, and the area marked "Orcs" is where this visiting Orc army is camped, their tents spread out all over the ravine floor. The red "X" represents the party's position on the overlook.

On the second map, the "T" shows the angle from which Thallok is viewing. The party notices that the muddy road which ran along the ravine floor runs right up through the Orc encampment, up to the fortress gates themselves. There are no guards visible OUTSIDE the gates, but you can't be certain about the INSIDE.

000 - Layout of The Canyon.png

000 - What Thallok Can See 001.png

EVERYONE: What do you do?
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Sylvar B.

Confident that Val is keeping a tight watch on the night, the party lays down to a fitful and well deserved slumber. Resting away the days tension, and allowing the magic that permeates their bones to replenish itself. They all sleep with happy visions of their mothers knitting in front of a homey fire, while Trolls, Ogres and Orcs burn to a cinder outside in the darkness.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Lathir, also comfortable with the overly-talkative, narcissistic axe keeping first, last, and all watches, lays down to rest. He dreams that he is a mighty lion who has found itself in a wooded area. Smelling the stench of a giant-kin oaf, he stalks his prey through the wood. He launches himself at the terrified ogre, crushing its ugly mug with his mighty maw.

In the morning, Lathir wakes, feeling refreshed and in good spirits. He walks away from the campsite some and removes his hat, placing it gently upon the ground as he faces northward. Taking his halfspear in hand, he moves in a slow dance-like pattern that seem something of ritual and something of kata, before placing it, too, upon the ground, facing the head toward the East.

Lathir then kneels in a servile warrior position, facing north. He stays in this position for some time communing with nature. Once this is complete, he stands, retrieves his spear and his hat, placing the hat back upon his head. The lean muscular image of the young druid is replaced with a slightly softer less imposing visage.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
First Night on the Overlook

The party will rest for 8 hours.
Chance for encounters during the night has been rolled.

11 PM - 2 AM = None
2 AM - 3 AM = None
3 AM - 5 AM = None
5 AM - 6 AM = None
6 AM - 8 AM = None
8 AM - 10 AM = None

There are no encounters.
000 - Encounters on the Overlook 001.png

Please note that 2-3 AM and 5-6 AM are "Prime Time" for morning forest encounters. At these times, nocturnal creatures are MOST active.

[sblock=Explanation of Resting / Regaining Spells for All Classes.]
000 - Spell Prep Cleric Druid 001.png

000 - Spell Prep Sorc Bard 001.png

000 - Spell Prep Wizard 001.png


The party sleeps soundly, from about 11:45 PM (after everyone has settled in, and drifted off to sleep) to a wake-up time of 7:45 AM. (A full 8 hours of sleep.)

By the time 8:45 AM rolls around, everyone has studied and prayed, and has their full spell list.

By the time 9:30 AM rolls around, the party has finished eating breakfast, having "bathroom" breaks, washing up, etc.

At 9:40 AM, On Patchwall 17, CY 963, the party notices a patrol of 10 Ogres and 6 Orcs leave the fort, headed South, toward the direction that the ambush occurred, probably because the other patrol was due back to the fort by now.

EVERYONE: What Do You Do?
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Aust Thale

Vale Greets The Morning...and the axe...

~ Hopefully the weather will assist the trees in providing cover. And no spiders. Grrr. Hate spiders. ~

Vale wakes, and takes a swig of wine from his wineskin and a drink of water from his water skin. He fishes some iron rations and eats his morning meal. He rubs his foot, and proceeds to pray, quietly asking for guidance, drinking deeply of newfound spellcasting abilities.
OOC: replenishes abilities and spells

He spends a few moments with a soft rag polishing Val, careful to avoid the mithral blade's nearly preternatural sharpness.

"Val, thank you for granting us the cover you did. Hopefully, our good fortune will hold out, no?"

He greets his comrades warmly in the crisp Patchwall air. He puts his chain shirt back on instead of the elven chainmail, opting to roll it up again and place into his haversack, and he checks his gear, especially his newly appropriated elven composite bow. "Elf, your people make excellent weapons. The workmanship of this splendid bit brings tears to my eyes."

Upon seeing the patrol leave the garrison, Vale quietly nudges Lathir, "You want to try a similar approach as yesterday? We are going to lose our surprise when they come back. It will take some three or four hours before they find them, and the same on the return trip. Either way, we are going to have to deal with them. This is the urgent before the important. I think instead of burning, at least at first (he winks at Tam Tam & Sylvar), we should do some additional observation. I'm itching to try out a new spell to burrow down this hill and then all the way to and under the fort. After all, a dwarf understands that which is underground. Might as well take some of their stuff and listen in to their plans."

OOC: Vale quickly gathers his armor, backpack, and weapons, picking up a giant's javelin, and begins moving down the trail toward the switchback.

"We'll be behind them a ways. All the better. Lathir, let's create a trap or two."
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Tam-Tam is eager to get these baddies and burn 'em up, if need be. He is probably very irritating in his inquiries about a plan of action.
"Friend Sylvar, surely you can make me invisible long enough for me to set the accelerants. Then I can shoot off some flaming arrows and sit back and watch the show."
Tam-Tam's suggestion seems too eager; but, when his rashness kicks in, he can rarely be stopped.
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Sylvar B.

Sylvar wakes up and does his necessary rituals to renew his spells, feeling refreshed Sylvar puts on the Elven armor and is sure to put the cloak of major displacement on as well.

OOC: Sylvar will answer Tam later

Voidrunner's Codex

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