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Sylvar B.

Sylvar to Dewyyd: Respen, do you suppose I might accompany you to the library, I believe that I could learn many things from reading the books in such a place.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
A quick note about Alchemical Silver Weapons (House Rule):

I go by the book for non-magical Alchemical Silver Weapons; they have a -1 to damage (1 pt. minimum.)

So, a Masterwork Alchemical Weapon would have +1 to hit, -1 to damage.

HOWEVER, if you then take that Masterwork Alchemical Weapon and enchant it, then the -1 to damage is dropped; so if you have a Magical +1 Alchemical Weapon, it is +1 to hit and damage, period. No damage penalty. This is because the enchantment process strengthens the bond of the silver to the metal.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds

Laramon warns Respen and his friends that fighting Vampires is a dangerous business. He says that Vampires are vulnerable to Silver, but the metal alone is not enough; their skin is so tough, the silver must be magically enchanted.

Laramon warns Respen and his friends that Clay Golems are also deadly foes, Adamantine weapons are the only way to deal with them.

Laramon says that he knows very little of the Drow.

Laramon says that zombies are resistant to any weapon which doesn't have an edge to it; the weapon need not be magical. Conversely, skeletons are resistant to any weapon which isn't blunted.
Lathir paces quietly while Laramon drones on, not really comfortable with being completely still. Finding no wisdom in his words and feeling somewhat ignored, he shakes his head and walks out during Laramon's last self-important speech.
He walks to the stables to check on Angus and Sugarfoot before continuing on the The Dog & Hammer to await the arrival of the others. Thinking...
~I hope my druidic skill will be enough. I can feel the greater awareness of its potential, but being untested, it does not give security to comfort.~

As you are walking out, Laramon says that he's sorry for being so verbose, and he hasn't forgotten you. He then proceeds to explain the contents of the following post to you.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Lathir's Inquiry of Laramon

CORRECTION: MINOR OVERSIGHT: I forgot to answer Lathir's inquiry to Laramon:

Laramon tells you that your Masterwork Darkwood Shortspear can easily be enchanted to become magical. If you can wait 3 days' time (until the afternoon hours of Patchwall 17th) Laramon can add your spear to his current enchantment project (which is simply the enchantment of several weapons for a special client of his) and he can place a minor enchantment on the spear for a modest fee of 1,000 gp. That's a 50% discount (essentially, wholesale price) from his normal rate, since your party is involved in a good cause (clearing the undead threat from Skorane) and since you are a friend of his new apprentice. He will need at least half the gold up front, but it would be FAR easier if you could pay the full amount.

[sblock=Translation of Minor]
+1 to hit / damage
For 6,000 gp., he'd be willing to put a +2 enchantment on it, but that would take 8 days (until the afternoon of Patchwall 22nd.)

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Quick Reminder

ALSO: A quick reminder about all the recent rulings I've made in regard to House Rules. These rulings are all official, and in-effect.


Aust Thale

Vale's Dealings w/ The Dwarven Temple

A boon to my efforts! Surely Moradin, Silverbeard, Brightmantle, Brightaxe, and Duin be well pleased! This scourge in the forest shall be met with dwarven oaths and divine might!

Vale calls out praise and thanksgiving to the Dwarven pantheon. A member of Clangeddin Silverbeard's military priests, he was always at the edge of Silverbeard's tolerance. Occasionally, it would manifest itself in such moments similar to his exchange with Beringer. He found himself firmly a polytheist, not so much as a zealot of dwarven religion, but as a practical matter. He owed allegiance in principle to Moradin, the All-Father of the Dwarves. Even base and evil dwarves grudgingly nodded respect to Moradin, even if they loathed his lawfulness and immutable insistence on good. Clangeddin filled his sense of service, that is, to military action. However, for his wit, dedication to knowledge of all kinds, wanderlust, and willingness to live at the edge of the rules, he had always remained at the periphery of Clangeddin's guard, far from command. He was a solid fit, however, as a quartermaster and an engineer, where his wide interests and find-the-needed-weapon-or-tool-damn-the-rules was admired and even envied by dwarven commanders who valued Vale's ability to imagine, find, make, or hustle supplies, weapons, armor, and libraries of divine magic and military tactics. Handicapped for his age and experience, he had the widest range of know-how-to-make-it-go of any cleric in any order, military or otherwise. That made his affinity with the other dwarven gods and demigods all the more understandable. It wasn't a dalliance or lack of focus; it was a respect of what they each represented to the dwarven faithful. Strength and Earth with Knowledge and Travel and even a little roguishness sense of humor. Especially these five dwarven gods, greater and lesser, are the deep abiding essence of what it means to be a dwarf. In respect of Vale's contributions, he was given the opportunity to travel to Greyhawk, taking his time upon his way to establish relationships, make friends, and given the opportunity, to bring the pain to any and all undead.

Vale was a tolerant dwarf. Many dwarves would attack orcs on sight. Makes conversation a little tricky. Not Vale. He'd tolerate the most foul-smelling, vulgar-spoken cretins, orcs or otherwise. Undead however, were a different matter entirely. It was a common thread in him as a quartermaster, his delivering of tools, weapons, and surprises to the dwarven fighters and priests who battled them. He studied them from afar, collecting battle action reports from his clansmen on their contacts with any and all range of undead and binding them into tomes. From these tomes he found ways to procure items that would repel them or render them more "agreeable" opponents.

And in the course of his procurements he had been presented a magical dwarven waraxe of unknown origin. It was large, sporting a solid silver, mithral-coated blade with a hole in the middle of it just the right size for a standard sized dwarven (or other) holy symbol. It was a nasty looking weapon of exceedingly strong craftsmanship, sharp and menacing in a way that even experience dwarven axe-wielders might give wide berth. It had been found by several lower-ranking dwarves among other weapons, armor, pole-arms, and shields in a large cavernous hall where the mountain dwarves had stored such items for many decades, perhaps even a century. It's markings were not readily identifiable, though clearly dwarven. As it was given to him, no dwarf, nor any nearby elves, could ascertain its origin nor its purpose. Recently, Vale has become aware of one of its magical attributes, and he is keen to ask more cosmopolitan and worldly dwarves about it. This dwarven temple should prove a most hospitable place to do just that.

Vale to the priests of Clangeddin & Moradin: "I am grateful beyond measure for your favor, good tidings, and gifts. They are appreciated. The Ephod of Authority will provide me additional strength in my turning efforts of any undead we find in Skorane. I agree also to swap the Mithral Shirt (+2) temporarily, and I shall indeed return it to you forthwith. As for the mace, I should gladly take such a grand item, and I am humbled that you would find me worthy. (pays him 1000pp) Thank you. As to the scrolls I would like to purchase from the temple inventory, I am grateful too, for your generosity. Given the purchase of the mace, I will pair down my list as follows for 506 gp, 2 sp, and 5 cp total."

[sblock=Group Scrolls]
Hide from Undead (6)
Sanctuary (6)
Remove Curse (1)

" I would make a request for a significant amount of Holy Water, of which I can certainly contribute in creation as well as blessing. Would two (2) gallons be too much?"

[sblock=Holy Water]
Vale is willing and able to cast Create Water and Bless Water to contribute, if the temple shrine can spare the flasks/bottles/vials, then he spends the bulk of the morning filling those flasks/bottles/vials.

"I deign to ask you to send the message back to Caltaran to my kinsman Maxwell (if he should continue to be there) through Sheriff Denby that we arrived safely with only a single failed attempt on our cargo's life. We protected him, and he is in custody. Ask him to relay the message that I am in Dyvers now, with intent on engaging in the business we discussed shortly. Good tidings and safe travels to him. As to our order, please forward along that I am well and diverted to this mission to investigate the forest of Skorane and engage the undead reported there. Upon its successful completion, I shall return to Dyvers and present myself for examination and report, as well as for further orders to the Priests of Moradin and Clangeddin. Awaiting none, I shall continue to Greyhawk or present suitable rationale for any additional delay. Any deviations that the order wishes to make to my current path should be relayed to the temple shrine authorities here in Dyvers, and I will make the necessary adjustments."

After securing the Mace of Disruption and Mithral Shirt, and during the preparation and bottling of Holy Water, Vale mentions that his objective in visiting the Mage Guild is to obtain Grave Bane, an alchemical substance substituting a concentrated grenade of garlic, a "stinkbomb" versus the undead. Odorless to living beings, it produces an immediate repellant effect in undead. He has 5 flasks of it, and should the Mage Guild not have it for sale, he will leave a single flask at the temple such that they can duplicate it in the future. He trusts that they have a proper wizard with whom they have a comfortable enough relationship that it can be made by that person.

"Before I go, gentlemen, I have another query of you. My axe here, I acquired at my original post. It was put away, hidden among the stored weapons and items of curiosity. I was allowed to keep it, and it clearly has magical properties of which I believe I know at least one of them, and it will help us in our efforts in Skorane. However, it has a circular hole in the base of the blade. The hole does not seem to affect it's strength nor its ability to be wielded. It appears to be the size of one of our typical holy symbols. I've tried two varieties. A wooden one, and a silver one. Neither quite fit and pop out. I've taken to practicing with it. It's comfortable. Feels solid in my hands. However, I am supremely curious of what, if anything, is known of its history, it's effects, and why I feel so damn comfortable with it. More than any other weapon. Were it not for the Mace's formidable power and my need for a bludgeoning weapon, I'd have not entertained any other weapon. Thoughts, my fellow priests? "

Regardless of the answers or lack of, upon completion of this encounter, and hopefully by 1pm or so, Vale is done with the Dwarven Temple Shrine for the moment and on his way to the Mage's Guild. He is proudly wearing the Ephod of Authority with the new Mithral Shirt, axe and mace holstered appropriately. His backpack, belt, and bandolier the only items notable on his person.

Upon reaching the Mage Guild, he politely and deferentially inquires of Grave Bane and if they have any in stock and it's cost (usually 50 gp per flask).

If he doesn't reach the party by the Mage Guild, then again, regardless of his answer, he proceeds back to Laramon's by way of the Dog and Hammer (directions provided by Respen and Dewydd and occasionally asking folks on the street for directions). If he does not reach them during this leg of his tour, he shall meet them in the late afternoon at the Inn. Along the way, he scouts for suitable longer-term lodging if the Dwarven Temple Shrine lacked it.

Aust Thale

Respen's Preparations (address nearly everyone in group; please read)

~ So grateful for Laramon's assistance; although I can tell he is non-plussed with this endeavor. Looking at the cost to gear up, I can't say I blame him. "

Respen thanks Laramon for his advice as well as the opportunity to use his library. Depending on how much time they take before they go to Skorane, he could spend some time here making several scrolls, or at least researching the forest as well as hazards and the like. He promises Laramon and himself that he will use the key wisely.

He addresses Sylvar quietly out of respect to Laramon; after all, they are all elves and should conduct themselves accordingly, "Certainly, friend. We shall explore his library to whatever end you might find your own scrolls and perhaps even additional bardic tomes and tales. Who knows, perhaps we'll discover a tawdry thespian production of villainy, comedy, and vulgarity! Legendary scandal indeed! " Respen laughs at the prospect that he would see Sylvar in another legendary production!

Likewise to Dewydd: "Dewydd, as you are clearly interested in tomes here, should you find something you believe will be helpful to our cause, speak up, and perhaps Laramon has it."

After some back and forth and consultation with Laramon, he settles on the following scrolls and pays Laramon the discounted price of 71 pp, 2gp, and 5 sp. (assuming Laramon has them).
"Laramon, my new mentor, your suggestion regarding the Moving of Earth arcane scroll is a good one, and I'm convinced now that is the best alternative for the golem. I had thought perhaps we could set a trap for it using spells to liquefy the ground underneath it, causing it to sink into mud, and then making the mud back to the rock and ground it was originally. However, you suggest that this Moving Earth spell is more effective. I believe you, and I think that is the way to go. I am good outdoors, but I am not yet a trap-maker, and I'd prefer a more permanent solution. That said, it's greater than I am, so we should obtain two of them, one as a spare." Respen pays Laramon 156 pp, 7 gp, and 5 cp for the one (1) Move Earth scroll.

[sblock=Respen Scrolls]
Halt Undead (3rd level) (1)
Disrupt Undead (6)
Levitate (1)
Rope Trick (1)
Move Earth (1) or (2), depending on party willingness to purchase extra scroll for good measure.

Respen to Lathir: "As a druidcaster of nature, do you possess any talent or magic that can assist us in dealing with the clay golem?"

To the Party:" I believe that this is best course of action, but of course, I do not act alone in this regard. I am willing to purchase this scroll. But with the other spells, as well as some equipment, I am only willing to purchase one of them. Should the party wish to purchase the other, we can have two of them, just in case. It's 31pp & 3gp apiece to buy a second scroll. Any takers?"

To the party in general: "I have but a single interest in alchemical substances. Toxin-removers, just in case. Spiders, even undead ones, suggest poison. We might need some liquid relief in a pinch. Should anyone else wish to take on that bit of business for the group, please speak up and do so. It's important. "

"Laramon, I'd ask you but one more question regarding a personal request (as if I hadn't ask too much already): my staff, you said that my uncle was known for these, what-did-you-call-it?...utility staves?...Is there a way to make it more wieldy such that I could use a bow without setting down the staff?"

Respen proceeds with the party to Dog & Hammer and inquires about a Darkwood Composite Longbow, Masterwork Arrows (Ash...anti-vampire qualities), and Adamantine arrows.
He doesn't buy it yet; he's pricing it.

At some point, Respen meets back up with Gus and Vale; Vale requests a tour of other places that Respen and Dewydd know about Dyvers. Assuming they agree, they explore the remainder of the afternoon. (random encounters welcome!)
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Answers to Questions Asked. Part One: VALE'S QUESTIONS.

Vale said:
Vale mentions that his objective in visiting the Mage Guild is to obtain Grave Bane, an alchemical substance substituting a concentrated grenade of garlic, a "stink-bomb" versus the undead. Odorless to living beings, it produces an immediate repellent effect in undead. He has 5 flasks of it, and should the Mage Guild not have it for sale, he will leave a single flask at the temple such that they can duplicate it in the future. He trusts that they have a proper wizard with whom they have a comfortable enough relationship that it can be made by that person.

The priest of Clangeddin says, "We generally don't use the stuff. It's much easier to turn the undead than to waste time with Gravebane. Aside from that, we also manufacture thrown "bomb" potions which are far more effective than Gravebane. All you need is a good throwing arm; if you manage to hit an undead with one of our potions, it explodes with the power of light, causing significant trauma to all but the strongest of undead creatures. If you're looking for Gravebane, however, the Mage Guild has oodles of it."

Vale said:
" I would make a request for a significant amount of Holy Water, of which I can certainly contribute in creation as well as blessing. Would two (2) gallons be too much?"

The priest of Clangeddin says, "Not at all. We have much more than that, already on-hand. I can fill a small hand-barrel for you. I'm afraid we don't have enough flasks to spare, however; we need them for manufacturing potions."

Vale said:
"...Any deviations that the order wishes to make to my current path should be relayed to the temple shrine authorities here in Dyvers, and I will make the necessary adjustments."

The priest of Moradin says, "While we will gladly send messages for you, to the members of your order back home in Kalmir, we are not in a position to speak for your order, or to accept and deliver reconnaissance reports to them on your behalf. Though we are part of the same priesthood, we have not taken the same vows as your order, thus, we cannot presume to act as extensions of their authority. If you want to report to them, we would be glad to relay your report to them, but we cannot accept your report directly. Nor can we vouch for the report's accuracy, on an official level, since, as non-members, our word regrettably means little to your superiors."

[sblock=Reminder: Location of Kalmir]

Kalimbar Location 001c.jpg

Vale said:
"Before I go, gentlemen, I have another query of you. My axe here, I acquired at my original post. It was put away, hidden among the stored weapons and items of curiosity. I was allowed to keep it, and it clearly has magical properties of which I believe I know at least one of them, and it will help us in our efforts in Skorane. However, it has a circular hole in the base of the blade. The hole does not seem to affect it's strength nor its ability to be wielded. It appears to be the size of one of our typical holy symbols. I've tried two varieties. A wooden one, and a silver one. Neither quite fit and pop out. I've taken to practicing with it. It's comfortable. Feels solid in my hands. However, I am supremely curious of what, if anything, is known of its history, it's effects, and why I feel so damn comfortable with it. More than any other weapon. Were it not for the Mace's formidable power and my need for a bludgeoning weapon, I'd have not entertained any other weapon. Thoughts, my fellow priests?"

The priest of Moradin says, "I've seen weapons like that before. They used to be common among our order; however, they have fallen out of fashion in the last two hundred years or so. You are correct, it requires a holy symbol. And it must be a metal one. Judging by the grooves in your axe, this hole was meant for a holy symbol of Clangeddin Silverbeard. You must place the symbol inside the hole, and pray over it. During the course of your prayers, you must announce that you are willing to sacrifice part of yourself, to prove that you are worthy to wield it. If the prayer is not said, and the sacrifice is not made, the symbol pops out on its own. It has nothing to do with being seated correctly. These are known as 'Bonded Weapons' and once bonded, serve their owners, only. In the old days, they did it to prevent their magical weapons from being stolen, and/or being used for ill. But few are willing to pay the price nowadays; it is physically, emotionally, and spiritually taxing to activate such a weapon, especially if the weapon is powerful. I don't know whose axe you have there, but I'd keep it out of sight, were I you, until you discover its origins. It might have been an Acolyte's weapon; but then again, it may have belonged to a High Priest. Guard it well, for weapons of this type are exceedingly rare. As for discovering its origins, I'd suggest going to the Mage Guild; they have spells and rituals for that sort of thing. We can commune with the powers that be, and ask questions, but in this instance, the methodology of wizards will probably prove to be more expedient."

Vale said:
Upon reaching the Mage Guild, he politely and deferentially inquires of Grave Bane and if they have any in stock and it's cost (usually 50 gp per flask).

On the side of the Mage Guild, there is a door, which leads to a small shop, where non-members may buy minor items that the Mage Guild fabricates on a consistent basis. The clerk there says, "Yes, we sell the large vials of Gravebane, but not the small ones; we've had many complaints that the small vials cover too small an area, which the undead creatures can simply go around and/or bypass. The large vials cover a much wider area, although they are more costly. However, by order of the Mayor, all undead-destroying supplies are sold at a 25% subsidy, which the city covers. Thus, instead of 200 gp., we charge only 150 gp. for the large vials."

The Mage Guild DOES NOT have the small vials available. They follow a supply-&-demand profit model, and therefore, only sell the larger vials. The difference between the small and large vials is as follows: the small vials affect only one square on the map grid; the large vials affect a 2 square by 2 square (10 ft x 10 ft) area as shown:

5by5 vs 10by10.jpg


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Respen to Lathir: "As a druidcaster of nature, do you possess any talent or magic that can assist us in dealing with the clay golem?"
Lathir to Respen -
Not specifically, no. I can feel the essence of the earth, the wood, the stone; but as yet, I can command little of them and mostly with regard to heat. I can soften natural stone or clay but I know nothing of what it might cause to an animated monstrosity. I can sculp stone, but again, know not what effect is may have. Even if lightning might harm one, if we are underground, I cannot call it.
Respen said:
To the party in general: "I have but a single interest in alchemical substances. Toxin-removers, just in case. Spiders, even undead ones, suggest poison. We might need some liquid relief in a pinch. Should anyone else wish to take on that bit of business for the group, please speak up and do so. It's important. "
Lathir interjects -
Now in this regard, I can lend some assistance. I can slow and neutralize poisons.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Answers to Questions Asked. Part Two: RESPEN'S QUESTIONS.

Respen said:
He promises Laramon and himself that he will use the key wisely.

RESPEN: The way the key works is: It has to be held in YOUR hand; YOU have to be wearing the pendant (the key can detect this); only your hand will turn the key. If anyone else tries to turn the key while wearing your pendant, the key won't budge. If they try using your key WITHOUT wearing your pendant, something bad happens. (Laramon doesn't specify what.) If YOU try to use your key without your pendant, the key simply won't budge.

Respen said:
After some back and forth and consultation with Laramon, he settles on the following scrolls and then pays Laramon [...] 227 pp., 9 gp., 5 sp., and 5 cp.

Knowing that the party goes to fight evil for the good of the city, Laramon gives you three Move Earth scrolls for the price of 1.

Halt Undead (3rd level) (1)
Disrupt Undead (6)
Levitate (1)
Rope Trick (1)
Move Earth (3)

Respen said:
"Laramon, I'd ask you but one more question regarding a personal request (as if I hadn't ask too much already): my staff, you said that my uncle was known for these, what-did-you-call-it?...utility staves?...Is there a way to make it more wieldy such that I could use a bow without setting down the staff?"

Laramon says, "It's a bit beyond your abilities at the moment, so keep this scroll safe until you can figure out how to scribe it."

Laramon hands you a red scroll tube with a single scroll inside.

[sblock=What was on the scroll...]

Brelmen's Hover Staff (Revised 3.5 Edition)
Evocation [Force]
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Effect: 1 staff that you designate
Duration: 2 hours per level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell creates a “sheath” of force around the staff of your choice. The sheath is connected to you by an ethereal power cord. Both the sheath and the cord are invisible to the naked eye. Only those persons employing See Invisibility or True Seeing will be able to detect the presence of the sheath and cord. This spell causes your staff to hover next to you (sharing your five foot square with you) and travel along beside you as you move. While this spell is in effect, all of the “always active” properties of your staff are conferred to you, as if you were holding it. However, since you are not actually holding it, your hands are free for other things, such as casting spells, or using weapons. Note: This spell does not allow you to multi-task; you cannot activate one of the staff’s powers and cast a spell or use a weapon at the same time. It simply allows you to cast a spell, pull out a scroll or weapon, or take some similar action, without having to drop your staff, and without losing any of the benefits it confers while you are holding it. This spell will also prevent you from being disarmed, as well as protecting the staff from all forms of physical harm, whether it be a sword blow or the blast from a Fireball. The sheath that the staff is placed within is identical in every way to a Wall Of Force. You can control minor movements of the staff as a free action; this allows you to maneuver in cramped quarters, duck under low door frames, keep it from beaning other tavern patrons in the head, etc.

A Disintegrate spell targeted on the staff will end the Hover Staff spell immediately, but the staff will otherwise escape unharmed. Dispel Magic will not end the Hover Staff spell, but Mordenkainen’s Disjunction will, as well as having a chance to disjunct the staff itself. Besides Disintegrate and Disjunction, no other spells or effects will affect the staff at all. Your staff is safe inside its very own Wall Of Force.

There is, however, another way to defeat this spell. The ethereal cord can be severed. If the cord is severed, the spell ends immediately. Anytime the Hover Staff spell ends, for any reason, the staff falls to the ground in your square. The ethereal cord has an AC equal to 15 + the caster’s DEX modifier. Since the caster must think about moving the cord out of harm’s way (even though it is a free action,) if the caster is caught flat-footed, so is the cord. The cord only moves when the caster is able to make it move. The cord is considered to be a construct for the purposes of critical hits (i.e., it is immune to them.) The cord has 50 hit points, and has a damage reduction of 50 / +3. Since it is ethereal, attackers will suffer a 50% miss chance unless they possess a Ghost Touch weapon. Attacks against the sheath will be in vain. Only the cord is vulnerable to attack, not the sheath. A staff protected by this spell is not subject to being disarmed or sundered. The only way to “disarm” the caster is to cut the cord. If the attacker cannot see the cord (i.e., if the attacker does not have True Seeing or some similar power) he cannot attack it. A staff protected by this spell cannot be used as a weapon; the caster must actually dismiss the spell (as a free action) and actually wield it in his hands.

Appendix: Nimbar The Watcher has researched a 9th level version of this spell which is identical to this spell, with the following modifications:

1) The duration is 1 day per caster level.
2) Disintegrate will not bring the 9th level version down, although Disjunction still affects it.
3) The AC of the ethereal cord is 30 + the caster’s DEX modifier, instead of 15.
4) The cord has 100 hit points, and a damage reduction of 50 / +5.

Respen said:
Respen proceeds with the party to Dog & Hammer and inquires about a Darkwood Composite Longbow, Masterwork Arrows (Ash...anti-vampire qualities), and Adamantine arrows.

450 gp. = Darkwood Composite Longbow (set for 15 Str)
410 gp. = Darkwood Composite Shortbow (set for 13 Str)
1,350 gp. = 20 Masterwork Adamantine Arrows [80 available.]

He doesn't have anything made from Ash.
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