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Grimspawn, the Walking Dead


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Hey, finally got this done. I thought this was a fun idea as a race in my setting. Just an FYI, the Grim Legion are an organization in my setting, though really, they could be linked to just necromantic animation in general. Tell me what you think.

Lost, forsaken, and accidental, Grimspawn exist in the intersection between life, death, and undeath. Shunned by the world, they wander the world, trying to find some semblance of worth.
[h=1]Gaunt and Deathly[/h]Most run in terror at the sight of a Grimspawn, or are at the very least fearfully wary. The reaction, though rude and xenophobic, is understandable.

The skin of a Grimspawn is a dark, morbid grey, clinging to the bones like a dying child to its mother. They are gauntly thin, and seem to hardly breath. Their eyes are a solid, cloudy grey, always seeming to stare off into nothing. What little hair they do grow is stringy and translucent, like fishing line.
[h=1]Controversial Accidents[/h]Grimspawn received their title from their creators; the necromancers of the Grim Legion. The first Grimspawn were created when some of the Legion were experimenting with animating more powerful thralls. The experiment went awry, and the first Grimspawn were created with their own will.

Because of the standpoint of the royal court, the Legion were forbidden for terminating their creations, and they were released into the world, much to the dismay of the general populous.

Considering the Grim Legion itself isn’t exactly loved, it makes perfect sense that Grimspawn would be outright rejected.

Most believe, falsely, Grimspawn share the bloodthirsty and chaotic nature of the Legion’s other creations. In reality, Grimspawn are as varied in morality as humans. That, however, does not defer public opinion. Should a Grimspawn go to the dark side, it would be for the same reason as a human, or because they cracked under the prejudice.

The Grim Legion themselves reject their creations because of the reminder of their failure.
[h=1]Mysterious Souls[/h]Considering the circumstances of their creation, it is widely debated whether Grimspawn have souls or not. Some believe they have none. Some say that during the Legion’s experiment, the departed spirits that previously inhabited the body were pulled back in. There are claims they have new souls, like another humanoid when they are born.

The truth is, no one really knows. Though they will never admit it, the Grim Legion has no idea how it happened. The Grimspawn themselves awake with no memory of any former life they may have had.
[h=1]Grimspawn Names[/h]As Grimspawn have no firm culture, they have not traditional names. Sometimes Grimspawn take on the names of people who formerly used their body. Other times, they take on names that seem to embody the stereotype they are stuck with.

Grimspawn Names: Grim, Dread, Reaper, Ghoul, Grave, Spawn
[h=1]Grimspawn Traits[/h]Grimspawn have the following traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Strength increases by 1.

Age. As a Grimspawn is “born” during a necromancy mishap, they have no real average age, and no one yet knows how long they can last before naturally expiring.

Size. Grimspawn share the height and build of the body they were animated into, though Grimspawn of considerably smaller humanoids are exceedingly rare. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your have a walking speed of 30ft.

Darkvision. You have Darkvision out to a range of 30ft.

Grimspawn Resilience. As you straddle the line of undeath, you had a partial immunity to mortal ailments. You have resistance to poison and necrotic damage and advantage on saving throws against the poisoned condition.

Undead Health. You have one extra hit point, and gain one additional hit point each time you level.

Languages. You can read, write, and speak fluently speak Common and one additional languages of your choice.

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