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D&D 5E Group Rule Deal-Breakers

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I'm really more into old edition D&D these days, and thought of one...

Max hit points; I'm not saying I'd quit over it, but it would be a contributing factor. If I wanted ineffectual evocation and whack-a-mole bags of hit points, I'll just play modern edition thanks.


I have to say I'm rather pleasantly surprised to notice that one possible element of a campaign has yet to be brought up as a deal-breaker by anyone (unless I missed it):

High lethality and-or frequent character death or other bad things happening to characters.

Even more interesting is that the opposite - unkillable or plot-protected characters - has been noted as a deal-breaker by a few here.

Good. :)

Well, it depends. I haven't run into this for a while so I didn't think about it, but yes completely arbitrary meaningless PC deaths that the player could have in no way avoided is a deal breaker if it happens on a regular basis.

Which is far, far different from no PC deaths. An example. I played with a guy who DMed for us one, and only one time. He had us roll up two characters each and then killed all of the characters off one by one. The first death, he rolled a die, looked at his sheet and then told Bob that a crack opened in the wall and a giant hand reached out and smashed him flat killing the PC instantly. No warning, no save, not even any indication we were in danger. The rest of the PCs died one after another in a similar fashion.

So no deaths ever? No risk? Kind of lame. Constant, arbitrary death in a senseless fashion? Yes that is a Bozo no-no.


An example. I played with a guy who DMed for us one, and only one time. He had us roll up two characters each and then killed all of the characters off one by one. The first death, he rolled a die, looked at his sheet and then told Bob that a crack opened in the wall and a giant hand reached out and smashed him flat killing the PC instantly. No warning, no save, not even any indication we were in danger. The rest of the PCs died one after another in a similar fashion.

I'm sure it wasn't amusing when it happened, but every time I read that I start giggling. It sounds like a parody of bad DMing. The kind of scene you see in a campy movie with the clueless character whose function is to be wildly inappropriate. I mean, no one would ever do that, right? Um, right??


I'm sure it wasn't amusing when it happened, but every time I read that I start giggling. It sounds like a parody of bad DMing. The kind of scene you see in a campy movie with the clueless character whose function is to be wildly inappropriate. I mean, no one would ever do that, right? Um, right??

Yeah, I can chuckle at it now or tell the story to a group of gamers while sitting around a campfire telling scary stories. Mine is more terrifying because it's all true! BAWAHAHAHA!

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