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Guardians - Welcome to the Wild Wild West (FULL)


First Post
Your training is complete and you are one of the best. Your skills have been honed over hours of arduous practice and now you excellence has paid off. You have been invited to join the Army's 12th Irregulars, the newest unit in the North American Alliance military. The 12th Irregulars or Guardians are a newly formed unit consisting of meta-humans of exceptional power and talent. The Guardians under the command of Lt Col Marcus Savage are to face the growing terrorism, criminally active mutants, and increasing natural disasters that have struck the N.A.A. as well as be a shining example of the excellence of the N.A.A.

This is a play-by-post game using the Mutants and Masterminds rule set. I am looking for 5 players that are willing to pretty consistently post 1 a day, excluding the weekends. I will select players based on character concept and selection will not be first come, first serve.

I am intending the campaign to be grim and gritty-ish style campaign where doing stupid things could possibly kill you. But at the same time I am looking for heroic characters. Also, Grandmother, I am sure, will be perusing our game so we will keep it clean.

The world history and game rules can be found on my awesome simplistic website.

Posting Guidelines:
1. In the title bar I would like you to always list this specific information.

Charachter Name, Current # Hero Points/Total # Hero Points, Damage, Current Armor Level

This should help me book keep as well as make it clear who the charachters are. It will, hopefully, curtail confusion before we all know what poster name goes with what charachter. There is an example in the title of this post.

2. At the end of the body of your post please list any feats, skills, or attacks (w/ DMG) that you are using.

3. A section listing all powers that are Mimiced or that you currently are using the Gadgets power for.

The Guardians:
Aztec - NPC
Banjax - Great Lemur
Carbon - tyrlaan
Karma - Super Girl
Leprechaun - NPC
Lightspeed - Synchronocity
Longhorn - Calinon
Pheonix - Keia
Tornado - Argent Silvermage
Whisper - NPC

Alternates - Animus
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I aim to misbehave

I'm interested in giving this a go. Especially since it seems all my other games are lagging.

I've got a hero I've used before (but the game ended). Former football player, fire based powers, 8th PL. Interesting background with more than a few hooks. The ending of the background will need to be tailored to the world - i.e. someone from the military coming to claim him.



I aim to misbehave
Phoenix [Brandon Laine]
Secret Identity

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs
Eyes: Amber, Burning Flames
Hair: Curly Blonde, to shoulders
Skin: Tanned

Nationality: American, Mixed descent
Current Residence:
Current Work: Former College Football Player, Out of work

Attributes: [Cost 24 pts.]
STR: 12 +1
DEX: 18 +4
CON: 14 +2
INT: 16 +3
WIS: 10 +0
CHA: 12 +1

Defense: 27 [10 + 4 Dex + 6 Power (Super Dex) + 1 Dodge (Feat) + 6 Purchased] [cost 12 pts.]
Initiative: +10 [+4 Dex +6 Power]
BAB: +3 [cost 9 pts.]
Melee: +4
Ranged: +7
Speed: 30’ / 40’ Flight

Damage: +10 [Same as Reflex (Evasion)]
Fort: +2 [+2 Con]
Reflex: +10 [+4 Dex +6 Power]
Will: +0 [+0 Wis]

Hero Points:4

Super-Dexterity: 6 Ranks, Source: 1 Trained, 5 Mutation [Cost 24 pts.]
Regeneration: 2 Ranks, Source: Mutation, [Cost 4 pts.]
Energy Control: 8 Ranks, Stunts: Drain Energy, Energy Blast (free), Extras: Absorption (Boost to Healing, Flaw: Fire only), Flight, Energy Field. Flaw: Permanent (Energy Field). Source: Super Science/Mutation, [Cost 32 pts.]
Armor (Containment Field): 8 Ranks, Extras: Neutralize, Permanent. Flaw: Ablative, Energy Field only. Source: Super Science. [Cost 8 pts.]

Weakness: Disturbing (Flaming eyes, Occasional licks of Flame on his exposed skin, occasional uncontrolled burning of items) [-5 Bluff, -5 Diplomacy] [Cost -10 pts.]

FEATS: Darkvision (Heat Sight), Dodge, Evasion, Immunity – Starvation (Limited – only when powered), [Cost 7 pts.]

Skills: [Cost 9 pts.]
Acrobatics +15 [5 rank]
Balance +13 [1 rank, 2 synergy]
Bluff -3 [1 Ranks, -5 Disturbing]
Computers +6 [3 rank]
Drive +10 [1 rank]
Jump +3 [0 ranks +2 synergy]
- Culture +4 [1 rank]
Open Lock +11 [1 rank]
- Chemistry +4 [2 ranks]
- Nuclear Physics +3 [1 rank]
Sleight of Hand +11 [1 rank]
Spot +1 [1 ranks]

Final Cost: 22 points (Abilities), 12 points (Defense), 9 points (Offense), 70 points (Powers), 7 points (Feats), 9 points (Skills) –10 (Flaws)= 120 points

Possessions (worn): Light undercover shirt [actually thin protective armor to protect and hold in living fire], wallet, casual clothes.

Possessions: Brandon has an off-campus apartment near the college and has the typical furniture. Probably the best piece is his television. The frig is empty except for last night's carry-out, some beer, ketchup, and something he's not really certain what it was - now its just furry, and green.

Description: 21 year old human male, standing 6’2” and weighing about 200, with amber colored eyes and curly blonde hair that catches the light. Brandon is deeply tanned, but not just from being outside. His powers seem to keep his skin at the same tanned level year round. Brandon dresses in casual clothes while off-duty or in his secret identity (always wearing sunglasses when in public).

Personality: Brandon has learned to control the fiery temper that seemed to come with the powers. He is friendly, helpful, very competitive, and very outgoing. Deep inside, Brandon harbors a resentment for becoming what he is now and fear that there still may be people after him.

History and origin: Brandon Laine worked hard for everything he got in life, including a scholarship to college for both athletics and scholastics. The athletic scholarship was for football, a sport he excelled at in high school as a wide receiver. He earned a starting position on the team after red-shirting his freshman year. Brandon enjoyed the freedom and exhilaration of flying down the field, evaded would-be tacklers, and making the big play.

Unfortunately, the scholastics scholarship required on campus work. But Brandon attacked it with his usual zeal, he earned the position of lab assistant / TA to Professor Albert Vernister, a noted chemical engineer and theoretical scientist. The professor's current work, a more economical, self-sustaining and powerful energy source, had received numerous grants from outside interests. The professor worked off of campus property (the college insurance couldn't handle the risk) developing the energy source known as living fire. As an assistant, Brandon didn't know how it worked or why, he just did as he was told.

On a fateful spring night, Brandon was told to work late at the lab with Professor Vernister when several shady men entered the lab - bypassing the security. Men in dark suits and sunglasses comforted Brandon and the Professor and insisted that they turn over the secret of the living fire. Shouting denials, the professor tried to attack the men and the gun-fight ensured. A stray bullet hit something volatile and the resulting explosion knocked Brandon into the containment rods holding the living fire, breaking the rods and releasing the fire onto Brandon. The burning pain was intense and Brandon blacked out briefly. . . and then the pain went away. Brandon got up and looked around - seeing a destroyed lab and several dead bodies - and seeing his hand on fire! But it didn't burn. He saw a man in a dark suit at the doorway and charged him.

"YOU! You did this to me!" Brandon exclaimed as he pointed at the man - and fire shot forth incinerating the man. More than a little frightened, Brandon fled the lab with all of his well-honed speed . . . and tripped on the steps heading outside. He didn't fall though - he floated on the air. Fear turned to wonder, wonder to excitement as Brandon flew through the air - actually flew. By the time he came to his senses, there was no sign of the men in dark suits and the police and fire had responded to the blazing building.

The next day, Brandon was approached two members of the N.A.A. mutant team, Blackhawk and Fury - who seemed to know everything that had happened. They made Brandon an offer, to help him with his powers if he would help them. Through training and the aid of containment armor, Brandon has been developing control over his powers . . . slowly. His old life nothing but ashes, Brandon earned his new life - as Phoenix.

Through rigorous N.A.A. testing and examination, Brandon learned that he was also a mutant . . . which was the only way he survived the experience. He had the mutant powers of heightened agility and regeneration . . . as well as some ability to control fire. The ‘living fire’ either was living because of Brandon’s powers or was drawn to Brandon because of those self-same powers. The testing yielded no indication of sentience of the fires that burned within Brandon.

Through training, Brandon has discovered that by absorbing sufficient amounts of fire that he can heal with his touch . . . making his choice of codename even more prophetic.
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First Post
I'm definitely interested in this, but I won't be able to put anything comprehensive together until mid next week due to Easter related family doohickies and so on. If you're still looking for people then, I'd love to submit something. Oh, one quick question - what's your thinking on Sorcery as a power? Do you think it fits into such a game? I ask because I have a sort of 'elemental mage' character puttering around, and I was wondering what your thoughts on such a character would be. If it doesn't fit, I also have a speedster type I built for another game on these boards which sadly folded, who I'd be happy to post after Easter. Or, indeed, any number of other characters I've not yet got a chance to use. Whether I get a chance to submit a character or not, I have to say your game world leaves me deeply intrigued, and I'll be following this game as a spectator if nothing else! :D


[Edit] One thing now I've browsed the website - is it 1:1 skills? I'm kind of hoping not, but if it is I can work with it...sorry to bring it up. :)
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First Post
Lightspeed [Christopher Jones]
Public Identity
PL 8 (132 pp)

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 148 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Neatly cropped brown
Skin: Fairly pale

Nationality: American
Current Residence:
Current Work: Military Scientist

Attributes: [Cost 28 pts.]
STR: 12 +1
DEX: 18 +4
CON: 12 +1
INT: 20 +5
WIS: 12 +1
CHA: 14 +2

Defense: 26/13 ff/14 ment [10 + 4 Dex + 8 Power (Super-Speed) + 1 Dodge (Feat) + 3 Purchased] [cost 6 pts.]
Initiative: +4 [+4 Dex]
BAB: +3 [cost 9 pts.]
Melee: +7
Ranged: +7
Speed: Move 70 ft/Sprint 71,680 ft (7,168 mph)

Damage: +12 [+4 Dex +8 Power (Super-Speed)]
Fort: +1 [+1 Con]
Reflex: +14 [+4 Dex +8 Power (Super-Speed) +2 Feat]
Will: +1 [+1 Wis]

Hero Points: 4

Skills (27 pp)
Acrobatics +8 (4 ranks, 4 dex)
Balance +8 (4 ranks, 4 dex)
Computers +8 (3 ranks, 5 int)
Diplomacy +7/+10 (5 ranks, 2 cha, [3 attractive])
Drive +6 (2 ranks, 4 dex)
Language (4 ranks; French, German, Italian, Spanish)
Science [Biology] +15 (10 ranks, 5 int)
Science [Chemistry] +11 (6 ranks, 5 int)
Science [Genetics] +15 (10 ranks, 5 int)
Science [Physics] +11 (6 ranks, 5 int)

Feats (16 pp)
Attack Finesse
Lightning Reflexes
Move-By Attack
Photographic Memory

Super-Speed +8 (Power Stunts: Dual Damage, Wall Run, Water Run; Extras: Mach One Punch; Flaws: Limited [Doesn't apply to Initiative], Obvious [Emits bright but harmless radiation in non-visible spectrum of light, 5 second light trail when using super-speed]; Source: Mutation; Cost 5pp/rank +6pp stunts; 46pp)

Weakness (-12pp): Power Source [Light]: This weakness is twofold: 1) Lightspeed is Vulnerable to Darkness attacks. 2) In a totally lightless environment, Lightspeed loses all his super-powers. They do not return until he has been exposed to sufficient ambient light (I‘m thinking well-lit room, a floodlight, that sort of thing), at which point they return at full power rank immediately. I’ve basically taken the two together as being worth 12pp. Technically Vulnerability is worth 10, but Darkness is a bit of a shaky one, so I wouldn’t say it was worth the full 10..and the power loss thing is very situational. If you don’t think it’s worth 12pp together, let me know and I’ll tweak him some more.

Abilities [28]
BAB [9]
BDB [6]
Skills [27]
Feats [16]
Powers [46]
Weaknesses [-12]
Total [120]

Christopher Jones has always been a little abnormal. Even before he gained super-powers, he was always a little different. Born in New York to a well-off middle class family (Alan and Mary Jones), Christopher went to the best school in the area. There, the teachers discovered something. To put it bluntly, Christopher was a genius. His incredible natural intelligence was readily apparent, and he moved up several classes in the space of a few months. Nothing challenged him, and as a result he became lazy, slacking off and having fun, his cleverness and near photographic memory carrying him through school with near-perfect grades in exchange for little or no effort. Only one aspect of learning could hold Chris’s interest; science. He devoured scientific textbooks avidly, committing formulae to memory, reading both deeply and widely. Christopher went to university early, easily gaining entrance to Harvard, completed a degree in Biology in half the usual time, and then went back to do another one, focusing on Genetics. Christopher also has degree-level knowledge of Chemistry and Physics, though no formal qualifications in them. Yet although he did phenomenally in his courses, and although Science fascinated him, Christopher still felt incomplete somehow. It was all too easy; he was able to study, party, take self-defense classes and take up gymnastics, and yet it still felt like he wasn’t really challenging himself. He felt like he was waiting for the other shoe to fall.

Christopher finished his second degree, and was immediately snatched up by a company to help develop their genetically modified food products. The pay was excellent, the hours easy..and yet Christopher still felt an itch at the back of his head, telling him it wasn‘t enough. He continued his efforts to fill his hours, working overtime and having an active social life. It looked like Christopher’s life was going brilliantly; he was rich, had job security and still managed to have a social life, but he still found himself at a loss sometimes, feeling a little detached from the life he was living. It was all too..easy. Then, things got a little more interesting. Christopher was working late in the lab, wanting to finish off some important work. He began inputing his findings into his computer..and suddenly began typing faster than seemed humanly possible. Christopher stopped, not quite believing what had just happened, and decided he must be suffering from lack of sleep. He got up and headed for the door..only to smash into it as he covered the intervening space in less than a second. Shaken, Christopher staggered to his feet. Experimentally, he moved to a corner of the room, and found himself halfway up the wall! Crashing to the floor again as he stopped moving, Christopher once again levered himself to his feet. He stayed very late that night, taking samples of his blood and examining them with the lab’s facilities. Christopher took sick leave over the next several days, taking time to adapt to his abilities and learn at least a rudimentary control over them. He found that it was mostly instinctive, and as long as he didn’t panic, remarkably easy. Finally, Christopher had found something his intelligence hadn’t prepared him for, and he revelled in it; though the irony of his situation has not escaped him. He, the man who always felt he had too much free time, can now complete tasks in the blink of an eye, leaving him even more free time. Chris was convinced that this was some kind of sign; finally, finally, he could really make a difference. It felt that his life finally had a real purpose. Chris didn't need any encouragement to contact the government and try and get som use out of his abilities.

Family: Alan Jones, father, age 54. Worked as a civil servant, now retired. Resident in the USA.
Mary Jones, mother, age 55. Worked as a secretary, now likewise retired. Resident in the USA.

Powers: Christopher can move at an extremely accelerated rate with no real effort. He can run up sheer walls and over water without falling or sinking while so running. However, Chris’s powers have one major limitation: they require ambient light to function, though they can function on even tiny amounts of such light. Chris hypothesises that his body in some way coverts the light into a power source, enabling his superhuman feats of speed. If in a place with no light, such as a pitch-black windowless room, a bunker without electricity, a sewer, or suchlike, Christopher’s powers do not function.

Personality: Christopher is cheerful, easygoing, sociable, charming, and sharp enough to cut himself. He's very much a ladies man, something any moderately attractive female members of the team will quickly become aware of. He tries not to take life too seriously, though if confronted with the more sickening aspects of life he sobers up fast...and acts faster. Only the foolish would confuse his joking attitude with flippancy or idiocy. Christopher isn't an irresponsible man, but he does have what might be termed a healthy respect for his own abilities if you were being charitable, or a somewhat inflated ego if you were being nasty. He's not obnoxious; it's just that having been without real challenges most of his life, he's convinced he can deal with almost anything. Besides this minor character flaw, Christopher is a very nice man. He likes to say that the only thing that moves faster than his legs is his brain - and he may be right.

I'm from the UK, so the more hand-waving aspects of his past are due to me not knowing America and the American education system very well. :heh: Christopher's my attempt at a speedster who doesn't have Dex as their highest stat, and has abilities other than just being fast. Hopefully he works... :)

Hero Point Usage (unless otherwise specified)

Damage: Re-roll below a 10
Fortitude: Case by case, assumed no
Reflex: Re-roll below an 8
Will: Re-roll below a 14
Special case: Vs Darkness attacks (If Chris knows it's a darkness attack that is, say he's getting zapped with Captain Darkness's fabled Energy Blast), re-roll below a 15, regardless of the save type.
Initiative: No hero point usage
Skill checks: Case by case, assumed no
Attack rolls: Case by case, assumed no

-Completes 'routine tasks' at 256 times the speed of a normal man.
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Aw, man, I've been dying for a Mutants & Masterminds game. I'd post a character or two now, but I've seriously got to get to sleep. Expect a post tomorrow about a healer with flesh-molding abilities, a power-absorbing predator of mutants, or a gadeteer with electrically-based machine-interfacing powers.


First Post
I'll also post up a hero later tonight... probably a mutated brainy type who creates powered armor or something... not sure yet what it will be until I really dig in :D

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