• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Guilty Admissions...


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Hello, my name is Incendax and I...
  • Vigorously defend the rights of powergamers.
  • Can spend two hours agonizing over where to put a single skill point.
  • Sometimes freak out about symmetry like Death the Kid.
  • Cannot understand why people don't just memorise their feats/powers.
  • Rarely make female villains because I don't like to see women get hurt.
  • Change monster stats to make a combat more dramatic or cinematic.
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I really really hate puzzles :p
I usually don't design encounters with a solution in mind, I usually just create the problem to be solved. :)


That is just.............awesome!! :D

That is just.............sad. :p

Would it help if I said that the awesomeness of the 3-car walkie-talkie game was on the way to said hotel for the "sad" D&D bachelor party?

The funny thing is, everybody just assumes that's our cover story for a night of booze and debauchery, but we really did just take a road trip to play Living Greyhawk Dyvers modules.


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OK, here goes.

My name is NewJeffCT...

Even though I started gaming in the late 70s, I have never played or DM’d the Tomb of Horrors and have never owned, borrowed or read any version of it in all that time.

I like kobolds – I just wish more DMs and players felt like I do.

When I am the DM, I prefer that the BBEG be some sort of classed character (evil cleric, evil necromancer, etc) as opposed to a powerful demon, dragon or devil.

I have a dislike for most “dungeon” adventures. I prefer campaigns and encounters that primarily take place in forests, plains, cities, towns.

I probably railroaded my players too much back in the 80s when I was a regular DM.

Does not have much desire to play other races besides human unless it is some sort of one-shot. I have learned to tolerate and accept others who do not want to play humans.

Refuses to call a Balor a Balor – the Tolkien estate can sue me.

Has read a ton of fantasy over the years, but would probably think most of it crap if he read it now as most is derivative of Tolkien.

I probably spent way too much time as a teen fantasizing about the succubus in the 1E Monster Manual, as well as some of the goddesses in the 1E Deities & Demigods book

Thinks the Forgotten Realms can be a great setting with the right group and right DM (not me as DM, though.)

As a DM, I make 90% of my rolls on the table so the players will know I'm not fudging the combat or the damage.

Hates to play anything besides D&D because I have so little free time that I would never be able to learn the system and the rules to yet another system.
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Hello. My name is cmrscorio and I...

...make the mistake when creating campaigns of giving the PCs so many options that they often get lost during the first session; too many splat books to choose from, too many plot seeds thrown at once, too many npcs to keep track of.

...have been DMing for as long as I've been playing. In the past 13 years, I've only finished one storyline. All the others have fallen apart, mostly due to the above problem I have.

...used to be a snob who thought that D&D was the only game in town worth playing.

...sometimes get angry at players. When I get *really* angry, I stop rolling dice behind my DM screen and roll them in plain view. However, the enemies receive an undisclosed bonus to attack and damage as well as additional hit points.

...*HATE* reading fantasy-genre fiction. Yet that is all that I write.

...particularly hate Dragonlance fiction and therefore the campaign setting as well.

...have, as a player, only two different archetypes I play: goody-two-shoes, and the villain struggling to reform.


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My name is Ivan and I...

- Love to kill powergamers in game...

- Pretend to make complex rolls behind my DM shield... but I just trow a dice and imagine if that's good or bad...

- Always forget powers, spells and stuff like that when DMing...

- Meet my wife on a Vampire LARP...

White Tornado

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[FONT=&quot]Hi, my name is White Tornado.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]- I am not an acrobat.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- I received my name when I worked at McDonalds. I sometimes fear it makes me look like a racist (which I’m not, for the record).[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- I play 2E and 4E and I love both.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- The second character I ever played was an overpowered “custom class” character in 2E. That system was completely broken, and we’ve had so much fun with it! Too bad we don’t use it anymore.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- I still like to make broken specialty priests in 2E, and trick the DM into allowing them.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- I have never played 3.x or Pathfinder, and I have no intention to do so.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- I once “borrowed” a PC from a fellow gamer, because my PC was killed last session, and he couldn’t make it for the session. I got his PC killed. He was not amused. Sorry, dude.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- I can’t stand playing a wizard, and I also can’t stand wizard characters taking centre stage in 2E games. I simply love those 4E wizards that stand in the back while I go toe to toe with the bad guys.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- I once rolled a natural 18 Wisdom on 3d6. The character got killed in our first battle by a thrown dagger from the party’s wizard, who was retired at the end of the session. My next character killed that player’s next character in his sleep, “because he didn’t trust him”.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- Most battle strategies I envision use the bard as bait.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- Every single successful battle strategy I ever envisioned used the bard as bait.[/FONT]

Voidrunner's Codex

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