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Half-vampire Template


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This is a template inspired by an online story 'On a Clear Day
You Can See Forever' by Mark MacKinnon. I would like to ask
you to give it a look over and see if there is anything I missed.

I would also like some advice on how to set the CR and LA. I
am aiming for a lower LA, that can still imitate most of a vam-
pire's abilities, but at vastly lower effectivness (basically, can
fool peasants but not skilled adventures). Certainly, it does
not match the half-fiend or half-celestial (LA +4) in power.

At the moment, my 'guesstimate' is:

CR: 1~3 as base; 4~ CR +1 (lack of level drain so one lower than a vampire);
LA: +2;

... is this reasonable? I would like to hear your opinions. Thank you!

Half-vampires can occur in only one way: if a pregnant humanoid
or monstrous humanoid is suckled on vampire blood during her
pregnancy there is a chance, equal to the percentage of the
duration of the preganacy that she was drink vampiric blood,
that the unfortunate child will be born a half-vampire.

For example, a human woman who is suckled on vampire blood
of three monthes of a nine month pregnancy, there will be a
33% chance that the child will be cursed to be born as a half-


“Half-Vampire” is an acquired template that can be added to
any mammalian humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature
(referred to hereafter as the base creature) before its birth.

A half-vampire uses all the base creature’s statistics and special
abilities except as noted here.

Type: A half-vampire retains the base creature's type and subtype.

Tainted Blood: A half-vampire always detects as evil and undead,
despite her true alignment and even though she is alive.

Blood Curse (Ex): Each night, and each time she uses a spell-like
or supernatural ability gained from the half-vampire template, a
half-vampire must make Will save against DC 0 +1 per day without
feeding on blood or be mastered by hunger for blood and enter
blood frenzy. Each use of a spell-like or supernatural ability gained
from the half-vampire template also increases any future Will save
DC to resist blood frenzy by +1.

Blood Frenzy (Ex): During a blood frenzy, a half-vampire is consumed
with the need for blood. She runs wild in search of blood and may
attack even those she normally holds dear (this is similar to the
werewolf’s curse, except the vampire hunts for blood to drink). While
frenzied, the half-vampire gains a +4 bonus to her Strength and
Constitution scores, but suffers a –2 penalty to AC. These bonuses
and penalties are identical to (does not stack with) a barbarian’s rage.
She ignores all fatigue, exhaustion and pain-based effects, and gains
5 points resistance all non-lethal attacks (subtract 5 points non-lethal
damage from any attack that deals non-lethal damage). She can use
the spell-like abilities granted by the half-vampire template, but she
cannot use any other skill, feat or ability that requires patience or

The half-vampire cannot attempt to break out of the frenzy until she
has drained at least 6 Con points worth of blood. Afterwards, she can
attempt a Will save at a –10 penalty each round to regain control
of herself. For every 2 points of Con drained above 6, the Will save
DC is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

Special Attacks: A half-vampire retains all the special attacks of the
base creature and gains those described below. Saves have a DC of
10 + 1/2 half-vampire’s HD + half-vampire’s Cha modifier unless noted

Blood Drain (Ex): A half-vampire can suck blood from a living victim
with her fangs by making a successful grapple check. If she pins the
foe, she can drain blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution drain
each round the pin is maintained. For every 3 points of constitution
points drained in this fashion, the half-vampire gains a +1 bonus to
her strength and constitution scores. This bonus stacks with itself,
but the total bonus cannot go higher then 1 plus her charisma
modifier (minimum +1). The bonus STR and CON points last for 10
minutes plus 1 minute per charisma modifier.

Once a half-vampire tastes blood, she cannot make herself stop
drinking blood unless she makes a Will save against her Blood Curse
DC or until the victim is drained to 0 Con.

Spell-like abilities (Sp): 
Table: Half-vampire spell-like abilities

CL      Spell-like abilities[sup]1[/sup]
 1      summon creatures of the night[sup]2[/sup] 0 (1d4 rats, or 1d3 bats), 1/day;
2~3     spider climb, 1/day
        summon creatures of the night[sup]2[/sup] I (1 wolf, or 1d6+1 rats, or 1d4+1 bats), 1/day;
4~6     spider climb, 2/day
        polymorph self (one small or medium sized form[sup]3, 4[/sup]), 1/day
        summon creatures of the night[sup]2[/sup] II (1d3 wolves, or 1 rat swarm, or 1 bat swarm), 1/day;
7~10    spider climb, 3/day;
        polymorph self (two small, medium or large sized forms[sup]3, 4[/sup]), 2/day;
        dominate person[sup]5[/sup], 1/day;
        summon creatures of the night[sup]2[/sup] III (1 dire wolf, or 1d4+1 wolves, or 1d4 rats swarms, or 1d3 bat swarms), 1/day;
11~15   spider climb, 5/day;
        polymorph self (three tiny, small, medium or large sized forms[sup]3, 4[/sup]), 3/day;
        dominate person[sup]5[/sup], 3/day;
        summon creatures of the night[sup]2[/sup] IV (1d3 dire wolves, or 1d6+1 wolves, or 1d6+1 rats swarms, or 1d4+1 bat swarms), 1/day;
16~21   spider climb, at will;
        polymorph self (four diminutive, tiny, small, medium or large sized forms[sup]3, 4[/sup]), 5/day;
        dominate person[sup]5[/sup], 5/day;
        summon creatures of the night[sup]2[/sup] V (1 advanced [16 HD] dire wolf, or 1d4+1 dire wolves, or 2d6 wolves, or 2d6 rats swarms, or 1d6+1 bat swarms), 1/day;
        gaseous form[sup]4[/sup], 1/day;

22~     spider climb, at will;
        polymorph self (five diminutive, tiny, small, medium or large sized forms[sup]3, 4[/sup]), at will;
        dominate person[sup]5[/sup], at will;
        summon creatures of the night[sup]2[/sup] VI (1d3 advanced [16 HD] dire wolves, or 1d6+1 dire wolves, or 3d8 wolves, or 3d8 rats swarms, or 2d6 bat swarms), 1/day;
        gaseous form[sup]4[/sup], 3/day;

[sup]1[/sup] Abilities are NOT cumulative. None of these abilities function
while under sunlight (even indirect sunlight).

[sup]2[/sup] Creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds, and serve for 1 hour or until
released. Summon Creatures of the Night 0 is considered a 0th level spell,
SCotN I ~ VI are considered 1st ~ 6th level spells, respectively.

[sup]3[/sup] Choose from rat, dire rat, bat, dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf only;
the half-vampire does NOT regain hit points for changing form.

[sup]4[/sup] Duration is 30 minutes per character level, or until the half-
vampire chooses to change back.

[sup]5[/sup] The half-vampire must look into the eyes of her victim when
using this ability. The victim can try to avoid her gaze, is a fashion similar
to avoiding a gaze attack. If the would-be victim succeeds at avoiding
the half-vampire's gaze, the spell-like ability fails and that use of the
ability is wasted.

Special Qualities: A half-vampire retains all the special qualities
of the base creature and gains those described below.

Darkvision (Ex): A half-vampire has darkvision 120 ft.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows:

 Str +2, Dex +2, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +2.

Skills: Half-vampires receive a +8 bonus to handle animal checks
relating to wolves, bats and rats (including dire variants).

Challenge Rating: 1 HD ~ 3 HD as base; 4+ HD CR +1
Alignment: Any.
Advancement: By character class.
Level Adjustment: LA +2

Half-Vampire Weaknesses

The tainted blood of a half-vampire curses her with a number of

Sunlight Weakness: A half-vampire suffers -4 Str, -4 Dex, -2 Con,
-4 Cha penalty when in direct sunlight (not just a daylight spell).
None of a half-vampire’s spell-like abilities from this template function
while under natural sunlight (even indirect sunlight). Furthermore,
while under direct sunlight she is considered under vigorous motion
(DC 10, plus spell level if any) whenever she does anything that
requires concentration.

Mental Breach: A half-vampire suffers a –4 penalty to her Will save
against spells, spell-like abilities or supernatural abilities of the
enchantment (compulsion) category from the vampire that created her.

Damnation: A half-vampire that dies rises within 1d4+1 days as a
vampire (5 HD or more) or vampire spawn (4 HD or less) under of the
control of the vampire that created her. If that vampire is destroyed,
the half-vampire rises as a free-willed vampire or vampire spawn.

Redemption: If a slain half-vampire receives a resurrection or true
resurrection spell cast on hallowed ground by a cleric of a good god,
the half-vampire returns from the dead clean and untainted. Only
through death can a half-vampire be freed from her curse.

Half-Vampire Characters: As base class, but half-vampires tend to
shun daylight, so they lean towards classes or careers that do not
require too much exposure to the sun.
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First Post
First off, I remember there being a 'half-vampire' in Libris Mortis, just so you know. If you need to, you can check it for comparision, or ask somebody whose got the book.

Now, remember vampires have a level adjustment of +8.
Of course, a half-vampire should be half that, "theoretically".

Lets check what you got:
Str +2, Dex +2, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +2.
This alone is a +1 Level Adjustment
Remember, vampires get: Str +6, Dex +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4

Also, vampires are undead (therefore gain a set of awesome immunities)
You may want to add some bonuses or something close enough to have them match more.
Of course, that would boost the LA by 1

The blood frenzy boosts the LA by 1, as well. Of course, your template should give some natural armor bonus too, since the vampire has a natural armor of 6.

Other then that, good job. Has nice flavor.


First Post
Thanks! A lot. Good to know that you think LA +2 is in the ballpark!

The ability score adjustment I used is half the bonus of a vampire, rounded down to the nearest even number. +6 --> +3 --> +2; +4 --> +2; +2 --> +1 --> +0

The idea I was looking after was basically a fully living creature, tainted with vampire blood. Sort of like a bloodline, except that I hate the UA bloodline mechanics.

The goal is to make a 'flavor' template with just enough 'vampire' in them to make them feared and hated, but not enough to make them significantly more powerful than normal beings of its base type.

So a human half-vampire 1st lv commoner is just a frail (net -2 Str, -2 Dex, -2 Con, -2 Cha when under sunlight), somewhat goth-looking young child who has this creepy empathy with rats and bats, and can call a few 'pets' to her at by night.... Beyond that, there is nothing at all, short of detection spells, to distinguish a half-vampire from a normal person. Of course, that is until the hunger overcomes her, and she drinks the blood of her neighbor's dog (or the blood of her neighbor!).

That is why I decided against adding any 'passive' abilities, except for darkvision. Actually, I am wondering if I could swing a LA +1 by cutting DV down to 60 ft. This is to be a flavor template after all, power doesn't really matter....

Nah. LA +2 to be safe. Especially with the SLAs, and since most of her weaknesses can be worked around or avoided. Plus, a half-vamp might fail the Will save to resist Blood Frenzy on purpose to gain the benefit of rage. That also must be taken into account.

If everything goes well, I will try to build a half-vamp sorcereress and we'll test her to see how she works out...

Thanks for you input! I'll work on it and see what I can do. :)
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First Post
There was also a 6-page article in Dragon Magazine #313 - Born of Death: Half Undead and their Kin - which might be useful.

If you don't go buying Libris Mortis, it's another source to consider.

A third source is Sean Reynolds Savage Progressions articles at WOTC.. one of the is the Vampire.. making a Half-Vampire would be an easy matter of only taking half the progression :)


First Post
Thanks for the pointers, guys!

I don't have Liber Mortis, but I'll probably buy it and Lords of Madness over on Amazon.com. As for Dragon magazine... well... its a bit hard to find over here in Taiwan. :(

I'll check the hobby shops and book stores (manga stores often carry gamer material), but if you guys could point me to a way to get the issues, or some other source, online (I'll pay subscription, if neccessary)....

Thanks again, guys! Although it does deflate my (too big by half) ego to know that the idea has been done before so many times... heh! ;)


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Primitive Screwhead: Well, there is that one little issue of vampires being, you know, undead. ;)

I'm starting to think that I choose a bad name for the template.... Instead of 'Half-vampire', perhaps I should have named it as 'Blood tainted: Vampire' of something similar instead... hmm...


First Post
As for online ordering, I've bought a couple of oldish things (including one issue of Dragon I was missing) from these guys. I found them good to deal with, and I thought their prices were good. I'm not in the US either, so I figured it might be worth mentioning.

On the other hand though, there are probably a lot of posters here who regularly buy stuff online, and one of them might know a place that's better/cheaper/whatever else.

wuyanei, Check it out before dissing the idea. One nice thing about the Half-Vampire is that true undeath status isn't attained until late in the progressoin, so you can have teh oft written but never played scenario of recuing a bitten maiden before she goes fully to the dark side {so to speak}

Follow this link --> Savage Progressions @ WOTC


First Post
I agree, that's worth the negligible time to download. Me, I got the lot some time ago. Actually, quite a few articles on offer there are very handy for GMs, I've found. I recommend checking them out, in the archives section there.

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