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Halfling wizard evoker..


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What is an good choice, for an level 1 halfling gestalt wizard evoker..

The gestalt is only at level 1, then i am planning on going further with halfling wizard evoker..

So i want to know, what is an good class that enhances the abilietis for an wizard evoker?

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Penguin Herder
Well, how does this one-level-only "gestalt" work? Does it count for multi-classing penalties? (If so, you will need to take your one level in Rogue.)

If not, consider:
- Scout
- Barbarian
- Ranger
- Warblade

Scout gets you +1d6 Skirmish, and works quite well with the Unseen Seer PrC, as would Rogue. Both give you tons of skill points.

Rangers do well for skill points, too, and you get +1 BAB at 1st level.

Barbarian and Warblade each grant 12 hp at 1st level, plus some nice surprises for anyone who wants to melee with you.

Cheers, -- N


First Post
Well we may gestalt, only at level 1, so i have to chose one class that i gestalt with. Then with lvl 2,3, etc etc i can only chose one class (wizard evoker) so i am looking for something to enhance my spellcasting or something like that..

There are no xp penalty's..

My stats are:


I was going for:
Str 11 (making it 9)
Dex 14 (making it 16)
Con 14
Int 17
Wis 14
Cha 13

I am not straying from the wizard evoker, i am just searching for an second, one time only gestalt class :)


First Post
Well, at level one, you stand to get a big skill point boost, so I'd look at classes that get 4+ skill points per level.

An unusual option that I only recommend because this is a one-level thing: Monk. It sounds weird, but you'll get decent skills and HP, a +2 AC bonus, good saves, and Improved Grapple (which will help shore up a major weakness of Wizards). You'll also threaten while unarmed.

Spellthief might open up some interesting possibilities. Marshall would allow you to take the aura that adds Charisma bonus to overcome SR.

I'd probably take Warblade, though.



Registered User
I vote for Scout. +1d6 skirmish for ray spells (since you'll be moving a lot!) sounds exactly like what you need.

And don't forget the sneaky skillpoints that enhance your halfling acrobatic feel.


First Post
I would have to go with Scout also.

4 ranks of spot, listen, hide, and Move will be nice for you entire career.

Also getting a solid selection of knowledge skills is nice, if your DM uses them consistently.

And finally, for the skirmish, that makes those 0 level spells do reasonable damage. 1d6+1d3 is not bad at lower levels.


Scout is an excellent choice. Rogue, however, sets up some intriguing possibilities for a sniper build. Some of this is a retread from earlier posts.

Taking Rogue would set you up for "Spellwarp Sniper" (CS p64) by 6th which would in turn set up for "Unseen Seer" (CMage 81) by 9th, I think.

You'd have to pump quite a few CC search ranks during those evoker levels to qualify for Unseen Seer. The rogue and spellwarp skill lists will cover the rest of the skill prereqs.

Additionally if you can snag the Halfling Rogue Substitution level (without interfering with PrC qualifications) to get 2d6 ranged sneak attack (0 melee sneak) you'd have some nice bonus damage.

At 20th level:

Gestalted Hallfling Rogue Substitution-Evoker 5/Spellwarp Sniper 5/Unseen Seer 10

You'd have CL 17 non-Divination/23 Divination, Ranged Sneak Attack +8d6 out to 60', Empower Ray Spell 1/day, Free Precise Shot, Free Silent Spell and Nondetection as SU among the headliners.

If you choose to skip Unseen Seer you can have CL 20 with no split between divination/non-divination but you'd miss out on 4d6 sneak attack and a lot of cool goodies.
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First Post
I wonder if taking Unseen seer would be worth it at those levels. So much is immune to sneak attack at those levels. Perhaps it would be better to aim for some prestige with other abilities.

The spellwarp sniper is pretty good, if you intend to keep with rays.


First Post
Does that skirmish from the scout only do extra damage with ray's?

I was thinking about maybe one level cleric.. There are some nice level 1 spells i could use..

Im still looking, so suggestions are always good :)


Skirmish would work for any attack if you move 10 feet that round.

I wouldn't recommend Cleric, as one level would add almost nothing. d8 hit die is nice, but the armor is useless, the spells are ok but nothing you can't live without, and you wouldn't get any extra skill points.

I'm a fan of anything that gives you more skill points at level one. A recommendation I would make is Spellthief, from Complete Adventurer. Later, once you can cast 2nd level Wizard spells, grab Master Spellthief, from Complete Scoundrel. Not only do you get a nice skill point boost, but you'd then be able to cast spells in light armor, and any time you sneak attack a spellcaster, you can steal a spell from them instead. Combine this with Greater Invisibility (so, don't have illusions as a barred school), and you can sneak attack whenever, dealing extra damage against folks who don't cast spells and stealing spells from those who do. Note that this does use a feat designed to combine two classes in a gestalt build, so you may need to run it by your DM first.

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