• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Hall of Judgment for the DFRPG: Now LIVE!



Gaming Ballistic is THRILLED to be the first third-party vendor to be granted a license to produce material for the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (Powered by GURPS) from Steve Jackson Games.

Hall of Judgment directly supports the excellent DFRPG Boxed Set. It provides a mini-setting and adventure, in full color, bookmarked and layered for the PDF, and with a print copy available for backers who wish a high-quality tangible reward.

  • Hall of Judgment is a micro-setting and scenario for the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (Powered by GURPS)
  • It features non-linear adventuring for 4-6 250-point characters
  • Explore a Viking-flavored world trekking through cold, harsh mountains, facing dangerous fae, and searching for a lost holy place, and the priceless relics within
  • Easily portable and usable with any GURPS Fantasy campaign

Hall of Judgment is an adventure micro-setting for four to six 250-point characters, made under license to Gaming Ballistic, LLC for use with the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (which is required and referenced in the book).

Hall of Judgment is the first third-party expansion for Steve Jackson Games’ Dungeon Fantasy RPG. It’s an experiment for both SJG and Gaming Ballistic, and both companies hope that it will be successful. I’d love to have your support in making it so!



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Hall of Judgment Final Week

We're in the final week for Hall of Judgment, and there's been a lot of movement on the Kickstarter! We passed $12,000 and that puts us on track to more-or-less equal Dragon Heresy unless we see something, as Mr. Furious would say, "either very good or very bad."

Layout: Block and Tackle
I've been working really hard to pull things together, and the efforts are paying off. In quick-point format:

  • Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch, GURPS Line Editor and author of the DFRPG, will be contributing the Foreword to Hall of Judgment! I made the offer to SJG, Steve pronounced it virtuous (his word!), and I'm very excited to have that going in there.
  • John Adamus, editor extraordinaire, turned around my manuscript in twelve hours, and caught enough detailed points that it was clear he got both content and copy. If you're in the market for an editor: hire this man.
  • I've got the first full layout pour of the document in place. So there's a page for just about everything that needs to go there. Title page, Kickstarter Backer credits, Table of Contents, Crazy Norse Words pronunciation glossary, Town, Journey, Dungeons, the Hall itself, Grappling, Pre-gens, Bestiary, and a bit of modified backstory for those that care.
  • The PDF as-is, no maps, no art, no orphan text fixes, is 116 pages. So my delivery target for a print book will be 128 interior pages; likely the PDF will be 131 or 132 for spacing and facing for the cover.
  • The maps are still being worked, but there's lots of time for that. Each is a page in size, so they're easy to plan for in layout. No delays expected there.
  • The pre-gens are coming along nicely. The eight promised with the book are done. I think I have 2-3 of the backer-submitted ones in hand already, if not fully laid out.
  • The monsters are also coming along; perhaps half done. The core 16 that originally came with Lost Hall of Tyr are finished, and the 14-15 more that are added with Hall of Judgment are next on the list.
  • Fantastic Dungeon Grappling got another small revision and is looking solid.

I've got 22 days left until the deadline set by "we plan to release the product in August" promise I made in the April 1 announcement, and the PDF will be ready by then.

That leaves us with the print question. At this point, we've got 275 (ish) print backers. That's more than enough to get us out of POD, but not enough to drive to a full offset print run.

Wild and crazy things can happen, and I hope they do. What does this mean? It means unless we see a wild uptick, I'll be using a short-run printer in the UK to deliver 140gsm interior pages (that's about 93# paper; typical DriveThru is 70#/105gsm).

Because the printing is in the UK and the fulfillment partner I'll be using is also in the UK, I expect to be working hard on the shipping side of things. I'll probably know more in two weeks on that score.

Ask Me Anything
I'm working on a "final week Ask Me Anything" session, probably a few hours long, sometime this week. Not sure what that will look like, but I want to do it and take questions about the process, the adventure, and anything gaming-related. Or viking related.

Campaign Close Process
That brings us to the finishing touches.

The campaign closes July 14, which is this coming Saturday. I would deeply appreciate re-shares on social media, and talking about the project in general. The better we do, the more likely SJG is to want to do this again.

When the campaign closes, I'll ready and fire up the Backerkit phase, which will have a short survey to get your pledges allocated to product. For those not getting add-ons, is all you'll do with the "survey" is:

  • Validate you're getting the product you want
  • Pay for shipping
  • Select any add-ons you'd like
  • Answer a few questions about the product, and what you'd like to see next

It is pretty important to be prompt on this one, and the survey period will be short: Probably 7-10 working days.

Note that Backerkit does not set the pace for digital reward delivery. As long as the funds settle and there's no weirdness with payment (this happens every campaign; it's depressingly normal) you'll get your PDF on August 1.

So that's it! This is the home stretch, and while there's still work to be done, that work is pretty well defined at this point.

Grab your axe and shield, board your longship and let's finish strong. Glory awaits.


48 Hours to go!

The Hall of Judgment Kickstarter is the first 3rd-party license for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, and one of the rare 3rd-party licenses that Steve Jackson Games has issued. It's over 400 backers and 400% funding and climbing.

What's in it for you?

  • A Foreword by Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch, GURPS Line Editor, that should make everyone that's wanted to publish for GURPS sit up and take notice
  • 20 pages of viking-inspired town, with festivals, culture, and adventure seeds
  • Three micro-dungeons to explore: a ruins and two underground warrens.
  • Five maps by MonkeyBlood Design (Glynn Seal), ENnie-nominated cartographer. These things are unbelievably cool.
  • The main adventure, featuring a non-linear evolution in encounters, not-just-combat challenges, and more
  • Over a dozen sample characters; five or six are backer submitted at the Thegn of Your Own tier!
  • More than 30 creatures ready to play with a new open layout for easy digestion.

This book is VERY different, and quite frankly, better in almost every way than Lost Hall of Tyr, from which it sprung. 128 pages (rather than 64), full color, awesome art, and layered and hyperlinked for ease of use. The print copies will be 93#/140gsm interior paper; fulfillment is from the UK so international shipping should be pretty affordable.

Finally: let's not beat around the bush: let me quote from the aforementioned foreword: "...it bodes well for Dungeon FantasyRoleplaying Game fans and fans of SJ Games products in general. We now have evidence that licensing third-party publishers to crowdfund content for our games pays off. That isn’t a guarantee we’ll agree to every proposal—our standards remain exacting, and we still prefer
people we know and trust—but it means we’ll listen. Intently." -Sean Punch

Please support the Hall of Judgment Kickstarter. 48 hours to go.


Yesterday, the final PDF for Hall of Judgment was approved by Steve Jackson Games for release to Kickstarter backers, and was distributed via Backerkit. The KS closed July 14, and the product was sent out Aug 10. The physical copies are still pending, but will be ready at the printer Aug 22 (a Wednesday) and will likely be on their way to international backers by Friday (UK Royal Mail), and arrive in MN for packaging and US distribution early that following week. I do expect folks to have their physical copies by mid-September.

If folks are interested in the game and are in the "not the USA" bucket for shipping, you'll want to pre-order now on Backerkit to take advantage of favorable shipping rates: $6 in the UK (and the USA, but that's neither here nor there); $9 for the EU, and $12 to "everywhere else."


The print copies for Hall of Judgment arrived in the USA and are presently being delivered to backers! As such, the game is now on sale on Gaming Ballistic's web store in both print and PDF versions.

It's a very nice printing: 140gsm (93#) silk-coated paper. The entire book is 10mm thick, while a recent POD book like GURPS Mysteries (also 128 pages) is 7.5mm.

Here's one one happy backer had to say:

"I've read a fair bit now. Enjoying it immensely.

I'm struck by two things. First, the setting is rich and well-developed. It reminded me of cracking open the old World of Greyhawk gazetteer for the first time: intriguing adventure options on every page. I appreciate the notes on history, social structure, and religion. The deliciously extensive array of festivals was entirely over the top, in the best possible way — so many fun options for bringing the setting to life.

Second, the book provides useful expansions to the DFRPG rules. I was expecting the excellent grappling rules, of course, but it has a lot more than that. It contains information on pack animals, dressing game, climate extremes, etc. Much of this might be available in other GURPS or DF volumes, but not as part of DFRPG.

Impressively good value. (And the paper is silky heaven.)"


Voidrunner's Codex

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