"Halo: Combat Evolved" or "Unreal II: The Awakening"?


Considering how similar they are in many aspects, I thought I'd ask:

Which of these two games do you prefer (or do you like or dislike them equally?), and why? Also, which of these two games runs better on your system? :confused:

I'm not yet sure which one I prefer more since I've just started playing Halo: Combat Evolved on my PC. But it seems that for now, Unreal II ran much more smoothly on my system - hopefully the next Halo patch will rectify that, though.

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Ashrem Bayle

Goodsport said:
Considering how similar they are in many aspects, I thought I'd ask:

Which of these two games do you prefer (or do you like or dislike them equally?), and why? Also, which of these two games runs better on your system? :confused:

I'm not yet sure which one I prefer more since I've just started playing Halo: Combat Evolved on my PC. But it seems that for now, Unreal II ran much more smoothly on my system - hopefully the next Halo patch will rectify that, though.



Lets put it like this. I haven't even finished Unreal, and I've beated Halo several times despite it occasional repetitivness.

Halo is simply a MUCH better game.


First Post
Yup, Unreal was pretty awful. I never played more than the first few levels. It brings nothing new to the table, is clunky and cumbersome, and just plain unoriginal.

Meanwhile, I can't even count how many times I've played through Halo. That is one helluva game.

I'm a big Halo fan. The good news, too, is that Halo is gradually moving towards becoming the next generation Half Life (unless Half Life 2 does it first!) The level editor is supposed to come with skin and model editors as well, for instance, so you can play pretty much anything with it if you want to take the time and effort to model it.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Halo, hands down.

Not just because it's a more than decent multi-player. The fact is you can play the single player more and more, and STILL find ways to succeed or fail, even in easy mode. And just try getting through the 3rd and 4th chapters in Legendary mode WITHOUT dying a lot. Believe me, I've tried.

I will say this now, I dislike the Covanent but the Flood are just fricking EVIL/BAD!!


First Post
Halo, dude.

Much better gameplay in SP and MP.

Ooh, one time me and two friends were playing Blood Gulch, and we got a Scorpion on the roof of one of the bases. Simply amazing. We have it on tape, too. Must capture it.


First Post
Definitely Halo PC. The story actually has an interesting plot, and the multiplayer is much more interesting and tactical (not to mention the superb physics).

Then again, my Halo addiction may be biasing me :D

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