Happy Good Friday

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Rubeus Hagrid

Idle whimsy.

You know, with the Christians owning the Holidays in the US, there are some nifty ones. Wouldn't it be fun, though if we could get the Jewish, Muslim, and my own Wiccan holidays off, too? Anothr long weekend for Beltane next month would kinda break up the year nicely. :)

Heck,December could almost become a month of four-day weekends. :D


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My fiance's gone to visit his folks for the weekend...which means I can't go to see FOTR again yet to see TTT stuff.:( My Mom's taking me to a nice chinese restaurant for dinner though.:)

Happy Bunnydays to everybody!


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And they didn't give us a day off at school. Horrible. I was almost tended to become stricktly religious, although I don't think they would fall for it :D
But on the other hand, we do have two weeks off next month


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My girlfriend works in the public library and does arts and crafts with young children.

The other day they were making little people out of eggs and painting them and adding little bits of clothing etc to them.

She made an egg version of me. Complete with little black cape and big poofy hair.


First Post
Rubeus Hagrid You know, with the Christians owning the Holidays in the US, there are some nifty ones. Wouldn't it be fun, though if we could get the Jewish, Muslim, and my own Wiccan holidays off, too? Anothr long weekend for Beltane next month would kinda break up the year nicely.

Fortunately, I work for an employer that gives us up to 4 days a year off for personal days the include religious holidays that aren't 'mainstream' holidays. So I always take off Beltane and Halloween. Isn't diversity wonderful?

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