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Dog Moon

Sig virus? what was that about?

Basically, IIRC, there was a link that showed up in peoples' sigs. If you clicked on it, you gained an additional link in your sig leading to the Sig Virus. So if you decided to click on the links like 10 times, you had 10 lines in your Sig that linked to the Sig Virus. I think the link only linked back to the front page, but by going through that link, it still triggered the Virus that added an extra link in your Sig.

This may not totally be accurate cause the thing happened like a ridiculous number of years ago, but I think it was something like that.

Its been a crazy past week for me. My daughter announced to us that she is nearly done with her trade schooling at Job Corps a month early. That would mean she and her boyfriend would be back with us in June. Since he already finished (last week) She pushed extra hard to finish quicker. Knowing she would finish soon I spotted a possible job for her and let her know about it.

Turns out the new head of the place was her boss last year and was really impressed with her work then.

To make a long story shorter- She has jumped to over 90% done and has next week off for a job interview- for the job I directed her to. To top it off, since the lady is a State worker, she believes she can find a job for the boyfriend doing what he just finished studying for.

Stop the bus! I'm still getting over the fact she turns 20 today and is becoming a young lady.......

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm feeling old.......

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