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1700.00 to fix my car.

Ouch, thats dollars right? My other half's car needs £500 pounds work on it. Which has stressed us some. Add that to dentist (for other half and oldest cat) and this has been a pricey month.

On the plus side the oldest cat going to the vet led to us adopting a new kitten. Who is lovely but our now middle cat seems stressed to hell about the competition for our affections.

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Relique du Madde

Our dogs are evil. The oldest knows she not allowed to be inside. When she's inside she knocks your hand off whatever its on so that you would pet her.

The other two dogs fight each other for attention.

Working on John Play Storyhour and my daughter is working on an Overpower deck. I need to think about a team for the morning. Considering something entirely different from my norm but I'm uncertain at what.

Relique du Madde

Just a reminder...


That being in honor of the anniversary of Buckey Barnes death, and the birth of our nation, you must eat the Captain America Dunk in Donuts Star Donut or the Baskin Robins Captain America super Soldier Swirl or Super Soldier Sundae.*

*Hydra Force Sundaes are fortraitors
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[MENTION=59043]Walking Dad[/MENTION] -figured you may have wanted to see the venzen avenger

Just a reminder...


That being in honor of the anniversary of Buckey Barnes death, and the birth of our nation, you must eat the Captain America Dunk in Donuts Star Donut or the Baskin Robins Captain America super Soldier Swirl or Super Soldier Sundae.*

*Hydra Force Sundaes are fortraitors

Working on John Play Storyhour and my daughter is working on an Overpower deck. I need to think about a team for the morning. Considering something entirely different from my norm but I'm uncertain at what.

My team of Harbingers, Dark Pheonix, Green lantern and The Hand with supoort from New Orleans took on.....

Cathy's X-babies, World War Hulk, Namor and Silver Surfer with support from the Daily Bugle.....

I won and it was a devious way. For those that have played Overpower, X-Babies have a very annoying special ability or "Inherent Ability".... they are not affected by the primary source of damage.

The battle went back and forth as it should have and it was down to X-babies vs The Hand when from no where X-O Man-O-War struck them with an attack that removes Inherent abilities thus KOing her character instantly.... ah- the smell of victory.

I'm coming to really like the Hand. They are right up there with Spider-Woman, Silver Surfer, Spawn and Magnus.

The kids and I may see Transformers tomorrow. Wanted to Saturday but the theatre is only playing a few times a day and the times didn't match up well with our free time.

I've been reading the late Ultimate collection which I'm kinda liking- Doomsday.

Reed Richards as a bad guy is a scary thought. The Thing's rock shell which was a cocoon?!? Spiffy.

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