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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I have had an epiphany. The reason the knights in Monty Pythons search for the holy grail had so much trouble with the vorpal bunny at the first is because they were singing the 'kill the wabbit' song by R. Wagner (ride of the Valkyrie)

I had hoped to begin my "Wayfinders of the Floating Tower" adventure with the kids today but I guess it starts next week.

Demons, Devils, Maddened Dragons and Hurricanes oh my!

Character creation mainly.

I'm figuring maybe Saturday afternoon after Cathy's soccer game.

I've got the demons, giant owl and Sharn skyline done

I've got Broken Anvil Inn and characters done

I've got the first 10 or so encounters done within the sewers that include everything from Goblins, to wererats (in human form), to gel Cubes to 1/2 Dragon Crocodiles (yes I said 1/2 dragon ;) )

By the weekend I should have the second half done which will include vampires, rat swarms, water elementals and of course- a rapidly growing and destructive flood under the city.

Tim opted to switch out his gunslinger for a Magus but Cathy's game was cancelled... so here we go... kinda. If it really matters....


A Wicked Kendragon
Everything matters. The only question is, how much.

Like right now I have this blinding headache and it's making it hard to concentrate on anything else. And I should be at work tomorrow even though it was supposed to be my day off, and I'm pondering what matters more, and maybe if I should call in sick. Blah. :hmm:

Played some Saturday and my son's magus is total jerk and a$$. Not sure how it will work longterm in the game.

Played some more today. He toned it down some but my character is more than willing to place his Huge Falchion in his backside... sideways.

At least next weekend we should start the main adventure.

I have started a Storyhour for it. "The Wayfinders of The Floating Tower"


A Wicked Kendragon
I glanced at EN Scryer and a spammer popped up in Talking the Talk. So I reported it, and posted a reply saying I'd reported it.

And the spammer replied with "eeeeeeeeeh.....:-S:-S:-S"

I feel like I just levelled up. :D

Advanced Reporting
- You not only notice spam quickly, and report it expeditiously, but you now also demoralize the spammer by doing so.

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