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I am the mysterious professor.
I appreciate you answering my questions. I am always curious, and like to learn more about other places. It was hard for me to keep my personal feelings to a minimum. Thank you for indulging me. 🙂

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Staff member
I don’t know why, but this 9/11 has affected me more than any one since the first.

I knew one guy directly impacted by that day. He worked in the towers, but escaped by coincidence. He worked WAY into the night, and decided to go into work a couple hours late because he needed rest. He hadn’t seen or heard any news that morning, so his first exposure to the tragedy was rounding a corner and seeing people jumping to escape the fire.

I’ve heard his story more than a few times, but we’re not particularly close. We haven’t talked in years, and TBH, he’s a bit of an ass. So his story, while horrific, didn’t touch me deeply.

Yet here I am, only tangentially connected to the events of that day, and the times I’ve been alone today have been an emotional roller coaster. It’s an alien experience.


I am the mysterious professor.
Grief hits people in different ways. No two people greaves the same way. No judgment from me on that. Reflect on your feelings, but don't dwell on them. When you're ready, move on. It's a day that will sit with you forever.

I visited the World Trade Center when I was a teen. The tour took us through the lobby of one of the buildings from Wall St. to Broad Way. It's surreal to think no one will have that experience again. This is the thought that I think of at times like this. It makes me sad.

Relique du Madde

I have a customer that continues to complain claiming he's not receiving his papers. I now have to provide proof of delivery in the form of a picture. I have to get the house number and the papers in the picture. The only way to do that is to get out of the car. I don't have time for this đź’©. View attachment 260742
I took this picture and labeled it a hostage proof of life picture.
There's one easy solution for that.... throw the paper through a window. Whether that window is broken or not, isn't your problem.
This looks pretty, and fun.

A Bollywood superhero movie... (And yep, people are already downing it because the FX aren't Marvel-level despite being made on a quarter of the budget.)

I'd argue that even current day Disney/Marvel/StarWar's FX isn't at the level of what it was a few years ago.

Relique du Madde

Well, since I'm in Chile 911 means something different considering that it the anniversary of a US backed Coup by a fascist dictator who ordered the army to bomb the nation's capitol building after they raided the building and assassinated the socialist president. Last night there apparently was a small protest that turned violent downtown and an cop died. GF told me she didn't want me to be outside anywhere just incase there was a violent protest, so we spent the night at one of her friend's B-Day party.

As far as the US 911 is concerned, that day was weird. Waking up and being told that the Twin Towers were destroyed, then driving to USC with no traffic on the freeway under a clear sky without contrails. Then when I arrived to my class, everyone of course were talking about what happened and my teacher arrived late. He came in with his bag, put it down opened it like he was about to start class, but he just didn't even sit and instead said something like "You know what, too much S--- is happening in the world today. Class dismissed. See you next week."

That all aside, my gf and I ended up getting a civil union today. We both wanted it to be more special, but we were told to do it asap like three weeks ago in case the new Chilean constitution failed (which it did), since it would help out our ability to get my visa and everything processed. Unfortunately, the speed of the process wouldn't be affected, which sucks.

My mom doesn't know about the civil union. Cause, well, my T-Mobil locked Pixel 4a (lol) was stolen right before we decided on doing this and I'm currently waiting for a US sim to arrive. My GF, now wife, and I wanted to tell my mom on the phone rather then in text. So this will wait a few more weeks, but my mom knew we were told that we might have to do a civil union, so it shouldn't be a shock.
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Relique du Madde

My wife and her friends almost exclusively play that. I tried running Dungeon World/Freebooters, but my friends didn't get into the swing of it since the whole "they do everything" aspect of the system caused things to crash and burn as a result of not having the DnD-esque interplay between them and their enemies. Seriously, the first "what are you going to do?" Became two minutes of crickets chirping followed by my wishing I could the dice after the enemies started attacking and they decided that "I shouldn't have to roll to see if I get hit by the bad guy's attacks." After that failed session I tried to play OSE with them but they didn't like thaco or the fact that they basically had a 1 round combat day due to low number of abilities and low HP.
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I am the mysterious professor.
Okay, since the thread hasn't gone away yet, I'll bite... What the hell is a Nutkinlander?
ENworld had a number of spinoff message boards. Nutkinland was one of them. Nutkin would gone to start and stop several message boards. They all had cross board members and drama. A Nutkinlander is just someone that was a member.

ENworld had a number of spinoff message boards. Nutkinland was one of them. Nutkin would gone to start and stop several message boards. They all had cross board members and drama. A Nutkinlander is just someone that was a member.
Wasn't one of them called civics Maximus or some along those lines?


I am the mysterious professor.
Wasn't one of them called civics Maximus or some along those lines?
Circus Maximus was started by Morrus I believe. No grandma rules there. But, yes, it would count as one.

I think there's a wiki that discusses a lot of history of the various boards.
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