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Harassment At PaizoCon 2017

In our post-Harvey Weinstein world, more and more people in the various entertainment industries are coming forward with allegations of abuse and harassment, both sexual and psychological. The tabletop gaming industry isn't isolated from this wave of revelation as incidents surface, and will likely continue to surface about professionals, and fans, within the gaming communities.

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In our post-Harvey Weinstein world, more and more people in the various entertainment industries are coming forward with allegations of abuse and harassment, both sexual and psychological. The tabletop gaming industry isn't isolated from this wave of revelation as incidents surface, and will likely continue to surface about professionals, and fans, within the gaming communities.

Stories of harassment within tabletop gaming, at conventions and stores, and even in local gaming groups are nothing new. That is probably the saddest fact of this whole thing: that despite stories being brought to light, not only does harassment continue to happen but the existence of it continues to be denied by some. This denial is one of the factors that allows abuse and harassment to continue within tabletop RPGs.

Allegations of improper behavior at the 2017 PaizoCon by Frog God Games CEO Bill Webb were brought to life by Pathfinder content creator Robert Brookes. Brookes was attending PaizoCon and has written for Paizo and Legendary Games, among others. In an incident involving alcohol, Webb allegedly sexually harassed another guest at the convention and when a staffer attempted to intervene and injury occurred with the staffer.

In a thread about harassment and abuse on gaming forum RPGNet, Frog God Games partner Matt Finch, creator of the Swords & Wizardry retroclone, confirmed that the incident with Webb occurred, and revealed some details about an internal investigation that the partners of Frog God Games conducted into the incident:

"I am Matt Finch, the partner of Frog God Games appointed by the partners to investigate a sexual harassment complaint filed against Mr. Webb at PaizoCon 2017. Mr. Webb was not consulted by the partners on this decision. Due to recent accusations made on Twitter by a third party, I will outline the aspects of the situation to the extent that they do not compromise the confidentiality of the person who filed the report, I will describe the nature of our internal investigation, and will also address the recently-raised tweets by Robert Brookes on his twitter feed. This report will not necessarily be updated; it stands for itself at the time of posting, based on the knowledge I currently have.

"First, it is correct that a complaint was filed with Paizo at PaizoCon against Bill. I was made aware of this by phone on the day it happened (I was not present at the convention). Frog God is aware of the identity of the person who made the complaint, because they spoke to three of our partners at the convention after the event. We have not been invited to share that person’s identity, and although we are not under legal obligation to protect that confidentiality we have elected to respect that person’s desire not to have the event brought into the spotlight.

"Gathering information in a situation like this is necessarily limited due to Paizo’s own confidentiality obligations. To assemble information, I spoke to the three partners who had talked with the person who filed the complaint, and obtained their accounts of what they were told. Secondhand accounts are not perfect, and I had to weigh that against the fact that an attorney making direct contact with someone who has filed such a report can be seen as a threat or intimidation, and weighing those two issues, I chose to rely on a comparison of the conversations between the individual and our partners, plus Paizo’s own resolution of the matter at the time, plus a necessarily-cautious review of Bill’s account. There has been contact between the person who filed the complaint and Frog God partners since the event, and I will provide a screenshot of one such communication with the name redacted. I believe the screenshot provides a great deal of clarification.

"Reducing the event to a level that will maintain confidentiality, my understanding based on my investigation was that Bill Webb took an action and engaged in speech that could be construed as a sexual advance or as gender-dismissive.

"In consequence of this finding, I and another senior partner of the company had a meeting with Mr. Webb about expectations, standards of behavior, and future protocol. We addressed that one’s lack of bad intentions does not excuse problematic behavior.

"Some people have asked that Mr. Webb acknowledge and apologize for the situation. Bill does deeply regret his actions, and understands that they were inappropriate and upsetting. I have told Mr. Webb not to contact the person directly, for the same reason that I have not done so myself: the potential for that contact to appear intimidating or threatening. However, at whatever time the person lets us know that a direct apology from Mr. Webb would be welcomed, that apology will be immediately forthcoming. Mr. Webb is also under instruction not to discuss this matter in public, in case peripheral details were to be inadvertently disclosed that might allow the identification of the person by another party. This is also the reason we chose to have me, as the investigating partner, write the public report, given that a report has become necessary in response to a recent description of the event on Twitter."

We reached out to Webb for comment upon this incident, and we were directed to the RPGNet post by Finch. This is the company's official statement on what happened at PaizoCon. Whether or not there will be further repercussions within Frog God Games due to this incident and Webb's actions remain to be seen.

Paizo CEO Lisa Stevens has released an official statement on the incident on the Paizo forums. When EN World reached out to Paizo for official comment, we were directed to this statement:

"My name is Lisa Stevens and I am the CEO and owner of Paizo Inc. Events of the past few weeks have compelled me to make this statement.

"My company will never condone any sexual harassment or assault against any of our employees, male or female. We will never condone any sexual harassment or assault against any of our customers on paizo.com or at sanctioned organized play activities. Whenever I hear any allegations of sexual harassment or assault related to Paizo’s activities, I always immediately drop whatever I'm doing and I make getting to the bottom of these issues my top priority. We have banned people from paizo.com. We have banned people from participating in our organized play activities. We have stopped doing business with individuals. And we will continue to do so.
"As a woman and a survivor of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape, I know what it is like to be on the receiving end of these attacks. I know what it is like to feel the shame, the terror, how it changes your life forever. And because of this, I will never stand for my company to condone this behavior.

"Paizo’s employees are encouraged to come forward with any allegations of sexual harassment or assault and let a manager know as soon as possible. If criminal activities have taken place, they are encouraged to report it to the police and take legal action against the perpetrator. We have asked our employees to not engage in explosive and angry dialogue on paizo.com. We want our website to be a place where our customers feel safe and among friends. If there is problem on paizo.com, then our community team will handle it and, where appropriate, ban the perpetrator.

"In closing, you have my word that I have zero tolerance for sexual harassment and assault, and the same is true of Paizo. Please be aware that we treat these issues with tremendous sensitivity, and only disclose the specifics and resolutions of any such incidents on a need-to-know basis, even within Paizo or with our legal counsel. We do not and will not discuss these matters publicly. Every instance that I am aware of has been thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions have been taken or are in the process of being taken. You have my word on this."

Unrelated to the PaizoCon incident, Brookes also revealed an incident of harassment within the Pathfinder Society organized play program. When a volunteer staffer reported this incident, their supervisor informed them that an NDA they had signed to be part of the program would not allow her to discuss this incident. Paizo has not officially commented on this incident or commented on whether or not there is an investigation into it.

If tabletop role-playing games are truly going to be an inclusive, we have to be better about not just reporting incidents of abuse and harassment but being dedicated to creating spaces that are safe and free of harassment of our fellow gamers. We also need to shine a spotlight onto the incidents of harassment that occur, it is the responsibility of journalists, bloggers and gamers to do this and let people know that their actions will come to light and that they will be held responsible. It is also important to not just talk about those parts of the gaming communities that we don't agree with, but to also bring to light the improper actions of those companies and communities with whom we do agree, because unless every act of harassment is revealed there will be no change within our communities.

Remember that EN World is an inclusive community.

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EDIT: Snip

All right, I'll bow out. He was wrong. I totally agree. He was a drunken d-bag. No denying it. My point was that if no charges are going to be laid...then it doesn't matter as nothing will "be done" about it other than online platitudes and virtue signaling by some. Want to really make people think twice about drinking themselves stupid and aggressively pursuing someone? Take them to court. Otherwise.... "...sigh..."


Paul L. Ming
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1) Given what these women go through, I am not remotely surprised that many of them don't bring charges, or want to draw official attention.

2) Harassment that doesn't reach the level of criminal is still a violation.

And your room for judging the victims in either case, no matter who you know or what you've been through, is exactly the hell zero.


Rules Monkey
So you would have no problem with a Gay man drunkly following you around, telling you what a stud you are and making other sexual inappropriate comments?

You know, I actually had a drunk gay man climb into my bed after a party at my house once (it was late and I was trying to sleep). And despite being drunk, lonely, and horny - he stopped immediately when I told him I wasn't interested. He was a nice guy who got drunk and made an inappropriate advance - but I don't consider what he did harassment for one simple reason. He stopped when I asked him too.

That's the difference between harassment and a drunken mistake. Harassment means they don't stop after you tell them you aren't interested.

There is a big difference between a man and a women in a similar situation. I'm over 6' tall and 200+ lbs, and at the time I worked out regularly. Even if he didn't want to take "No" for an answer, I really wasn't worried about anything happening that I didn't want to happen. He wasn't a physical threat to me. Most women do not have that luxury.

Like it or not, there is a different threshold for men and women when it comes to situations like this. Some men complain about it being a double standard, but the fact is that men are more physically dangerous to women than women are to men (barring technological equalizers like pepper spray, knives and guns). I'd never assault or harass a woman, but I'm physically larger and more imposing than 99% of the women I meet. If they don't know me, I'm a potential threat. I don't like it, but it's safer for them to think that way until they know me. Even worse - most assaults on women are done by someone they know, not a stranger.

The incident being discussed in this thread - she asked him to stop, and he persisted in following her and continuing to make advances - that's harassment, plain and simple. It continued to the point where she felt threatened and other people felt the need to intervene. That's not trivial, that's something serious and they dealt with it appropriately, using their best judgement at the time.

And what you're reading now is "something being done."

These discussions? They're not platitudes and they're not "virtue signaling." (God, I despise that term.)

They draw attention to the bad actors. They warn people away from working with them. They cost them business. It's a personal and financial hit, and it's enough to encourage at least some companies to change their policies.

How about getting on board with trying to fix things instead of telling people who have already been victimized that they're being victims the wrong way?


First is that these types of incidents obviously were NOT serious enough to warrant getting the police and the legal system involved.

To be completely fair to them, Paizo at the time were totally willing to get the police involved, the victim didn't because of a complicated list of reasons.

And this is as the person who put this whole mess together into one big list of 'this is a bunch of stuff that has happened in the last x months/years'. And as much as I have issues with all the 'post event', I don't have any criticism at all for their handling of 'at the time'. To make clear, because you've posted a bunch of utterly untrue things, absolutely at the time Paizo were willing and happy to do the right thing and involve the police.

The rest of your post is just ignoring all the facts and spilling out nonsense that has nothing to do with what happened, and how, and why and what the issues were.



EDIT: Snip

All right, I'll bow out. He was wrong. I totally agree. He was a drunken d-bag. No denying it. My point was that if no charges are going to be laid...then it doesn't matter as nothing will "be done" about it other than online platitudes and virtue signaling by some. Want to really make people think twice about drinking themselves stupid and aggressively pursuing someone? Take them to court. Otherwise.... "...sigh..."


Paul L. Ming

Actually, some people will quit purchasing their products and quit supporting their kickstarters... so, bringing attention to it without pressing charges isn't a lost cause.


And, there are things we can do, even if we are not really involved. Threads like this make such behaviour all the more unacceptable. Additionally, people can read this and stop buying products with this guy's name on it. Convention organizers can see just how unacceptable this sort of thing is and feel that they can ban someone from the convention without taking a huge amount of flak for it.

There is ZERO wrong with making this sort of thing public.


Community Supporter
Rape culture in not just about rape.

Every time someone uses "well, she didn't go to the police, so it wasn't that serious" to dismiss a complaint, that is rape culture.

Every time someone says "well, she/he never actually physically harmed him/her" as a reason for it not being worth worrying about, that is rape culture.

Every time someone is worried about the impact on the harasser as opposed to the impact on the victim, that is rape culture.

Every time someone says "well, you didn't go public with it, so too bad for you", that is rape culture.

You (and a number of other people) have done the above in this thread, and it is actions like that which prevent the TTRPG hobby from being as open as it can be to non-white males.

Edit to add - You stated that discussions like this are worthless if criminal charges aren't laid and/or no-one goes to jail. You could not be more wrong. Because of discussion threads like this, there are a number of people who have indicated that, due to their awareness of the situation, they will no longer buy products from the companies involved. I know a number of people who have stepped away from freelance jobs with some of the companies involved. There are other companies who have indicated they will not work for nor will they accept work from the companies involved.

Actions have consequences.
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A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Repeating "We can do some bad things, so all bad things are acceptable" over and over and ignoring the varied and different points that people are making when saying why the stat block for Falco is bad comes across as just a little bit intellectually dishonest. Now, you may honestly not be grokking the point that people are making, and that's OK. But, for many, many people, myself included, going from a vague description to a statblock that includes increasing charisma for raping kids is well over the line.

I don't play Pathfinder and have not joined PFS games at any of the local FLGSs, but I've thought about it—gaming is gaming and it is nice to try other systems.

But is the book where the Falco is printed PFS legal? If this kind of content is something I have a chance of coming across in PF's organized play—well, at least I know to avoid it. I may have to deal with some objectionable language or the occasional socially-stunted player at a an AL game, but the material has never been an issue and I've never worried about taking my son to an AL game.

I'm a strong supporter of free speech and a card-carrying member of the ACLU. I have defended—and do defend—with money and actions—my fellow citizens' right to create, publish, and consume material that I find personally offensive. But as a consumer and as a parent, stuff like the Falco will make me steer a clear path around Paizo material and events. Which is fine, I suppose. If that's what the PF fan base finds acceptable, then they'd probably tell me not to let the door hit me on the way out. I'm just surprised that the second-largest TTRPG publisher would print such objectionable content in a major source book of theirs.

I appreciate the author and developer stating that they realize it was a mistake—but it isn't as if Paizo stopped selling the book. Or did they? If I buy the PDF of the book at the Paizo store right now, will the Falco still appear in it? If so—Paizo's actions speak louder than its words.

As for the Bill Webb incident. My sons and I have enjoyed Ms. Hensley's work. Some of my sons' first RPG experiences were Playground Adventure material. I'm also a big fan of her current employer and their software. Hearing about this incident is a punch in the gut. I don't know Ms Hensley personally, but my hobby would suffer if people like her were driven away from it. I don't understand anyone defending drunken goons like Bill Webb hitting on and then stalking women who rebuff their advances. I will try to avoid buying anything from Frog God Games or any other company he profits from. I will also be avoiding any convention where he is a panelist or speaker.
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