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D&D 4E Harry Potter 4e

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I am glad that you like what I wrote so much :D. and here come the next part.

Basic Quidditch Rules.

The Basics

Top View
Side View

Golden Snitch

Quidditch Paths:

Quidditch Moves:
Moves for All
Moves for the Chaser
Moves for the Beater
Moves for the Keeper
Moves for the Seeker


Quidditch, as we all know, is the facinating sport of wizards and witches. It is played in the air with many spectactular and dangeous moves. So how would we go about changing this awesome sport into a DnD combat?

Simple: (or maybe not so simple)

First the players of the game would have to aquire brooms.
Second they would have to spend a feat on the Quidditch Player feat in order to learn how to fly on a broom.
Thirdly, After they get the feat they automaticly learn the basic moves and gain ?5 to 10? Quidditch Points to spend on Quidditch Moves.
Next they set up the 2 playing field maps. one to track where they are on the field and a smaller one to show how high they are off the ground.
The final step it to play the game! the Players vs. the NPC's of the DM. The players will use the Moves that they learned to fly around the field and score points (and hopefully spot the snitch)

A quick note on Quidditch Points. Quidditch points are used to gain Quidditch Moves. The more advanced the Move, the higher the cost.
When you first get the Quidditch feat you are given ?5 to 10? Quidditch points to spend on Moves. You gain more Points by flying on your broomstick, practicing Quidditch, Playing Quidditch and (at the GM's choice) Reading a very informative book on Quidditch. More Points will be given for winning the Game then losing. More Points for playing and Game over just practising > Just flying > reading > etc.

As I said before, In order to play Quidditch properly you will need one Big Map to mark where you are on the feild and one Smaller one to mark how high you are off the ground. I will try to explain how they look. However, since I haven't had the time to prepair a picture, I will do the best I can with words.

Top View:
This map will be about 15x30 to 15x40 grid squares in size. It will mark where all the players, the Bludgers, and the Quaffle are located from an above view(much like most of the DnD maps). Also if a Seeker has spotted the Snitch it will be on the map.

Side View:
This map will be about 6 to 10 squares high and 5 to 10 squares across. It will show every thing that the top maps shows, except from the side to show how high the players are off the ground.
This map could easily be replaced by somthing else, but this method seems easier to me.



In order to play the game, Every player must have a broom to fly on. And not all Brooms are alike. Special brand new Brooms will give the players special bonuses like +1 to base movement, +3 to dodging, or +2 to catching , etc. Older brooms(like those owned by the school) will have little or no bonuses.


The Quaffle is basicly like a regular soccer or basket ball, it has little or no magical properties, and the players pass, throw and steal it from and between other players.


The Bludgers differ from the Quaffle in that they like to hit people, Hard. They are magiced and therefore they seem to take on personalities, and the GM should play them as such. Bludgers for the purpose of this format of the game will have their own stats just like a DnD monster. This will also include special Moves like 'Hit Player' and such.

The Golden Snitch: *incert sparklies, glittery lights, and heavenly voices here*

If the bludgers could be compared to Smashing Orges(or such) then the Snitch would be fair elven nobel, arch or magician. The Golden Snitch has even more personality then the bludgers. It flys around the field taunting and teasing the seekers with its swift glittery movements. The Snitch will have it's own stats and powers. Powers will include things like "Quick Dive" and 'Tease Seeker'

Anouther note about the Snitch. It is not placed on the board at the beginning of the game. It is placed only on the board after a seeker has made a sucessful spot check of DC?20 or 25?


These are just a few ideas about each path. They still needs some editing done to it.

The Chaser:
It is your goal to get to the quaffle into one of the hoops. You are best at throwing, and worst at dodging.
Three Chasers per team.
+2 to Throw or Toss
-2 to Dodge
You can use Powers the the keyword 'Chaser'

The Beater:
You must defend your team from the relentless onslot of the Bludgers, while attempting to hit your opponents.
2 Beaters per team
+2 to Hiting
-2 to Turning
You can use Powers the the keyword 'Beater'

The Keeper
It is your solem duty to guard the Hoops at your end of the field.
1 Keeper per team.
+2 to ?Catching?
-2 to Diving
You can use Powers the the keyword 'Keeper'

The Seeker
You must find, chase, and catch the Golden Snitch before the other Seeker can.
one seeker per team.
+2 to chasing
-2 to ?Hitting?
You can use Powers the the keyword 'Seeker'


Quidditch Moves are everying thing you can go on a broomstick. They are gained be spending Quidditch Points. They are divided up Path, Use amount and also by Action. Paths options are : Everyone, Chasers Only, Beaters Only, Keepers only and Seekers only. Use Amount options are At will and Encounter. Action options are divided up by Standard, Movement and Minor. In Quidditch I am now stating that durning the game you can not trade between these. I know it goes against DnD Rules, and I may change it later, but for right now for this game it just makes it sence to me. I also believe that it will make it more playable and interesting.

Now for a list of the actual Moves. I will only list them right now, because to explain them in detail requires a picture. (Which I have not had time to make, so I will post them at a later date.)

Moves for All:
Fly Forward
Vertical Flying
Regular Turn
Dodge Bludger
Quick Turn
Side Turn
Turn About
Vertcal Angle
Death Dive
Super Boost
Broom Afinity

Moves for Chasers:
Catch Quaffle
Throw Quaffle
Steal Quaffle

Moves for Beaters:
Hit Bludger
Power Hit

Movers for Keepers:
Block Quaffle
Knock Quaffle
Passing Hit Quaffle

Moves for Seekers:
Catch Snitch
Spot Snitch
Bluff Snitch

This list is sure to grow, move, expande and change as more moves are added. (Pictures to come soon)

Well, I guess this is all I have to add right now.
If any of you have any ideas for Spells, Rituals, Potions, Quidditch, etc. Please post them, I can't do this all myself XD, and frankly I think it would turn out 100% better if we all put our brains together :D.

Talk to you all later.


Wow, 2-3 hours of typing this on the computer . . . I finish it Now.
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First Post
'Ello again,

I have been working again on Harry Potter 4e. I have been both busy and sick this week so i did not get much done. I am using Google to type every thing into. After we finish I will save it as a pdf (hopefully with some nice pics) and post it on this thread.

Here is the link:

I have put most of the ideas I have had down. It still needs alot of work, as you will see.

I will be updatng it when I get the chance to or when I think about it. When I make any major changes I will be sure to post them here. When I make minor changes I MAY post them here depending on what they are.

Until then, lets get some disucssion going : D . It's starting to feel like I am talking to myself . . . . O_O
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'Ello again,

I have been working again on Harry Potter 4e. I have been both busy and sick this week so i did not get much done. I am using Google to type every thing into. After we finish I will save it as a pdf (hopefully with some nice pics) and post it on this thread.

Here is the link:

I have put most of the ideas I have had down. It still needs alot of work, as you will see.

I will be updatng it when I get the chance to or when I think about it. When I make any major changes I will be sure to post them here. When I make minor changes I MAY post them here depending on what they are.

Until then, lets get some disucssion going : D . It's starting to feel like I am talking to myself . . . . O_O

I'm running a bit short on time right now, but I'd actually like to put a bit of input in on this myself. Here's a quick rundown of what I was thinking, as I believe it's been touched on in this thread already.

I think that the wizards should be treated more like warlocks in this case. If you treat each house like a warlock's pact it'll allow the customization that you need. In this method, each level of powers should have powers dedicated to each house that, when chosen by a member of that house, have a special effect or small enhancement. Any house can choose any spell, but they're better off if they choose powers from their own house. Much like a star pact warlock can choose Hellish Rebuke, but the spell has a bit more oomph in the hands of a warlock from the infernal pact. Does that make any sense?



First Post
I aplaud your work chimeforest, I wish I had more time to help but instead I will gratefully use your hardwork. I will say I am not really sure if the bonuses you laid out for the paths is the best way to represent the differences between the houses, mechanically aren't the houses the same, with the possible exception on the ordinary spell choice, but really that should and would be role played, IMHO. Either way kudos on the work.


First Post
hmm . . . I think you may have a point Narkaious. When I wrote those down it was a spur of the moment "What would make the paths different?" thing. Now I am going to go over it again and refine it. I will try to make them more structured like the pacts or classes in the Players Hand Book.

Also I am going to start dividing the spells into categories of levels and paths. So, if anyone has opinions about that please post them.


First Post
Maybe instead of makeing house paths, you could make specialist paths. Harry was a DADA prodigy, or Neville being an exceptional herbologist, and do something along those lines, and make the houses just fluff.


Personally I say Use Warlocks as your template with the four different houses being packs you can also add other schools as different packs. Then as your paragon paths you have your class specialty like herbalism or defense against the dark arts then as your epic destiny you have would have oror, teacher, headmaster, minister ect..

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