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Has the horse left the barn?



In the immortal words of Ren & Stimpy's Mr.Horse: "Hmmm....huh...mmmm...hummm. No sir. I don't like it!".

There would have to be so much changes it wouldn't be 4e anymore. I *may* be willing to try a game or two as a player...but as a core system. Naaa. I like my 1e or other game systems. Even if I did end up, somehow, playing in a 4e game...I wouldn't be buying any of the books. I'd be using others at the table. I played 3.5e for 2 years...never bought a single 3.5e rulebook.

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The ship has sailed.

In order to get me back on board, WotC would need to fix the issues I have with 4e (which include the "exception based" design and the at will/encounter/daily split for powers, both of which are pretty fundamental), and they would have to find a way to un-publish all but about 6 of the existing books for the game.

As things stand, there's just no way to patch 4e to my tastes, and even if there were, the buy-in to this edition is now too high for me to contemplate.

I'm not even sure I'm interested in a potential 5th edition. I'm pretty sure that my tastes in gaming are now directly at odds with what WotC would need to do to the game in order for it to be profitable enough for them to bother with.

* Yes, these are absolutely matters of taste. What I'm saying here is "4e isn't for me", not "4e isn't a good game".


First Post
Naw that ship has left out to sea and already arrived at its new destination. I would take a look at 5e if they had more to say about it than "its awesome, its way better than 4e"

But I am pretty much through with 4e. If a good friend needed to play or a great DM I would make an exception, but not because I like the system. I am not completely ignoring WOTC however. I occasionally pick one of their other products.




Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
I still play a little 4e because 2 of the guys in my gaming group are into it and want to work it into the schedule. But for me being a player who actually embraces or likes the system, the ship has sailed, hit the iceberg, and gone down. There are too many things about it that I do not like as a D&D game that fixing multiclassing won't bring me in.


First Post
It is not worth the money, time, and effort to switch my campaign from 3.5 to any other edition or system. We converted from 2e to 3e, then to 3.5. That's as far as we go. The players and I are content with our current rule set.

I purchased the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, but have not used anything out of it. We never even considered 4e, and I have looked at none of the material from that line except the Player's Handbook (briefly).


We live in a glorious time of many good games. It really makes me happy that there are a lot of fun alternatives (Pathfinder, the retro-clones, etc.) for people who don't care for 4e. Our hobby is going to thrive in the long run so long as people keep playing any RPGs, instead of getting out of the hobby.

I like 4e, but I must say that I wish the lessons they applied to the PHB2 and 3 (more fluff, clearer rules, etc.) had made their way into the first PHB. First impressions count for a lot!


I don't get your premise? WOTC release a box set that's friendly to newbs and you ask if people who have been playing D&D for years and decided to skip 4e will have a change of heart? The new red box was never intended to appeal to grognards and 4e hold outs, and so the answer for me is no. I would be surprised if you got a yes response. There is nothing in the release schedule that I think appeals to holdouts, especially those on ENWorld.

Yeah, and I think that for those who don't like 4e, won't like 5e either or any future editions unless D&D is made by another company. The design philosophy of WOTC's D&D is here to stay and will never look back.


I'll gladly play in a 4e game that someone else runs. Having a good GM / players / group to play with is much more important to me than the system we are running.

However, I will not likely run 4e any time soon. I prefer to run Pathfinder. Fits my style better. I think the GM should be largely responsible for what game system you play, anyway.

Voidrunner's Codex

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