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Hasn't D&D become even more fun lately?

So, how has your enjoyment of D&D changed over time?


First Post
I currently enjoy the game more than at any point in the past (taking out the effects of nostalgia, seeing the rules for the first time with a fresh youthful perspective, and so on).

My group plays very combat/tactics heavy campaigns; as such, D&D 3.5 is easily the best version of the D&D rules for satisfying, deep combat. As we learn the rules more and more, and add supplements to the game, the combat (which is really the meat of our game) gets more and more interesting.

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First Post
Now that I'm finally involved in a steady game with fairly punctual players, I'm having a great time. Stepping away from DMing is helping too. So yeah, it's been getting better and better. :)


"I enjoy the game more than ever before."

It's got a good rule set which seems to me to keep improving over time. Based on what I read on the WotC site, the Design and Development team has got the right ideas, and I'm quite happy with the direction in which they seem to be taking the game.

Granted, it might not appeal to everyone, but I happen to like it a lot. :)

Darrin Drader

Truth time here....

What I enjoy as a DM is running a fast paced game where the players get to explore things, learn lore about the world they live in, and fight monsters. Players who have gone through my previous long-term campaigns will tell you that they spend just as much time fighting other humans as they do monsters.

While I like the fact that 3.X is a robust rules system, what I don't like is that the game gets bogged down too easily in rules. It now takes two or three sessions to run what I was once able to run in one. This isn't a matter of rules mastery, it's a matter of having to take long pauses in order to tell the story I want to tell.

Also, with the level progression being as rapid as it is, there isn't as much joy in gaining levels as there was in previous editions, and the scope of the entire campaign is reduced unless you want to go into epic rules.

While I still enjoy designing for D20, I think my preferred system is actually True20. It's based on all the rules I like for 3E D&D while the game itself is streamlined and plays faster. The only thing I'm not crazy about in True20 is the lack of hit points, but with a small amount of redesigning, they're easily added back in.


Maybe I should explain more what I voted.

For me, the rules of D&D just enhance my own experience. It's like I have more tools at my disposition to play the fantasies appealing to me than ever before. Choice is good. I discard the books or rules I don't want, use others that inspire me enough to squeeze something out of them. The result is a game that made me one of the happiest DMs on Earth.

I can't complain. Quite the contrary, really.

Aris Dragonborn

First Post
I voted "I enjoy the game more than ever before, and I think it gets even better every game".

I have really enjoyed the 3.5 ruleset. There are enough options and it is flexible enough to do the things I want. I still plan on running some Basic/Expert and 1E games in the future, but for me, 3.5 is our main D&D game.


Joshua Randall said:
I enjoy the game more than ever before.

Begone, all ye who voted anything below this. ;)

I'm not gone then.

I love all the options. Best thing? Feats. Second best? All those wierd combat options. Absolute best? Since 3e came out, I've introduced about dozen new players to the game.

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