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Have you ever killed a player by mistake?

Mac Callum

First Post
Sure, once or twice. Give me a break, I was in highschool.

The only "really bad" PC killing though was once in conspiracy with one of my players. All the other players had really gotten on our nerves (don't ask me how - I don't really remember now. Something to do with being cocky, wise-asses). Anyhow, the two of us conspired to kill off the rest in one night. It didn't happen all at once.

2d.E, Ravenloft -
1. Three werewolves attacked and while the "big" werewolf was distracting the party the other two grabbed the cleric and ran off with him. They ate him.
2. A 'trap' at the entrance of the castle dropped a iron portacullis (sp?) on a player with a three-tonne stone holding it down. Under 2d Combat & Tactics it was a "torso-critical; impaled." They couldn't lift it off him and left him to bleed.
3. Acid trap. Iron gate locked into position over you, so you were drowning in acid.
4. Wraith trap. A wraith that kills creates a new wraith, but they were stuck in the room too, so quite a few wraiths were in there by the time the PC fighter found it. 16 I think ....
5. Last PC jumped from a guard tower, fleeing zombies, into the river. He swam to a boat in the middle of the river. River Vistani, lead by a CE witch that drank the blood of the innocent to power her magic.

And that was that. Like I said, I was 15 and they pissed me off. 10 years later I can see it wasn't the most mature way to handle the situation...

That was the only time I killed them all (or even any of them) of purpose though. Mostly they managed to kill themselves quite well, without my help. Like the time the Aasimaar Paladin used his Holy Word 1/week to stun all the other PCs unconscious in the last fight with the BBEG. The BBEG was B & B enough to only be slowed...

Or the time a reflecting lightning bolt was cast in a 10x15 room. Mmmm .... 20d6 is no fun when your 5th level.

Yup, those were the days...

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First Post
green slime said:
Another complete lunatic. He can't remember having killed a Police Constable, but he killed his Police Constable? Bandits? Polearms? The PC wasn't killed, he impaled himself? *911* another asylum seeker awaits your services

uhhhh, yeah sure, sucks to be you :p

Tell me Green Slime, do your posts always make less sense than the posts they criticize? Or just occasionally?

Well, I did have an NPC die unintentionally. The party was rampaging through a Temple of Hextor, and ran into the High Priest (clad in Demon Armor, armed with a plague flail). As one of hte party NPCs was a paladin of Hieroneous, it would make sense the High Priest swung at him first (the guy had enough HP he'd take a drubbing and by my plan be able to give the party a nasty scary fight for a bit).

Well, he critted on both swings with the heavy flail... 69 points damage and one dead paladin later, the party gave a collective gulp.

Sadly, the other part of my plan failed when some party members critted (I had counted on one, but not a group), and my happy high priest only survived a round after his glorious debut....


First Post
Player characters get killed, not players.

It's rogue, not rouge.

Dragon Magazine is published by Paizo Publishing, not Pazio Publishing.

Anything else?

BTW, one of my players once accidentally stepped on a d4. Painful, but not lethal.


First Post
i use to do this thing to keep the peace when ppl were gettin off track(via metagaming or just generic chitchat that has nothing to do with anything(or when they either realy piss me off or just keep questioning my answers) where id hit them for 1 or 2 hp via an unknown assailant.(back when we were like 16 and they were still getting the rp bug in their blood) it use to work realy well untill i did it after a huge battle and killed one of my players:p


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
I never kill my players. Wouldn't want 'em to get off this easy, would I?

Same thing goes for player characters, except for the 'never', which is replaced by a 'not too often'.


First Post
The PC’s found a slaver camp, expected to raid it and get stuff. Instead, everyone inside was expired or raving. In an underground chamber the party found a perfect ten-foot black circle on the ground with all inside obliterated. The scene included a man whose half inside the circle was gone while the remainder was neatly sliced and cauterized. Rat-like tracks led from the chamber, out of the camp, and to a nearby deserted village.

After slaying the weak ratlings, the party went into a pit. There they found a bad-thing with a black orb on a pedestal. The bad-thing was murdered and the black orb examined- revealing arcane markings about it opening an evil gateway.

I (think) know I gave (not outright, but not unsubtle- Umm…I think) clues that the orb and the circle o’doom were linked.

Enter too curious bard PC. Some PC’s hung out to watch (from 11 feet away); others found things of interest in other places.

Exit too curious bard PC.

As the bard’s newly released composite matter settled around the room, I had a very guilty feeling that maybe I had not given enough clues about the link.

The player remains traumatized to this day, he had just lost a character two sessions previously. The only PC deaths in 23 game sessions.

Overly curious player or accidental offing of PC, you decide.



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Snoweel said:
While I'm aware it's unlikely, if any of you have accidentally (or deliberately) killed a player, we'd all love to hear about it.

Go on.

You're amongst friends...

Killed a player by mistake? That's called manslaughter, and at the advice of my legal counsel, I will have to refrain fom further comments. :D


diaglo said:
at one introductory session i went to for a new campaign...

the boyfriend of a player came to watch. after a while she got up to talk to her boyfriend outside of the room. the DM kept the rest of us going.

later she came back. and something bad happened to her character in session, (i don't remember exactly) the boyfriend attacked the DM with a set of fangs.

i thot people were going to die then. :mad:

i never went back to that group. it weirded me out.

you know I think I remember this story.....didn't you tell this once before?

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