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Have you ever killed a player by mistake?


Aristotle said:
More recently I ran "Forge of Fury" for my group, and one of the players fell from a rope bridge early in the game. I gave another character a chance to "catch" the falling character, but the rolls to do so failed. The character fell and died.

We had a character die in the exact same way in my group. It was something we laughed about for some time

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I'm assuming this thread had to do with PCs accidently killing PCs. Well we used to have this rogue who had a very high reflex save. He would attack a foe and have the sorcerers lauch a few fireballs and thanks to his high Reflex save he never got hit. Well this one time he attacked a creature and told the two sorceresses to let loose with the fireballs and not to worry. They complied and the rogue rolled a one for his first save, got pretty fried. Was like "okay I'm fine as long as I don't roll another one" . He then rolled for his next save, and you guessed it it came up a one. BBQ rogue....we laughed about that one for some time while he went to roll up a new character. :D still makes me chuckle every now and then.


First Post
speaking of realy stupid deaths
the 1st ed game im currently playing in has been gonig on for about 2 years. the eldest surving member died a few sessions ago from an intel sword that didnt like him(froze him) character deaths before that included 4 from poison one from possession, and only 2 from combat. the guy made a new character only to loose him 2 sessions later in a near tpk battle.(the last surviving member fleeing with -6 hp)


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I ran Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil. In one section near the start of the game, there is a ghost with assassain levels. Etheral death attack, lovely. It dropped the best player there in a single attack. I felt so bad about it I had the evil NPC cleric living in town use a Raise Dead scroll on the character for free.
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green slime

First Post
Goobermunch said:
And I thought Gamers were supposed to be above average readers.


So the rest of the population is that bad, huh? Maybe we should just nuke the whole planet...players and all...

Got any nuke's down your way, Snoweel? I'll have look around here.

green slime

First Post
Well, my present location is somewhat less healthy. In fact, according to some, if I snoop around enough, I might actually find a Nuke...of course, that would promptly land me in some miniscule cell together with a rabid, hairy, biped of dangerous proportions...

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