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Haven's Siege


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As she reaches out for the picks, Amira lets out a girlie giggle and whispers excitedly "I was ever so good at my needlework back home. Perhaps I will have a talent for this as well?" Walking towards the lock in the heavy metal door, the young woman stubs her toe in an exaggerated manner and drops the pick. She blushes as she bobs down to retrieve it from the floor and continues on towards the lock.

Smiling inwardly, Amira gathers the mysterious mage understands what game they play at, but as he himself admitted, these were dangerous times and she had no idea who he was. For all she knew, this was a rather brilliant new tactic of the city watch in convincing criminals to confess: do a small favor, a dramatic entrance, admit to a false crime, and then listen to a dramtic confession of one miscreant to a "cellmate." But Make-Believe was another childhood favorite and it was more fun than staying silent.

Placing both hands through the metal bars, she slips the metal slivers into the locking mechanism and fumbles around a bit, making noise and seemingly trying to follow Pernicious' instructions. As she works, she idly chats to break the silence and cover the noise of metal scraping on metal.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Two innocent bystanders uncerimoniously flung into the city prisons in a single day. I will most definitly need to bring this up with the local magistrates when our names are eventually cleared. And to think! You - not only innocent, but bravely defending our homes - arrested."

Amira wonders, not for the first time, exactly who she might be working with here. The mysterious gentleman had clearly left something out of his story, but more important question was what? She hoped that this wouldn't end with a invoking serial killer back on the streets... but surely anyone committing a serious offense would be in a more secure location...?

She is distracted by a noise down the hall, the pick vanishes somewhere in her creme colored blouse, and she quietly curses as her nail breaks. She indicates to the mage that he should remain silent, and after a good number of seconds of silent, she resumes working the lock. With her complete concentration, the lock releases a metalic clink and the door swings open.

Peeking around to make sure the way is clear, Amira makes her way to the Mage's door and starts over agian.

"As for where we might go if we make it out of here, I was planning on taking a short vacation from Haven. I know of a small cabin on the edge of the Forest Sif. My father did love the rustic ways of the cabin," she whispers whimsically. "He used to say 'Amalia, the best places to hide are where the forest meets the fields. He was speaking of hide-and-seek, a game we children played, but it seems appropriate here as well. You are welcome to join me, but if you wish to remain within the city or have arrangements to do so...?"

When the make-shift lock-pick disappears, Pernicious cooperatively stays silent. Eyes cast on the entrance to the block. When the picking resumes, Pernicious watches tensely as "Amalia" (unbeknownst to him) plies her trade.

Excitement sends arcane tingles across Pernicious' back as Amalia successfully lifts the tumbler, sending bolt into case. Her wrists subtly turn, and *Pok*.

Pernicious thinks, Well she can certainly pick a lock, quickly. But can she pick The Lock? I hope so, that would be delightful. Speaking of delights, it has been some time since banter has been this entertaining. Even if she can't break the code, she will at least be good company.

Pernicious politely continues conversation until Amalia touches the cell door's locking mechanism,
What a lovely holiday plan, how could I pass up such an invitation.

A moment later the Eladrin stands beside "Amalia", giving a short bow, and extending his arm.

Shall we go inform the guard that we will be at your family's summer estate? They can catch up with us there when things clear up. It was nice of them to let us out on good behavior. The wizard smiles at the small rewrite of history.

while waiting for the Noble Lady to take his arm in escort, Pernicious has a thought.
You know, I'm sure Skiff, our jailer this afternoon, will be taking a nap soon. Maybe we should just leave a note... The sound of pages ruffling in the wind,
You aren't using my paper... and then Socrates was quite.
On second thought, I'll be with you, and they will surely check the estate to inform us when this blows over.

If Amira plays along Pernicious will escort her around the corner, and cast sleep on the guards watching the door.

If Amira suggests something else, Pernicious is likely to go with her plan, and help out in anyway possible.

[sblock=how to sblock]
to begin the sblock [sblock(space)=title] this is your text. That is the end.> [/(space)sblock]

Remove the (space) between sblock= and /sblock

About Socrates, Yeah he is an intelligent spellbook, yeah he is almost completely FULL, no he doesn't grant any mechanical benefit. Pernicious can only read that which Socrates grants (level appropriate spells).

So other than Flavor and RP, Socrates is just a regular spell book. (unless of course Velmont makes the book a truly intelligent magic item.;))


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Vi'kandrix hears a voice from above, A wise choice, friend. A hooded figure, previously unseen, jumps down from a nearby tree. I do not mind those that hunt in my woods, but they must not waste the life they take. He wears a forest green cloak concealing his face and origins. He holds a bow in his hand with blades at his waist. You look as though you are preparing for a journey. He motions to a clear spot near the fire opposite Vi'kandrix. Mind if I join you while you while you rest?
[/sblock]Again acting on reflex, Vi'kandrix is on his feet with his spear aimed at the stranger before the newcomer lands. A slight widening of his eyes betrays his shock as he recovers his poise and grounds the tip of his spear.

"Your" forest, you say? Very possessive of you. I think I could make as strong a claim as yours. Vi'kandrix motions the stranger to join him as he lowers himself back to his seat.

Unless, of course, I misguess. You are of the elves, yes?

[sblock="ooc"]I'm assuming the newcomer is rather stealthy, as it's otherwise very unlikely that Vi'kandrix would be unaware of his presence.
Sidenote: I don't know how to do the clicky hidden text thingy. (OOC, spoilers, etc.)
In case you missed it, CaBaNa gave instructions in his last ooc.



First Post
Again acting on reflex, Vi'kandrix is on his feet with his spear aimed at the stranger before the newcomer lands. A slight widening of his eyes betrays his shock as he recovers his poise and grounds the tip of his spear.

"Your" forest, you say? Very possessive of you. I think I could make as strong a claim as yours. Vi'kandrix motions the stranger to join him as he lowers himself back to his seat.

Unless, of course, I misguess. You are of the elves, yes?

[sblock="ooc"]I'm assuming the newcomer is rather stealthy, as it's otherwise very unlikely that Vi'kandrix would be unaware of his presence.
In case you missed it, CaBaNa gave instructions in his last ooc.


I meant no arrogance in calling this my forest. My apologies. This is merely an area that I watch over. In my time here I suppose I may have become a bit attached...maybe even a little possessive. Perhaps it is getting to be time to wander along, staying in one place for too long can drive a man like me to madness. The mysterious stranger pauses in contemplation for a moment.

As for my heritage, He draws back his hood revealing long mossy green hair and elven ears, yes, I am of the elves. He sits across from Vi'kandrix and withdraws a bag of nuts from his cloak and begins to munch. So what brings you to "my" neck of the woods?

[sblock=OOC]yaaay, it works...anyways, yes my character is very stealthy [/sblock]


First Post
On the trail

"I smell food- rabbits, maybe," Snarl's voice was almost plaintive- it was obvious that the shifter was in need of a good meal. None of the group had had time for more than a mouthful of food in three days now- and there had been precious little in the way of rest. They had been acting as rear guard for a handful of elven refugees moving through the mountains- mostly because Piper had decided that they should. No one got through the mountains physically- not without going through Thane's Hold anyway. But the elves had a ritual they had been given by their eladrin 'hosts', a ritual that carried them 'through' from enemy territory on the far side of the mountains- or it should have... But the band of orcs pursuing them had been led by a shaman of some kind, a powerful ritualist in his own right, and he had forced the spell awry- not only did it fail to move them to the safety of the eladrin forest, but it pulled the orcs along for the partial journey.

And for two days it had been a hard running fight, down the slope of the mountains and into the edge of the forest. They kept hoping that they would hit some border guards, or that the orcs would give up, but neither one had happened yet. The elves that they had been guarding were safe, of course, sent on ahead when Piper figured out the orcs weren't going to break pursuit, but the four friends were bone-weary and hungry- without Piper's aid, they would have been nursing wounds as well. Now Snarl and Iceclaw had ranged ahead in search of something they could use for an ambush, leaving Piper and Stonebear to harry and mislead the orcs for a bit.

"I smell trouble- and it isn't from the rabbits," Iceclaw growled. The smaller shifter had keener senses, even when not in the form of a hunting cat. "At least two people, and a fire... Should we go in?"


I meant no arrogance in calling this my forest. My apologies. This is merely an area that I watch over. In my time here I suppose I may have become a bit attached...maybe even a little possessive. Perhaps it is getting to be time to wander along, staying in one place for too long can drive a man like me to madness. The mysterious stranger pauses in contemplation for a moment.

As for my heritage, He draws back his hood revealing long mossy green hair and elven ears, yes, I am of the elves. He sits across from Vi'kandrix and withdraws a bag of nuts from his cloak and begins to munch. So what brings you to "my" neck of the woods?
"I smell food- rabbits, maybe," Snarl's voice was almost plaintive- it was obvious that the shifter was in need of a good meal.
"I smell trouble- and it isn't from the rabbits," Iceclaw growled. The smaller shifter had keener senses, even when not in the form of a hunting cat. "At least two people, and a fire... Should we go in?"

[/sblock]Ah. I am perhaps sensitive to claims of ownership. Too long among the Eladrin, I suppose. Relaxing a bit, Vi'kandrix studies the man across from him for a moment, intense eyes absorbing every detail. Nodding slightly, he continues. I am Vi'kandrix, and I journey to Thane's Keep. Might I ask--

The spear whirls to a ready position as Vi'kandrix shifts his attention to the forest. Company! he hisses. Or are they with you?

[sblock=OOC]Vi's not getting surprised twice this evening! :)



First Post

When the make-shift lock-pick disappears, Pernicious cooperatively stays silent. Eyes cast on the entrance to the block. When the picking resumes, Pernicious watches tensely as "Amalia" (unbeknownst to him) plies her trade.

Excitement sends arcane tingles across Pernicious' back as Amalia successfully lifts the tumbler, sending bolt into case. Her wrists subtly turn, and *Pok*.

Pernicious thinks, Well she can certainly pick a lock, quickly. But can she pick The Lock? I hope so, that would be delightful. Speaking of delights, it has been some time since banter has been this entertaining. Even if she can't break the code, she will at least be good company.

Pernicious politely continues conversation until Amalia touches the cell door's locking mechanism,
What a lovely holiday plan, how could I pass up such an invitation.

A moment later the Eladrin stands beside "Amalia", giving a short bow, and extending his arm.

Shall we go inform the guard that we will be at your family's summer estate? They can catch up with us there when things clear up. It was nice of them to let us out on good behavior. The wizard smiles at the small rewrite of history.

while waiting for the Noble Lady to take his arm in escort, Pernicious has a thought.
You know, I'm sure Skiff, our jailer this afternoon, will be taking a nap soon. Maybe we should just leave a note... The sound of pages ruffling in the wind,
You aren't using my paper... and then Socrates was quite.
On second thought, I'll be with you, and they will surely check the estate to inform us when this blows over.


Pleased with her work and the prospect of freedom, Amira giddily takes the mage's offered arm and allows him to escort her down the remainder of the hallway - managing only to skip with excitement occasionally and keeping her curious sideways glances at her new partner as subtle as possible. (She has yet to get a clear glimpse of Pernicious from under his coverings).

Talking quitely so as not to alert the guards to their escape, "Indeed, I've been meaning to take holiday at the cabin for some time now - but you know how life in the city is - always something more to do. One day you need to pick up some new clothes, the next the cat has died, and now the rug is dirty. Sometimes they happen all at once. It was a dreadful cat. Anyway, the simple pleasures of the rustic life are all but forgotten in the hustle and bustle."

As they approach the end of the cells and the door leading to the somewhat-whatchful jailer Skiff, "But I daresay, Socrates is right. Notes rarely convey the true story of things, and I worry that we would not be able to write our reasons for leaving so immediatly in a manner that Dear Skiff would fully appreciate. If we drew a nice picture at the bottom of the page, perhaps, but there's so little time. Hustle and bustle, as I was saying. But I do like your plan of slipping out quietly during his 'nap' - it's so rude to awaken him if we needent."

Reaching the door, Amira frees her hands from the mage and gestures for him to continue on ahread of her.


First Post
As he came out of the darkness, the huge goliath had to cover his eyes to avoid being blinded. As he adjusted his eyes to the light after walking through the long gallery, his eyes met the blue.
So Memnon saw the sea for the first time. It was beautiful, and dazing. A breeze of salty wind made his old scar tickle, and he instinctively scractched his nech, crossed by what might have been the mark left by an iron collar. Wore for a long time.
A small mouse came up his neck out of the scales of the goliath's armor, and climbed to his shoulder. Memnon gave him a soft stroke on the head with a thick, stony finger.
Pretty, isn't it, Filos? So much bigger than Lake Alsor...

[sblock=ooc]waiting for a couple answers befor adding in more detail...[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=CONTEXT]Ah. I am perhaps sensitive to claims of ownership. Too long among the Eladrin, I suppose. Relaxing a bit, Vi'kandrix studies the man across from him for a moment, intense eyes absorbing every detail. Nodding slightly, he continues. I am Vi'kandrix, and I journey to Thane's Keep. Might I ask--

The spear whirls to a ready position as Vi'kandrix shifts his attention to the forest. Company! he hisses. Or are they with you?

Iceclaw grimaced. "They heard your stomach growling," he muttered to Snarl. "Piper is going to chew you out for that when she gets here..." Then louder, in the direction of the campfire, "We mean no harm, unless you are tusks- I mean orcs. We've been parted from our friends, and my companion was drawn by the smell of your food cooking. May we come closer?" His voice was harsh, a rasping growl appropriately reminiscent of a large hunting cat, and as he spoke, he moved just to the edge of sight range, still mostly cloaked by the verdant undergrowth. To a glance, he was a shifter- a bit short and wiry, clad in rough furs, with a satchel thrown over one shoulder and carrying no visible weapons. Behind him, and only the merest shadow at that range, was a larger shifter in heavier furs, with a massive sword slung across his back...
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First Post
Ah. I am perhaps sensitive to claims of ownership. Too long among the Eladrin, I suppose. Relaxing a bit, Vi'kandrix studies the man across from him for a moment, intense eyes absorbing every detail. Nodding slightly, he continues. I am Vi'kandrix, and I journey to Thane's Keep. Might I ask--

The spear whirls to a ready position as Vi'kandrix shifts his attention to the forest. Company! he hisses. Or are they with you?

[sblock=OOC]Vi's not getting surprised twice this evening! :)


A falcon swoops from the sky and lands on a nearby branch facing the direction of the newcomers. The elf motions to the bird, That one's with me, he stares beyond the bird, ...but the others are not. He quickly shifts next to the fire across from where the newcomers are hiding, and readies his bow.

[sblock=OOC]Despite how little this is, it took me forever to post...I had to help my girlfriend beat a boss in Chrono Cross...so this is meant to be before pathfinder's last post[/sblock]
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Iceclaw grimaced. "They heard your stomach growling," he muttered to Snarl. "Piper is going to chew you out for that when she gets here..." Then louder, in the direction of the campfire, "We mean no harm, unless you are tusks- I mean orcs. We've been parted from our friends, and my companion was drawn by the smell of your food cooking. May we come closer?" His voice was harsh, a rasping growl appropriately reminiscent of a large hunting cat, and as he spoke, he moved just to the edge of sight range, still mostly cloaked by the verdant undergrowth. To a glance, he was a shifter- a bit short and wiry, clad in rough furs, with a satchel thrown over one shoulder and carrying no visible weapons. Behind him, and only the merest shadow at that range, was a larger shifter in heavier furs, with a massive sword slung across his back...

A falcon swoops from the sky and lands on a nearby branch facing the direction of the newcomers. The elf motions to the bird, That one's with me, he stares beyond the bird, ...but the others are not. He quickly shifts next to the fire across from where the newcomers are hiding, and readies his bow.
[/sblock]Vi'kandrix nods to acknowledge the elf's words. Raising his voice, he calls, You have courtesy, strangers. We are not orcs. Vi'kandrix grounds the butt of his spear, adding, You may approach, but do so slowly, and with no drawn weapons. One hand caresses a silver inlay in the shape of a moon and stars on the shaft of the spear as Vi'kandrix waits for the newcomers to approach.

[sblock="OOC"]Those with Religion will recognize the inlay as a holy symbol that combines the symbology of Sehanine and Corellon.


Voidrunner's Codex

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