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Haven's Siege


First Post
Iceclaw grimaced. "They heard your stomach growling," he muttered to Snarl. "Piper is going to chew you out for that when she gets here..." Then louder, in the direction of the campfire, "We mean no harm, unless you are tusks- I mean orcs. We've been parted from our friends, and my companion was drawn by the smell of your food cooking. May we come closer?" His voice was harsh, a rasping growl appropriately reminiscent of a large hunting cat, and as he spoke, he moved just to the edge of sight range, still mostly cloaked by the verdant undergrowth. To a glance, he was a shifter- a bit short and wiry, clad in rough furs, with a satchel thrown over one shoulder and carrying no visible weapons. Behind him, and only the merest shadow at that range, was a larger shifter in heavier furs, with a massive sword slung across his back...

tiornys said:
Vi'kandrix nods to acknowledge the elf's words. Raising his voice, he calls, You have courtesy, strangers. We are not orcs. Vi'kandrix grounds the butt of his spear, adding, You may approach, but do so slowly, and with no drawn weapons. One hand caresses a silver inlay in the shape of a moon and stars on the shaft of the spear as Vi'kandrix waits for the newcomers to approach.

The elf whistles and the falcon disappears into the trees for a moment before returning and nodding to him. He sets his bow aside and returns his arrow to his quiver before taking his previous seated position by the fire. His hand disappears into his cloak again and reappears with his bag of nuts. He tosses a few cashews into his mouth, It's just the two of them. He continues to munch nonchalantly.

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"...and you are right to be concerned for my person.

Lord Baltimore nods at the six human guards, armed with pikes, that were in the main hall of the tavern as he came down from his room the next morning. They didn't say anything as he broke his fast, a meal of eggs and cottage bread that was quickly prepared for him. This was his second night in Haven, and Lord Baltimore realized it was likely his last. He had convinced the tired barmaid, awakened too early, to sit with him, and Lord Baltimore's voice soothed her.

"An assault upon his majesty's person, in the form of an assault on me, might come at any time. Your care for his majesty's safety is most appreciated."

His smile is warm and sincere, as he mops up the plate with a bread crust.

He turns to the human Captain of the patrol. "I take it you are my escort from Haven? You wil lead me through the Forest of Sif?"

The Captain was nonplussed. He'd seen all types, of course, and his mum had told him to keep an open mind with people that don't look like you. He grunted, "Only two will take you across the valley. Most of us have real jobs keeping the city safe. From the enemy." The last three words were ambiguous, and might have been directed at Lord Baltimore, though he chose to ignore the insult.

As Lord Baltimore dabbed at his face with the cloth that had been provided, he merely smiled. It's easier to avoid conflict.

"Then I see no need to delay. Allow me a few moments, Captain, and I shall be ready to depart, grateful for your escort. Will there be any others travelling with us, south through the Valley? I should be grateful for some conversation on our journey."

Not waiting for an answer, Lord Baltimore excused himself, winked at the barmaid, who was less interested in the conversation than in the scar that ran from Lord Baltimore's chin, down his throat and disappeared beneath the silk cravat. He placed a few coins on the table to cover his expenses (and then some) and retired to his room to collect his belongings.


First Post

The elf whistles and the falcon disappears into the trees for a moment before returning and nodding to him. He sets his bow aside and returns his arrow to his quiver before taking his previous seated position by the fire. His hand disappears into his cloak again and reappears with his bag of nuts. He tosses a few cashews into his mouth, It's just the two of them. He continues to munch nonchalantly.[/sblock]

The two shifters paused at the edge of the clearing for a brief moment- the larger of the two had not drawn his sword, and stepped forward first, his arms spread wide. While this might have been intended to demonstrate his peaceful intent, it also served to make clear just how large and muscular he was, and it clearly displayed the swirling tattoos that lined his forearms and face... "I'm Snarl, of Piper's band," he growled- even though he showed no malice, his voice was a bestial rasp. It seemed obvious, as well, that he expected some recognition of his words- though whether either of his 'hosts' had ever heard of the group was far from certain. Behind him, the smaller shifter paused for a moment- first to remove the heavy leather gauntlets from his hands and stash them in his satchel, then to spend the briefest moment looking back the way they had come. It was apparent that he was a bit dismayed by the elf's words. "I'm been Iceclaw these past many seasons, also of Piper's band," he said as he finally stepped closer. Snarl was quickly engrossed in looking hungrily at the cooking rabbits- Iceclaw's equally hungry gaze seemed fixed on the raptor
which attended the elf...


Minirogue said:
The elf whistles and the falcon disappears into the trees for a moment before returning and nodding to him. He sets his bow aside and returns his arrow to his quiver before taking his previous seated position by the fire. His hand disappears into his cloak again and reappears with his bag of nuts. He tosses a few cashews into his mouth, It's just the two of them. He continues to munch nonchalantly.

The two shifters paused at the edge of the clearing for a brief moment- the larger of the two had not drawn his sword, and stepped forward first, his arms spread wide. While this might have been intended to demonstrate his peaceful intent, it also served to make clear just how large and muscular he was, and it clearly displayed the swirling tattoos that lined his forearms and face... "I'm Snarl, of Piper's band," he growled- even though he showed no malice, his voice was a bestial rasp. It seemed obvious, as well, that he expected some recognition of his words- though whether either of his 'hosts' had ever heard of the group was far from certain. Behind him, the smaller shifter paused for a moment- first to remove the heavy leather gauntlets from his hands and stash them in his satchel, then to spend the briefest moment looking back the way they had come. It was apparent that he was a bit dismayed by the elf's words. "I'm been Iceclaw these past many seasons, also of Piper's band," he said as he finally stepped closer. Snarl was quickly engrossed in looking hungrily at the cooking rabbits- Iceclaw's equally hungry gaze seemed fixed on the raptor
which attended the elf...
[/sblock]Noting the newcomers' obvious hunger, Vi'kandrix motions them closer. Snarl, and Iceclaw. Greetings. I am Vi'kandrix. Please, help yourselves to the food. It is obvious that you need it more than I.

Taking a step back from the fire, Vi'kandrix murmurs wryly to the elf, It seems I should have taken the deer after all. Raising his voice, he speaks again to the shifters. I was just introducing myself to this gentleman, who has not yet had time to introduce himself.

Seeing the extent of Snarl and Iceclaw's hunger, and thinking of two more in similar deprivation, Vi'kandrix looks at the elf. Would you mind sending your friend to scout for game? His eyes flick to the falcon as he speaks. And perhaps their companions as well?

[sblock=OOC]Vi'kandrix has picked up on "Piper's band" as indicating that there are more people out there, although he doesn't know how many. He has no reason to recognize the name, however.

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First Post
Noting the newcomers' obvious hunger, Vi'kandrix motions them closer. Snarl, and Iceclaw. Greetings. I am Vi'kandrix. Please, help yourselves to the food. It is obvious that you need it more than I.

Taking a step back from the fire, Vi'kandrix murmurs wryly to the elf, It seems I should have taken the deer after all. Raising his voice, he speaks again to the shifters. I was just introducing myself to this gentleman, who has not yet had time to introduce himself.

Seeing the extent of Snarl and Iceclaw's hunger, and thinking of two more in similar deprivation, Vi'kandrix looks at the elf. Would you mind sending your friend to scout for game? His eyes flick to the falcon as he speaks. And perhaps their companions as well?

Snarl moved forward, simply reaching out and plucking one of the rabbits from the fire. At Iceclaw's warning growl, he managed a hoarse "Thanks for the food- we've been on short rations these past few days...", but that was all- an instant later he was gnawing on the still-smoking bunny-on-a-stick, the hot grease dribbling down his arms and the wolf-fur that covered his armor. Iceclaw paused another moment, though, obviously far more self-controlled than his friend. "Indeed, our thanks. We're not much for polite company, and hardly used to much speaking. Our captain Piper usually does most of the talking. We just handle the growling when she's mad..." He looked longingly at the other rabbit, but kept talking. "So- an elf, and a shifter who smells of elves... Are you guardians of the forest here abouts? If not, do you know where we could find a guard station or a patrol? We were sent ahead to find aid, and I fear we're more than an hour ahead of Piper and Stonebear by now, with nothing to show for it." Another pause, and a reflexive glance over his shoulder followed. "You might send the falcon to search for game, but I wouldn't send it looking for Piper. That tusk shaman following her was using birds for eyes for a while, and our captain has a quick hand with her bow..."


First Post
Meanwhile-Elsewhere (in the mountains)

'The good part of being a bard is that you can curse the day away, and most folk still think it sounds as sweet as birdsong', Piper thought as she muttered curses under her breath. 'At least I hope it sounds like birdsong to those orcs,' she added, still trying to think of a clever way out of this mess.

The lower slopes of the mountains were cut with narrow defiles from eons of water run-off, and between those slots, most of the ground was covered with loose rocks and gravel. She didn't have any trouble moving around, and Stonebear was at home anyplace where there was more rock than earth- but it provided very little useful cover, and the orcs were getting awfully close. She almost wished that she hadn't sent Iceclaw and Snarl off to look for help- but it was too late to change that. Almost as soon as the shifters had moved out, Piper had realized that some of the orc warband had looped around them, and she had to change course. Since then, she and Stonebear had been pushed back out of the forest and back up into the lower edges of the mountains- both out of cover and farther away from any elven patrols in the trees. It hadn't been pretty or easy- Stonebear's glaive had claimed a few more orcs in the process, but they kept being pushed. The shaman was still alive, and maybe a half-dozen orc warriors- too many to fight directly, even with all the tricks at her disposal. It didn't help that she and Stonebear were all but exhausted.

Piper poked her head very cautiously out of the narrow crevasse she was using for cover. No sign of the enemy- but they were out there somewhere. She gave a soft trilling call- birdsong to the untrained ear, but a clear signal to the massive goliath who was farther up the defile. A moment later she heard a soft click of stone on stone- all clear up there as well. She moved cautiously back into the cut, working her way uphill to join Stonebear- halfway there, though, she sensed something was wrong. On a hunch, she looked up- just in time to catch the edge of a moving shadow on the rim above. An orc, cloaked in the shaman's shadow magic, had actually free-climbed up the rocks, and he was making a move towards where Stonebear was waiting. Piper reached for her bow, but the orc had moved back- there was no clear shot. Instead she drew out the carved wood flute which gave her her nickname. In the space of a few breaths, the soft lilting notes filtered upwards- too soft to give away her position, but a warning as clear as a bell for the goliath.

Stonebear heard the sweet trill of the flute, and he knew that something was wrong- that wasn't part of the plan. The stone of these mountains wasn't like the sands and hills back home, but his folk had some ancient tie to the stone, and he drew upon that link for guidance. He felt his gaze drawn upwards, to the edge of the crevasse almost directly overhead. Even as he lifted the blackwood shaft of his glaive into a ready grip and shuffled his feet into a stance, the orc warrior vaulted over that edge and dropped towards him. While the sun-cursed 'tusk' had been screaming a bloody war cry, that turned to a squall of panic and pain as he found himself impaled on the glaive's point. Stonebear twisted the weapon free, the strength of his massive arms hurling the orc aside, then gave a roar of his own, a deep bawling cry like a dire bear which echoed through the rocks, and up the mountains towards the (all-too-distant) Thane's Hold. Above him he could see another orc peeking over the edge. Were they all up there, even the shaman?
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First Post
Noting the newcomers' obvious hunger, Vi'kandrix motions them closer. Snarl, and Iceclaw. Greetings. I am Vi'kandrix. Please, help yourselves to the food. It is obvious that you need it more than I.

Taking a step back from the fire, Vi'kandrix murmurs wryly to the elf, It seems I should have taken the deer after all. Raising his voice, he speaks again to the shifters. I was just introducing myself to this gentleman, who has not yet had time to introduce himself.

Seeing the extent of Snarl and Iceclaw's hunger, and thinking of two more in similar deprivation, Vi'kandrix looks at the elf. Would you mind sending your friend to scout for game? His eyes flick to the falcon as he speaks. And perhaps their companions as well?

Snarl moved forward, simply reaching out and plucking one of the rabbits from the fire. At Iceclaw's warning growl, he managed a hoarse "Thanks for the food- we've been on short rations these past few days...", but that was all- an instant later he was gnawing on the still-smoking bunny-on-a-stick, the hot grease dribbling down his arms and the wolf-fur that covered his armor. Iceclaw paused another moment, though, obviously far more self-controlled than his friend. "Indeed, our thanks. We're not much for polite company, and hardly used to much speaking. Our captain Piper usually does most of the talking. We just handle the growling when she's mad..." He looked longingly at the other rabbit, but kept talking. "So- an elf, and a shifter who smells of elves... Are you guardians of the forest here abouts? If not, do you know where we could find a guard station or a patrol? We were sent ahead to find aid, and I fear we're more than an hour ahead of Piper and Stonebear by now, with nothing to show for it." Another pause, and a reflexive glance over his shoulder followed. "You might send the falcon to search for game, but I wouldn't send it looking for Piper. That tusk shaman following her was using birds for eyes for a while, and our captain has a quick hand with her bow..."

Thanks for the warning, but it wouldn't be the first arrow aimed at her...still, she does dodge them much better when she knows their coming. He whistles to the falcon and it glides over to him. He whispers in it's ear before it flies off. As for being a guardian, I am the self-appointed guardian of this part of the forest...there are no posts nearby. He rolls a walnut around between his forefinger and thumb for a moment before tossing it in his mouth. He turns his head toward the shifters quizzically, Why are you looking for a guard post?

[sblock=OOC]when is the piper/stonebear event happening? simultaneously?[/sblock]


First Post
Pleased with her work and the prospect of freedom, Amira giddily takes the mage's offered arm and allows him to escort her down the remainder of the hallway - managing only to skip with excitement occasionally and keeping her curious sideways glances at her new partner as subtle as possible. (She has yet to get a clear glimpse of Pernicious from under his coverings).

Talking quitely so as not to alert the guards to their escape, "Indeed, I've been meaning to take holiday at the cabin for some time now - but you know how life in the city is - always something more to do. One day you need to pick up some new clothes, the next the cat has died, and now the rug is dirty. Sometimes they happen all at once. It was a dreadful cat. Anyway, the simple pleasures of the rustic life are all but forgotten in the hustle and bustle."

As they approach the end of the cells and the door leading to the somewhat-whatchful jailer Skiff, "But I daresay, Socrates is right. Notes rarely convey the true story of things, and I worry that we would not be able to write our reasons for leaving so immediatly in a manner that Dear Skiff would fully appreciate. If we drew a nice picture at the bottom of the page, perhaps, but there's so little time. Hustle and bustle, as I was saying. But I do like your plan of slipping out quietly during his 'nap' - it's so rude to awaken him if we needent."

Reaching the door, Amira frees her hands from the mage and gestures for him to continue on ahread of her.

My condolences for your rug, I do so hate when mine gets soiled. I hope to one day adopt a more intelligent pet, so as to avoid that sort of mess.

Strutting around the corner, Pernicious forces his way into Skiff's consciousness. Unraveling the weak minded lackey's poor mental defenses, almost as fast as Amira worked the lock on her cell. The jailer makes a dash for the alarm, moving ten feet before he falls face first to the floor.

Pernicious turns to Amira,

Amalia, do be a dear and ask Skiff if we could borrow the keys to the evidence room? Don't worry about waking him, he is sure to be out for a few moments.

Skiff told me just before he nodded off that I will find my crystal ball in evidence. If you would rather leave right away, I would understand. Like you said hustle and bustle, first a nip off to evidence to pick up my Crystal Ball, and before you know it, doing "Maximum Security" busy work...

You steer the course, I'll accompany you. Don't go expecting everyone to be as lazy as Skiff though.

The Eladrin turns and takes down his hood to get a close look at his handiwork. Magenta orbs peek out behind a pale brow, the fey was nearly white in complexion. The wizard, like most, had hat hair, short purple locks in every direction.

Pernicious, outside of being pale, looked like any other Eladrin. He was even smiling, while waiting for Amira to answer.


Snarl moved forward, simply reaching out and plucking one of the rabbits from the fire. At Iceclaw's warning growl, he managed a hoarse "Thanks for the food- we've been on short rations these past few days...", but that was all- an instant later he was gnawing on the still-smoking bunny-on-a-stick, the hot grease dribbling down his arms and the wolf-fur that covered his armor. Iceclaw paused another moment, though, obviously far more self-controlled than his friend. "Indeed, our thanks. We're not much for polite company, and hardly used to much speaking. Our captain Piper usually does most of the talking. We just handle the growling when she's mad..." He looked longingly at the other rabbit, but kept talking. "So- an elf, and a shifter who smells of elves... Are you guardians of the forest here abouts? If not, do you know where we could find a guard station or a patrol? We were sent ahead to find aid, and I fear we're more than an hour ahead of Piper and Stonebear by now, with nothing to show for it." Another pause, and a reflexive glance over his shoulder followed. "You might send the falcon to search for game, but I wouldn't send it looking for Piper. That tusk shaman following her was using birds for eyes for a while, and our captain has a quick hand with her bow..."
Thanks for the warning, but it wouldn't be the first arrow aimed at her...still, she does dodge them much better when she knows their coming. He whistles to the falcon and it glides over to him. He whispers in it's ear before it flies off. As for being a guardian, I am the self-appointed guardian of this part of the forest...there are no posts nearby. He rolls a walnut around between his forefinger and thumb for a moment before tossing it in his mouth. He turns his head toward the shifters quizzically, Why are you looking for a guard post?
[/sblock]You seek aid, you say, and you ask of guards or patrols. And you look over your shoulder as if expecting orcs at any moment. As Vi'kandrix makes each point, he taps the butt of his spear on the ground as if for emphasis. Do the orcs invade in force? The nearest Eladrin community is a few hours north. Vi'kandrix points his spear northward as he says this, then sweeps it back to an upright position in front of him. Need they be warned?


First Post
"You should not travel alone so near of Thane's hold." hears Kolvram. He turns around and search for the origin of the sound when he see two small figure coming out from an hiding place in the cliff. The first is almost looking as a kid, but he is wearing a few daggers and a leather armor that have seem to have saved more than once his wearer. The second is a dwarf. He is carrying nothing except his clothes and a staff. "There might be scouts who go through our vigilance. They generally never reach the forest, but they might get as far as here before we can intercept them. Where are you heading?" continue the halfling.

Voidrunner's Codex

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