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HAWAIKI: Mythic Polynesia - The Legend begins...


First Post
This is a very interesting idea. I recently read Jarred Diamond's Guns, Germs & Steel, which discusses Polynesian social and technological development extensively. I'm a great fan of this sort of 'real world' game. Unfortunately I'm maxed out at the moment. Perhaps you could keep me in mind as an alternate if someone drops out later.

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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Urukehu Druid 3
Neutral Good

STR: 10
DEX: 14
CON: 12
INT: 14
WIS: 16
CHA: 10

BAB: +2
FORT: +3
REF: +3
Will: +5
AC: 12 base
Hits: 3d8+3

Swim: 6/+6
Survival: 6/+11
Animal handling: 6/+8
Craft Shells: 6/+8
Knowledge nature: 6/+11
Climbing: 6/+6

Improved Swim
Exotic Weapon Prof: Shark tooth Staff (Savage Species)

Companion: Mou
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A suffusion of yellow
Hautai (Sea Ranger) – Master Fisherman, Mariners and Navigators the Sea Ranger is the master of the open sea, out beyond the protection of the reef sailing the large Vaka Tohora, and Vaka purua and casting nets and lines out against sharks and other monsters of the deep.

BAb - as Ranger
Saves – as Ranger

The Hautai Class Abilities
1. Track, Maritime Skills, Aquatic Combat
2. Endure Elements, Improved Swim
3. Sea Legs, Orientation, Weather Sense,
5. Orientation 2, Oceans Bounty
6. .
7. .
8. Improved Aquatic Combat
9. .
11. .
12. Endure Elements 2, Freedom of Movement
13. .
14. .
16. Hold Breath

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Hautai is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and light armor

Spells: As Ranger See below

Track: In addition to the standard Track ability the Hautai can also ‘Track’ creatures through the water.
Water Conditions DC: Clear water -2 ,Calm surface –1, Slightly murky water +0, Small waves +0, Medium, choppy waves +1, Large waves +2, Obscuring clouds of silt +2, Storm waves +4
Distance Dc: Within 20' of target 10, 20' to 30' apart 15, More than 30' apart +1/10'

Maritime Skills: Due to the extensive training that the Hautai receives in and around the water, she automatically gains training and competency bonuses to the following skills at 1st level:
Swim+4 Profession (Vaka) +2, Profession (Navigator) +2 (training is assumed)

Aquatic Combat: As master Hunter of Big Game Fish like Sharks the Hautai is trained in the best techniques and methods for surviving combat both when on or in the water. The Hautai gains a bonus to Listen, Move Silently,Sense Motive,and Spot checks when using these skills against creatures found at sea whether deep water or shallows (including shoreline). Likewise, she gets the same bonus to weapon damage rolls against these creatures. Bonus is Deep water+1 Shallows/Shore+2
At Level 8 the bonuses increase to Deep water+2 Shallows/Shore+4 Deep Water refers to anywhere the character can not touch the bottom whilst fully submerged

Endure Elements: Used to the dangers of the Sea the Hautai gains +2 bonus to all Fort saves made against weather effects (cold, wind, heat), drowning and starvation.
At Level 12 this bonus increases to +5

Improved Swim (new feat)– The Whale rider is able to swim at ½ their base speed as a move action or at their base speed as a full round action. Additionally Whale riders do not suffer the –1 penalty for swimming underwater (but still drown as per usual if they run out of breath)

Sea Legs: A Hautai spends years living and working on the water, and has learned to stay on her feet during fair weather and foul. At 3rd level, a Hautai gains a +2 competence bonus to all Balance checks. Furthermore, a successful check allows a full move instead of a half move. A failed check still means no movement at all.

Orientation: By reading the combination of swells, prevailing winds, stars and water salinity the Hautai can always locate the direction of and predict the distance (in days of travel) to his home island. The Mariner can also locate the direction (but not distance) of other Islands they have been to for more than 1 day with a Prof Navigator check DC 15
At 5th level with a Prof Navigator check DC 15 the Mariner can locate the direction of any landmass within 50 miles

Weather Sense: With a Successful Wilderness Law check a Sea Ranger can predict the Weather for the next few days. The DC is 10+2 per day (eg weather in 3 days has DC 16 (10+6)).

Oceans Bounty: The Hautai is a Master Fisherman and can find and locate schools of fish as required. The Hautai can also locate drinkable water at sea (often by following rain clouds). The Oceans Bounty requires 1 hour to locate and requires

Freedom of Movement: Starting at 12th level, a Hautai knows how to use her abilities and weapons to their best effect when underwater. As a result, when underwater, she suffers no penalties to movement or attack rolls as if she were the recipient of the freedom of movement spell
This is an Extraordinary ability.

Hold Breath: At 16th level, a Hautai has learned how to survive underwater for extended periods of time. She can hold her breath for a number of rounds equal Constitution x4, instead of double Con as normal

Animal Friendship
Delay Poison
Detect Animals or Plants
Detect Snares and Pits
Magic Fang
Obscuring Mist
Pass without Trace
Read Magic
Resist Elements
Speak with Animals
Summon Nature's Ally I

Animal Messenger
Cure Light Wounds
Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
Hold Animal
Locate Object
Protection from Elements
Summon Nature's Ally II

Cure Moderate Wounds
Greater Magic Fang
Gust of Wind
Neutralize Poison
Plant Growth
Remove Disease
Summon Nature's Ally III
Water Walk
Water Breathing

Cure Serious Wounds
Freedom of Movement
Polymorph Self
Summon Nature's Ally IV
Wind Wall
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I'm digging the Urukehu Hautai. Character forthcoming.

At third level, would I be able to take Whalerider? If so, can you post the stats on that? Thanks!


A suffusion of yellow

Amongst The People of the South Seas whales are revered as lords of the ocean, children of the Sea god Tangaroa. Mortal races live in awe of the mighty beasts and are humbled by the beauty of their song.

The Whale Rider become attuned to the Song of the Whales (and their cousins the porpoises and Dolphins*), they learn to sing the song of the whales, become companions to the whales and even learn to ride upon the mighty beasts.
(*NB In Hawaiki Dolphins are intelligent creatures Int 11 not ‘mere animals’)

Alignment Any
Hit Dice d8
BAb - as Cleric
Good Saves - Fort and Will (as Cleric)

Skills 4+int
Animal Empathy (Cha),Concentration (Con),Intuit Direction (Wis), Knowledge (nature)(Int), Listen (Wis), Perform(Cha), Profession (Wis), Speak Language (none), Swim (Str),and Wilderness Lore (Wis)

Skills Swim 6 ranks, Animal Empathy 8 ranks, Listen 8 Ranks
Feats Endurance
Other: The character has had an encounter with a Cetacean whilst swimming (including drowning if applicable ie was saved by a dolphin)

Class Abilities per Level
1 Ride Skill, Improved Swim, Hold Breath x3

2 Whale Companion, Mounted Combat,

3 Hold Breath x4, Whale Song (Listen)

4 Hold Breath x 5, Blind fight

5 Water breathing (1 hour), Whale Song (Speak)

6, Deep Diving, Song of the Sea (Rebuke)

7 Whale Call, Water breathing (1 hour +1 per additional Whale Rider level)

8 Whale Song (Emotion), Blindsight

9 Song of the Sea (Command)

10 Aquatic nature

Ride Skill: The Whale Rider gains character level +2 ranks in this unique skill. The skill is considered a class skill and can be increased normally There are no large land animals imc and so no ‘standard’ ride skill. However this is the same skill granted as an ability

Improved Swim (new feat)– The Whale rider is able to swim at ½ their base speed as a move action or ¾ their base speed as a full round action. Additionally Whale riders do not suffer the –1 penalty for swimming underwater (but still drown as per usual if they run out of breath)

Whale Companion – The Whale Rider is able to summon a Cetacean (Whale or Dolphin) who is willing to carry the rider on its back. The cetacean has an intelligence score of at least 8 and speaks the language of the Whale song (which may or may not be aquan)

Hold Breath – A normal character is able to hold their breath for constitution x 2 rounds. A Whale Rider through constant practice is able to extend this for much longer periods (initially Con x 3 etc)

Mounted Combat – The Whale Rider can use the Mounted Combat feat whilst riding her whale/porpoise companion

Deep Diving – The Whale rider does not suffer any ill effects from deep water (either due to pressure or cold)

Blind Sight – The Whale Rider is so attuned to the sounds around her that she is able to 'see' by sound alone.

Whale Song (Listen) The Whale Rider is able to understand the song of various cetaceans (whales and dolphins etc). Whale song travels for up to a mile and is likely to have information about weather conditions, food sources, sharks and other hazards in or on the water within a 1-mile radius. The Whale Rider should make a Wis mod+ level Check vs DC 15 to determine if a required peace of information is heard in the song (use the Bardic Knowledge chart to determine results)

Whale Song (Speak) The Whale Rider has gained mastery of the language of the Whale Song and is able to ask up to 3 questions (per day) of all Cetaceans (and other listeners (eg other Whale Riders, Merfolk, Sahuagin etc). The Whale Rider may ask and (be informed) about the weather conditions, plants, minerals, ships, seabed topography, people, general animal population, presence of marine creatures, presence of powerful unnatural creatures, or even the general state of the surrounding sea in a 1 mile radius.

Whale Call: The Whale Rider is able to call to all cetaceans in a 1-mile radius, any cetaceans in the area will gather within 1d6 minutes and respond positively to any reasonable request

Whale Song (Emotion) – By causing subtle changes in the ambient song the Whale Rider is able to affect the emotions of all creatures able to hear her within 100ft (+10ft per level). The effects are like those of the Emotion Spell

Water breathing – The Whale rider is able to breathe underwater for 1 hour plus 1 hour for each additional Whale Rider level allowing them to dive to great depths

Song of the Sea - The Whale Rider can use the Whale song to command other sea animals and beasts (sharks, fish, octopi, Sea Lions etc). Initially she can only rebuke non-cetaceans, however as she gains greater understanding of the Song she also gains the ability to give basic commands to non-cetaceans. The Whale Rider must make a perform check DC 10+creature int to succeed

Aquatic – The Whale Rider has become an Aquatic creature as at home in The water as on land. The Character suffers no penalties when swimming and is able to breath water for an indefinite period of time (Add Aquatic to the Characters creature type (eg Humanoid, Aquatic)
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A suffusion of yellow
Argent said:
Exotic Weapon Prof: Shark tooth Staff (Savage Species)

Haven't got Sav Species but this weapon sounds ideally suited - so please post the stats:D


Even before dawn the village was astir as the people of Takanui set about the preparations for the days events. In the preceding days Fish, turtle, dog and even pig had been killed and dressed ready for the cooking pits, coconut was being scraped and fruits and vegetables of all kinds, both wild and grown had been gathered and readied.
It was the time of the Matariki festival, the celebrations, which following the predawn rise of the constellation Matariki marked the beginning of the New Year. For months before this day the Chief Makea Takanui had sent out runners and Vaka Tohora, those fast deep-sea outrigger canoes, carrying invitations to all the surrounding districts and islands even as far as Tafitinui. The Ariki knew too that his call would be heard even further afield as word of mouth spread the news to islands more distant than his own emissaries would travel.

You begin as attendees at the Matariki festival hosted by Takanui. You can be members of the Takanui clan, visiting relatives or 'Poea*' (Adventurers) come across to participate...

*Poea refers to idle 'wanderers' and is often derogatory

Some other info that could be handy

1. Barbarians in Hawaiki are all cannibals

2. Ritual cannibalism is practiced throughout Hawaiki (usually as an act of war, or a sacrifice to the gods). However during peace times a taboo against generally cannibalism applies.
Barbarians are different in that they hunt Long Pork (Humanoid flesh) for the sheer pleasure of it

3. Honour and strength is more important than mercy and affection

3. Taipo (Goblins) are not generally welcomed in Human villages unless they are slaves/servants of an important Human chief or prisoners (who will either become slaves or sacrificed) (Raurth Snowfang your Taipo is still welcome and you can choose to ally yourself with another PC - as a Bard you have more chance to be a favoured servant due to your skill - or you could be a prisoner who gets lucky: Your choice:D)

4. Bards are more than just entertainers. They are historians and heralds, many are religious functionaries and most are skilled at arms.
Karioi are a 'cult' of Bards who travel around the islands staging huge productions in honour of the Atua.

4. Language: The Languages of Hawaiki fall into two broad dialect groups - those of Hawaiki-runga (West) and those of Hawaiki-Raro (East). Within these groups sub-dialects occur but variations are minor, Nukutere is part of Hawaiki-raro. Gnomes, Goblins, Giants and Fey each speak their own dialects.
Other Languages include Aquan and those of the Islands of Pulotu and Papatea to the west of Hawaiki-Runga

5Weapons and Armor
All Weapons of Hawaiki are made of Wood, stone (includes obsidian), bone, teeth or shell including combinations of these. Clubs, spears and polearms (similar to Halberds, glaives etc) are the most common types, with other weapon types being proportionately ¡¥rare¡¦.
Highly polished sharp edged stone clubs are used like short swords and are a weapon of prestige. Daggers made from the tail spike of a stingray are used by assassins.

Missile weapons are rare, javelins are thrown at fleeing enemies, slings are used by non-combatants to defend their villages and short bows are used for hunting rats or in Sport (to see who can shoot the furthest). Only a coward would use a bow in combat!

Armour is equally rare although some padded armour is available, armour made from wood, gourd helmets and turtleshell breastplates are also known and have a quality similar to Scale Mail. (ie all armour types from Padded to Scale Mail are available but will probably be made of multiple layers of woven fibre and wood or sheel plates - very effective against the wood, stone and bone weapons of Hawaiki.)
Heavy Armour does not exist those with the Heavy Armour Proficincy get a AC bonus equal to their level.

For ease of play the following weapons are ¡¥available¡¦ (ie their mechanics will be used) however the actual form of the weapon may be quite different tothat listed in the PHB

Weapon Damage
Stone is known to chip and bone and teeth can be break when used in combat. If a Natural 1 is rolled when using a weapon to attack it is a critical failure and the weapon will take 1 point of damage (affects hardness first) and may need repair. If a Weapon gets down to 0 Hit points it is broken.

DC0: Club; Greatclub; Quarterstaff; Sling
DC1: Throwing Axe; Dagger; Dart; Halfspear; Handaxe; light Hammer; Javelin; Sap; Scythe; Whip
DC2: Battleaxe; punching Dagger; Light Lance, Mace; Net; Shortspear
DC3: Greataxe; Halberd; Longspear; Pike; Ranseur, Shortbow; Short Sword; Warhammer
DC4: Heavy Lance,
DC5: Pounamu Short Sword, Long Bow

Nephrite Jade (Pounamu) has a greater strength than steel and can be polished to a sharp edge. In Hawaiki it is consider equivalent to Adamantine.

„« No Crossbows, No chain weapons
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A suffusion of yellow
Legends of Hawaiki - Prologue

(ooc Welcome to Hawaiki. As soon as you have your character you can join the prologue.

You might be in the village of Takanui now, travelling aboard the Haukirarotonga with Te Reiokura, or somehow making your own way to Takanui.

This is your chance to shine - be as freeform as you like - create family, friends and companions interact with each other. It will allow us to see each others style and help develop characters)

Argent- Tatiki Urukehu Druid
Raurth Snowfang-
Seonaid- Lani-wai-koana Urukehu Hautai
Tailspinner- Tu-Ru O'Punga Barbarian
Mirthcard- Tunga Tunga Lani Tangata Shaman
Wilphe- (reserve list)
Manzanita- (reserve list)
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I'm not sure if this game is full or not, but I'd love to give it a try. Also, could you give us more info on your alt.Paladin PrC?


Argent Silvermage

First Post
I'll have the Shark's tooth staff stats later on today. I had to change on of Tatiki's feats. He can't have create Infusions until he has 3rd level spells.
So I took improved swimming.

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