Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit


First Post
«Possum, I am presently assuming the following, correct me if I'm wrong:
1. We know how to make the pick up on Ganga's shipment (that "immediately" didn't seem to leave much time for an exchange of information, but apparently...)

2. Ponda has agreed to guard Ganga for the two days until the shipment arrives.

3. That call to Maya didn't get through.

1: Well, let's say immediately after the relevant exchange of info. It's through a neutral gun runner, he says, and that payment has already been made.
2: He does agree to guard Ganga.
3: I didn't resolve that yet. Here's the resolution.

The comlink blares to life with a burst of static. "This is Maya, come in," the rebel agent wearily answers the call. "When are we going to need evacuation?" she asks. "Look for a Baudo yacht when it's time," she finishes. If there are no other questions or comments, she ends the call and resumes resting.

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First Post
My name is Keyton and I have no love for the Empire. I am just looking for a way to get off this station, and if I can stick it to some Imps along the way, so be it.

I mirror Mir's remarks. I have no desire to sit around trying to fence off cargo on this station. We've already made a scene with those stormtroopers back there and I would like to avoid any further Imperial entanglements.

As for what I do, I really don't know now. I've always been good in a fight, but violence will always lead to pain and suffering. That is a path I cannot walk forever, nor should anyone. The Empire has taken a lot away from me. Staying alive is the only direction I have right now and even that is questionable.

Keyton looks down at his leg and sees the blood coming down from his gut shot wound. He takes one of the med paks found on the corpses and asks Sloor if TB would heal his wounds.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The comlink blares to life with a burst of static. "This is Maya, come in," the rebel agent wearily answers the call. "When are we going to need evacuation?" she asks.
Sloor takes a moment to parse that in his head, "Nice team spirit there, Sra! Cargaw will be awers sawmwhere in the next taw days, pawsibly as soon as tawnight."

"Look for a Baudo yacht when it's time,"
"Sure thing, Sra." Fast and easy to modify, nice. "Name, dawck and haw daw we ID awerselves?"

"And that hawver platfawrm? Cawnsidering what we're gawing to use it fawr, we'd rather nawt deal with a randawm rental place if we can help it... Likely have taw carry a taw by taw container." Plus a priceless desk and a crate full of weapons just a little before that.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
My name is Keyton and I have no love for the Empire. I am just looking for a way to get off this station, and if I can stick it to some Imps along the way, so be it.

I mirror Mir's remarks. I have no desire to sit around trying to fence off cargo on this station. We've already made a scene with those stormtroopers back there and I would like to avoid any further Imperial entanglements.
Well, considering he started the scene in question and he's eager to charge into an imperial-infested dock to retrieve that carbonite block, that made about as much sense as usual. Sloor let's it go: "Sawm basic misunderstanding here, spirks:" he says, addressing everybody, not just Keyton. "I don't need any awf you fawr this. I *was* gawing taw awffer you good rates fawr the shipment, cut it dawn further if you helped with security during the switch maybe, but that's the length and width awf it! You dan't want it? then GET THE FRECK AWF MY HAWME AND DAN'T CAWM BACK!" he finishes with a roar. "I'm mawr than a little tired awf hearing you diss the place when you've JUST FRECKING GAWT HERE AND PRAWMPTLY BLEW IT UP, YOU CRAZY MURCLAWS! Sel Zawnn is a fine place, a marbling good hawm, but if every *awther* place in the marbling galaxy is mawr deserving awf being saved from the Empire, then I'LL GLADLY KICK YOU OFF IT MYSELF AT FISRT AWPAWRTUNITY, YOU HEAR ME! Nawn of that 'I'd be dawing Sloor a favawr if I cawnsented taw stay a micraw lawnger than I absawlutely have taw' slug vomit!"

Hadn't meant to shout (not even sure he meant some of that -- 'saved from the Empire'?!) but it's out there now.

«Holding off on healing Keyton.


Mir looks at Sloor as he attempts to get Maya to help with all of his 'spoils' with a what the heck face and shakes her head. She then listens to his ranting before she closes her eyes and takes in several deep breaths before she opens them again. She looks to Sloor and says in a calm, simple, and non-condescending manner, "If that is how you like it, then I am out of here once I am done helping Maya out. You may enjoy this place you call home, I have other matters to see to.

She turns back to R5 and asks the droid, "Looking at these schematics for the bay where the 'cargo' is stored, can you show me a display of the ways in and out? Anything other than the main door?"

If/while the droid does his thing Mir thinks about it and looks to those present/including R5 and asks, "I do not suppose anyone could hack the security feeds? Perhaps get a look at what we are getting into in that Bay? Also, by the sounds of it, this is a mainly human part of the station. Some of us may have a hard time justifying being there, so we may want to considered that as well."
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First Post
In response to Sloor but before Mir

Very well then. Mir and Mack, it is my desire to leave this station as soon as possible. The quickest way to do that is fulfill a task set forth by this Maya. If you want to stay and get rich with Sloor selling off those good, that is fine. But I will not endanger myself or Maya any more then nessary with a prolonged stay.

Keep this in mind, it is quite possible we are all fugitives for what was done earlier in marketplace. We maybe able to hide out for a little bit, but he (pointing to Sloor) sticks out like shaved Wookie. Him trying to hawk wares will only draw more attention.

I feel this is a place where each person will have to take his or her own path.

After Mir's last response

I do not have such skills, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is well guarded and they are looking for somebody matching our descriptions.
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Sloor said:
"It's Panda, nawt Panda,"
Mack nods his head, “Right Panda, that’s what I said. Just making sure his loyalty to Switch includes loyalty to us now.”

Sloor said:
The besalisk mildly looks at the scattered weapons, unsearched bodies and unopened shipping crates... "I take it that everything else is mine then?"
Mack shakes his head, “I said ‘we’, so if there is still more searching to do, ‘we’ need to do it yet. I am not leaving this spot until we have searched everything. This Switch was an information broker and there may be more useful things here yet to be discovered.”
<<OOC: I believe this has been discussed multiple times, but no one actually has said their character has done anything more than search 1-2 specific things. >>


At Sloor’s rant Mack sits quietly and considers, then he bursts out laughing, “Ha! Are you serious? You are planning to save this station from the Empire all by yourself? No offense, but you are just as crazy as the rest of us mad-men, apparently there IS something you are passionate about besides credits. Besides no one was bad mouthing the station, we jsut are trying to avoid falling into imperial hands.”

The Mack sobers up a little, “Okay, we clearly have some issues to work out. The one thing we have in common is dislike for the empire, yes? Since we have committed violence against imperial agents; that makes us outlaws, rebels, terrorists, etc… ‘Insurgents’ is just the word I used, but it seems to fit. Maya isn’t some innocent bystander that we just helped to cross the street. I think we need to ask some more questions of her as well.”

“As for the future, working for Maya appears to fit my motives as well as most of you. I am not some mercenary, but I am practical, and taking on stormtroopers requires more planning and some better equipment. Do you think Maya and her mysterious benefactor are going to take care of it for us? People think more highly of subordinates and allies that can think and fend for themselves.”

“Personally, I think Keyton and I are really the ones, other than Maya that have to worry about the authorities. We did the overt fighting and any witnesses may not have actually seen Mir and Sloor participating. If Sloor does have free reign through the underbelly on his home station, perhaps a little recon and information gathering would be in order. Then we'll have a better idea if there are warrants out for our arrest.”

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
She looks to Sloor and says in a calm, simple, and non-condescending manner, "If that is how you like it, then I am out of here once I am done helping Maya out. You may enjoy this place you call home, I have other matters to see to.
"Yeah," agrees the besalisk, matching perceived coldness with coldness, "figuring awt why the freck you're killing people you dan't knaw fawr a girl you dan't knaw is at the very tawp awf that list, I'd Imagine."

At Sloor’s rant Mack sits quietly and considers, then he bursts out laughing, “Ha! Are you serious? You are planning to save this station from the Empire all by yourself? No offense, but you are just as crazy as the rest of us mad-men, apparently there IS something you are passionate about besides credits. Besides no one was bad mouthing the station, we jsut are trying to avoid falling into imperial hands.”
"You awbviawly haven't seen the face awf this taw every time they say 'I just want taw get AWF this statian'," contradicts Sloor, drawing his face down in exagerated despair (and ignoring the bit about fighting imperials -- don't know where the freck that came from, or how Mack saw it as him *wanting* to be a rebel, much less a lone one). "But alright. Saw if I understand this right, you're planning to attack every imperial you can," this with a gesture Keyton's way, "BUT you want taw avawid imperial entanglement at all cawst SO you're gawing to run away frawm every statian and planet where you run intaw canflict with imperial fawrces -- becawse, awf cawrse, the Empire, and warrants, are *cawmpletely* limited taw a single statian and daw NAWT get arawnd. You'll alsaw be cawmpletely advantaged in the next place you land at since you'll have NAW cantacts there at all, as awposed taw here where at least *I* knaw the lay awf the land... That's the sawrt awf rebellian you had in mind?" Not that he's a rebel, or is going to help one for free.


I do not have such skills, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is well guarded and they are looking for somebody matching our descriptions.
"Saw we're agreed?" marvels Sloor, a bit surprised the human isn't calling for a full frontal charge. "we're gawing taw sneek in unseen and sneak awt the same way? Good! Three ways I can see there awf the tawp: pass sawm awf us as cargaw handlers (max awf taw, I'd guess), AWR sneek in through the ventilation (cut a hawl frawm underneath maybe?)... AWR, and this is my favawrite, awver the hull and through that fawrcefield. They never lawk thawse things - taw much bawther - and I'm pretty sure I can find us sawm Drawidcatch suits. Naw air and a bit skimpy awn the thermal insulatian, but if we hurry..."
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Mir looks at Sloor and starts to respond but stops herself deciding to say nothing and let the besalisk think whatever he wants. He is obviously not the help she has been looking for. She turns her attention back to the schematics. ((anything there that might be helpful?))


Mack lets out a sigh, he had hoped to diffuse the situation with some humor, but apparently this did not work either and thinks, at least the Baselisk has let it go for now and is working on planning for the next step in the mission. Maybe the other two will as well.

He looks at Keyton and Mir and summarizes, “So willingness to help Maya and you can fight, but no special skills to help in this current situation, huh? Very well. Do you want to know anything more about me?”

Mack moves back over to Mir to answer her questions, “I did say more than once about my skill in computers, maybe R5 and I can get our way into the security feeds. We also need a better understanding of the layout of the area before we can properly plan.” He works with R5 at the computer terminal.
<<Action: Take 20 for 26 on Use Computer, either with R5's assistance or helping him.>>

<<OoC: Questions needing answers. Schematic of entrances and exits to Docking Bay Blue. Nice to have a map of some sorts. :)>>

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