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Head of the class (stonegod judging)[Concluded]


"You followed him into the abandoned bakery, and no ambush awaited you? The cultists must be less organized than I would have expected."

He looks about for attacking cultists, curiously.

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"I'm afraid I've spent all my prepared prayers. At least, the ones that count. Being so late when we fought the cultists, I figured we'd be going to bed afterwards. That means that if problem brews, the kind of problems with sharp sickles, I won't be of much help."

"Still, we have a handful places to investigate. Where to start?"


"Perhaps it would be reasonable to rest before proceeding further. Do you think the recovery of our strength will outbalance any additional preperations the enemy will make?"


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drothgery said:
OOC: Anything going on with Tali and the cultist? Also FYI - I'll be out of town 11/6-11/10.

Tali keeps a solid watch on the Gilded Raven, but so far he hasn't seen the cultist (or anyone else), leave the establishment.

OOC: No problem. This is a good time for me to mention that I'm going to be gone all week next week. I'll still be hanging around here until about 5 PM today, but after that I won't see you folks until the 6th of November.

I have a quick question, did you keep any of the items from the cultists? The watchman would have simply wanted to see their weapons and cult symbols, and maybe keep one temporarily as evidence, but as you are the ones who subdued and captured them, you are welcome to keep their possessions.


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Manzanita said:
She extends her hand towards the Bedlam Boy. "Raven Thorn. Pleased to meet you. Why are you helping us against these Khyber cultists?"

The man looks Raven up and down and says, "So, yer with them? Good. I'm helpin' 'cause the Bedlam Boys don't take kindly to cultists settin' up shop on our turf. We been watchin' them fer a while. I followed them robed freaks up to Morgrave, and spotted these two," he motions to Anvuss and Shoot, "Chasin' after that feller in armor. Mad Dog said some adventurers would show up, and here ya are. He's gonna wanna talk to ya before ya do anything ... dangerous. I can take ya to him, he's over a couple blocks that way." He points north.


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"They're interferring with your turf, eh?" asks Raven. "And Mad Dog is your leader?"

Raven thinks it over.

"Anvuus, we can't rest now. We've got to try to find Loris and the codex. I don't think they're here. We need to find this Bryllys to get them. To do that, we'd have to wait here for Shiv to show up. We don't know how long that would be. Even then, we're really not that good at tailing people. I think its worth talking to this Mad Dog. Perhaps someone should stay here and keep an eye on this place while the rest of us go talk to the Bedlam Boys."


"I guess this Mad Dog is a, o the, local crime lord. I suppose they, knowing these streets far better than we do, can make a much more effecive watching duty than us. So, let's talk to Mad Dog, since it seems we share a common goal." agrees Seat.


"I personally do not need rest. You may, however, be dissapointed in the event of a violent encounter to find that our healers will be unable to cure any wounds we may take. I will certainly respect your judgement as to which problem is the more urgent, however. Shall we meet with the head of the Bedlam boys, then?"


ooc: While nothing can happen till our DM gets back, does anyone else want to chime in on whether we should rest? Dangerous to go forward with the healers out of spells.... If I understand properly, though, that seems to be the plan.

Voidrunner's Codex

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