Hearty Mates of the Blood Hawk (Pirates of the Broken Sea RG)

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Fangor the Fierce

First Post
[sblock=Kiltro]Race: Kobold
Class: Sorcerer 1[/sblock]

STR:  7  (-2)
DEX: 14  (+2)
CON: 13  (+1)
INT:  8  (-1)
WIS:  9  (-1)
CHA: 17  (+3)
HP:    5
FORT:  +1 (+0 base, +1 CON)
REF:   +2 (+0 base, +2 DEX)
WILL:  +1 (+2 base, -1 WIS)
INIT:  +2
BAB:  +1  (0 base, +1 size)
AC: 14 (+1 size, +1 nat arm, +2 dex)
[sblock=Combat Stats]
Melee -1
Ranged +3

Melee Dagger -1 to hit, 1d3-2dmg, 19/20x2, P or S
Dagger Thrown +3 to hit, 10' range, 1d3-2dmg, 19/20x2, P or S
Pistol +3 to hit, 50' range, 1d8dmg, x3, P
Scribe Scroll[/sblock]
4 Points (2 base -1 INT x4)
Concentration:    +5  (4 rank, +1 CON)
[sblock=Racial Traits]
Darkvision 60'
-4 STR, -2 CON, +2 DEX
+1 Natural Armor
Light Sensitivity (Dazzled in bright sunlight or daylight spell)
+2 to Craft Trap, Search, Profession Miner
Speed is 30'
Speak Draconic
Favored Class: Sorcerer[/sblock]
[sblock=Size Traits]
+4 to Hide
-4 Grapple
+1 AC due to Size[/sblock]
[sblock=Sorcerer Traits]

Spells per day:
0 Level - 6/day (_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)
1 Level - 4/day (_)(_)(_)(_)

Spells Known:
0 Level - (Detect Magic, Read Magic, Acid Splash, Mage Hand)
1 Level - (Mage Armor, Grease)[/sblock]
spell pouch      -  5gp - 2.0lb
scroll materials - 50gp - 0.0lb (for 4 scrolls)
scroll case x2   -  1gp - 1.0lb
chalk x10        -  1sp - 0.0lb
belt pouch       -  1gp - 0.125lb
signal whistle   -  8sp - 0.0lb
pistol           -  0gp - 3.0lb
20 shots         -  0gp - ?.?lb
dagger           -  2gp - 0.5lb
pack             -  2gp - 0.5lb
7.125lb load (Light=17.25)[/sblock]


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Aldern Foxglove

First Post
Zandibus the Maker

Zandibus the Maker


Class: Psion (Shaper)
Race: Halfling
Age 52

Who is Zandibus the Maker, the greatest Psion, and Pirate ever to have sailed the seas? Where did this halfling adonis who breaks hearts in every port and ruins women for other men come from?

Zandibus was found by the crew sunburnt and near starving sailing a tiny dingy in the middle of the ocean. He claimed to have come from a wonderous land called Xeth where he was the Prince of a fabulous Empire of Halflings who ruled over giants bound by powerful mental magics.

His family were deposed by the Halfling parliament, but when they were slain fleeing the royal palace the enchantments they had wrought were destroyed freeing the giants. The attack of the giant slaves after his father was slain came just in time to save Zandibus who managed to sneak away and steal a small boat.

One day he intends to reclaim his Kingdom and those who help him will be rewarded with unimaginable wealth. His crew mates alternate between being captivated by his incredible tales and simply incredulous. The truth? Well Zandibus is certainly arrogant enough to have been a Prince, but Xeth appears on no charts and the area Zandibus claims it is in is known as the Shadow Circle famous for the number of ships which vanish within it's borders.
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Turrick loved the ocean, he loved the free flow of the currents. The ever changing tides, the ebbs and flows... The gnome was drawn to the water at an early age. Somethiing about the steady chaos it held.

Perhaps it was the natural progression of his love for treasures and his love of the water that led him to the life he had currently chosen. Something about the absolute freedom piracy presented...

He had fallen into a group of like minded people. Some were less than personable, but all were of a kindred spirit. The ship seemed one place where Turrick fit in after a life of being the black sheep. He was home on the waters.[/sblock]


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First Post
Kutyak the cold hearted, caller of wraiths and guardian of secrets, worst marksman on the broken sea


Age: 21
Height: 3'2"
Weight: 35lb.
Hair: dirt brown
Eyes: green
Skin: sunburned

Description: Kutyak is about the same height as the average halfling, but with proportionally longer legs and arms. He is muscular for a goblin, which simply means his chest isn't concave, and his greyish skin is covered in bruises, hair and sunburn. He is usually followed around by his tiny white monkey Ramon.

Background:When his tribe met it's end, as they often do, at the hands of a group of brave adventurers, Kutyak the shamans apprentice escaped with his life and several of the shamans valuable books. He wandered the land long in search of a new home, but no town wanted to harbor a goblin. Eventually he came to the city of thieves, the first settlement he had visited without being robbed and chased away with pitchforks. He stayed there for a while until he was accepted aboard a pirate ship, eager to prey on the people who so like preying on him.[/sblock][sblock=stats]Race: goblin
Class: necromancer
Level: 1 (0 XP)
Alignement: CN
Religion: ungodly swine
Languages: Common, goblin, halfling, orc, giant

Str: 14 (-2 racial)
Dex: 15 (+2 racial)
Con: 15
Int: 17
Wis: 13
Cha: 9 (-2 racial)

AC: 13 (10 +2 dex +1 size)
HP: 6
Init: +2
Speed: 30'
Saves: Fort +2, ref +2, will +3
Melee: +3 (0 bab +2 str +1 size)
Ranged: +3 (0 bab +2 dex +1 size)

Dagger +3, 1d3 +2(19-20/x2), 10' range if thrown
Pistol -1, 1d8 (X3) (non-proficient)

Racial features: Small size, 30' land speed, 60' darkvision, +4 to move silently and ride checks.

Class features: Summon familiar

Feats: Spell focus(necromancy), scribe scroll

Skill               bonus  ranks  mod  misc
Spellcraft          +5     2      3    0
Concentration       +6     4      2    0
Know(arcana)        +5     2      3    0
Know(planes)        +5     2      3    0
Profession(sailor)  +3     2      1    0
Tumble(cc)          +6     1      2    3*
Balance(cc)         +3     1      2    0
climb(cc)           +3     1      2    0
Swim(cc)            +3     1      2    0
Hide(cc)            +6     0      2    4
Move silently(cc)   +6     0      2    4
Ride(cc)            +6     0      2    4
Spot(cc)            +3     0      1    2**
Listen(cc)          +3     0      1    2**

*As long as familiar is within 1 mile
**As long as familiar is within same square
Gear: Pistol & 20 shots, daggerx3, spellbook, 50 ft. hemp rope

Spellbook (illusion & enchantmment prohibited):
Lvl 0:
Acid splash
Detect poison
Detect magic
Read magic
Dancing lights
Ray of frost
Disrupt undead
Touch of fatigue
Mage hand
Arcane Mark

Lvl 1:
Cause fear
Chill touch
Ray of enfeeblement
Mage armor
True strike
Animate rope[/sblock][sblock=Familiar]Name: Ramon
Race: Monkey
Alignement: CN

Str: 3
Dex: 15
Con: 10
Int: 6
Wis: 12
Cha: 5

Speed: 30', climb 30'
Saves: fort +2, ref +4, will +3
Attack: Bite +4, 1d3-4(x2)

Special: +8 to balance and climb, tiny size, low-light vision, alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathinc link

Feats: weapon finesse

Skills(uses masters ranks if better):
Skill               bonus  ranks  mod  misc
Spellcraft          +0     2      -2   0
Concentration       +4     4      0    0
Know(arcana)        +0     2      -2   0
Know(planes)        +0     2      -2   0
Profession(sailor)  +3     2      1    0
Tumble              +3     1      2    0
Balance             +11    1      2    8
climb               +11    1      2    8
Swim                +3     1      2    0
Hide                +10    0      2    8
Move silently       +2     0      2    0
Spot                +3     2      1    0
Listen              +3     2      1    0
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Voda Vosa

First Post
"Quickhands" Apeldan earned his name from the quick moves he make to shift from weapon to weapon, in a frenetic attempt to find the best suited one for the particular foe he's facing.
James Apeldan was once a skinny lad, from a small coastal town. He earned his food helping fishermen, merchants and anyone related with seamanship.
One fateful night, pirates attacked the small town, bombarding it from the sea. After many of the buildings were torn apart, the pirates invaded the village, pillaging and killing. One of James abilities was his good aim with the pistol. He had one, a gift from his grandfather. And he used, oh yes he did.
Regnar and his men were ambushed inside a small barn, the remaining militia and the few civilians able to lift a weapon set a trap for the pirate. James made several bullseyes of the pirates, until the captain found him. When he was going to slay the lad, a more greedy thought crossed his mind. A marksman like that could be useful.
And so he took the lad with him. Years passed and James Apeldan became just Apeldan, and got used to the life of a pirate. He serves the man that destroyed his life in silent obedience, but he has secret thoughts, plans and vengeance in store for his dear captain.


Name : "Quickhands" Apeldan
Race : Human
Gender : Male
Size : Medium
Class : Fighter
Level : 1


Strength: 14 (+ 2 )
Dexterity: 16 (+ 3 )
Constitution: 15 (+ 2 )
Intelligence: 14 (+ 2 )
Wisdom: 10 (+ 0 )
Charisma: 7 ( -2 )


BAB: +1

Sap ( +3 for 1d6+ 2 - x2 )
Longsword ( +3 for 1d8+ 2 - 19-20x2 )
Pistol ( +5 for 1d10+ 0 - x3 )
Heavy Flail ( +3 for 1d10+ 3 - 19-20x2 )

Combat stats:
Grapple: 3
Initiative: 3
Touch: 13
Flat Footed: 14
HP: 12
AC: 18


Fortitude: 4
Reflex: 3
Will: 0

Skills [ (Rank)= Bonus ]
Appraise : ( 0 )= 2
Balance : ( 0 )= 3
Bluff : ( 0 )= -2
Climb : ( 4 )= 6
Concentration : ( 0 )= 0
Craft : ( 4 )= 6
Decipher Script : ( 0 )= 2
Diplomacy : ( 0 )= -2
Disable Device : ( 0 )= 2
Disguise : ( 0 )= -2
Escape Artist : ( 0 )= 3
Forgery : ( 0 )= 2
Gather Inf : ( 0 )= -2
Handle Animal : ( 0 )= -2
Heal : ( 0 )= 0
Hide : ( 0 )= 3
Intimidate : ( 0 )= -2
Jump : ( 4 )= 6
Knowledge : ( 0 )= 2
Language : ( 0 )= 0
Listen : ( 0 )= 0
Move Silently : ( 0 )= 3
Open Lock : ( 0 )= 3
Perform : ( 0 )= -2
Profession : ( 0 )= 0
Ride : ( 0 )= 3
Search : ( 0 )= 2
Sense Motive : ( 0 )= 0
Sleight of Hand : ( 0 )= 3
Spellcraft : ( 0 )= 2
Spot : ( 0 )= 0
Survival : ( 0 )= 0
Swim : ( 4 )= 6
Tumble : ( 0 )= 3
Use Magic Device : ( 0 )= -2
Use Rope : ( 0 )= 3
Weapon focus (Pistol) ( First level )
Quickdraw ( Fighter bonus )
Rapid reload (Pistols) ( Human bonus )



Buckler 15 gp ( 5 lb)
Flail, heavy 15 gp ( 10 lb)
Sap 1 gp ( 2 lb)
Chain shirt armor 100 gp ( 20 lb)
Longsword 15 gp ( 4 lb)
Pistol 0 gp ( 3 lb)
Bullets (40) 4 gp ( 0 lb)
Backpack (1) 0 gp ( 2 lb)
Bedroll (1) 0 gp ( 5 lb)
Blanket (1) 0 gp ( 3 lb)
Flint/steel (1) 0 gp ( 0 lb)
Grappling hook (1) 0 gp ( 4 lb)
Oil (1) 0 gp ( 1 lb)
Pot, iron (1) 0 gp ( 10 lb)
Rope (50ft) (1) 0 gp ( 5 lb)
Torch (1) 0 gp ( 1 lb)
Waterskin (1) 0 gp ( 4 lb)
Climber's kit (1) 0 gp ( 5 lb)

150 gp ( 84 lb)

Light Load
Medium Load
Heavy Load

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