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Hellmouth Characters


OK, this is the thread for the Enter the Hellmouth Characters (The buffyverse d20 setting).

Post them characters, peeps.

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First Post
Alex Gurlukeavitch
(Alex G.)

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 187lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light Brown

Smart 1
Student: Research +1 Computer Use +1 Knowledge (History) +1

Str 10
Dex 10
Con 10
Int 18
Wis 10
Cha 14

HP: 6

Defense: 10 (Touch 10, Flat-Footed 10)

Action Points: 5
Wealth Bonus: +2
Reputation: 1

BAB: +0
Melee: +0
Ranged: +0

Fort: +0
Ref: +0
Will: +1

Speed: 30'

Initiative: +0

Computer Use +12
Research +9
Forgery +10
Search +10
Knowledge (History) +8
Decipher Script +8
Knowledge (Technology) + 8
Disable Device +8
Craft (Electronic) +8
Investigate +8
Repair +7 (1 rank)
Diplomacy +6
Bluff +6
Disguise +6


Simple Weapons Proficiency

Savant (Computer Use)


Alex Gurlukeavitch is a teenager of Russian decent. He himself is not a Russian immigrant, but his great grandfather came over in 1947 after WWII. He lives at home with his Parents, John and Loraine. John is a white-collar worker for some big business corp.; Loraine is a nurse at a hospital near the neighborhood the family lives in.

Since Alex was a very young child he has always been very bright and good at choosing his words. Once he got his hands on computers they became his outlet to the world he was pro at them, the best of his age most likely. In school Alex is a great student, his favorite topic being history, which he knows a great deal about from research through books and the Internet.

He has always had a knack for impersonation and forging documents, absent notes, fake ids, and so on. He is primarily a computer hacker (explorer, or adventurer as he calls himself) so these skills are rarely seen as much as his hacking and other computer related skills are.

(Edit I changed some feats and skills)
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First Post
Mercedes Tran - Slayer

Mercedes Tran
15 Years Old, Sophomore
FAST Heroine

She's from a very wealthy family and has always lived a rather charmed life. Popular girl at school, varsity cheerleader (this is her first year on the varsity squad, made junior varsity as a freshman), student council, dance committee, fashionista and surfing at the beautiful California beaches(lol if we're in California)...and of course major interest in gossiping about cute boys with her equally popular (and somewhat snobby) friends. Her natural dexterity was something she always took for granted.

Her life is parties and fun fun fun! The last thing she wants is responsibility...real responsibility, especially about thinking of someone other than herself and her charmed life. She's just enjoying life (and boys) too much to do any of that. She spends money like there's no tomorrow and one of her favorite pastimes is (surprise!) shopping with her friends and hanging out at the upscale malls.

STR 14 6
DEX 14 6
CON 14 6
INT 10 2
WIS 12 4
CHA 14 6

Occupation: Student
Computer Use
Knowledge (Popular Culture)
Perform (Dance)

Wealth Bonus: + 6 (2 + 1 + 3)

HP: 10
AP: 5

BaB: +0
Fort: +2
Ref: 2 (2+1)
Will: +1
Def: 15 (10+3+2)
Rep: +0

Balance 5/3, Computer Use 2/1, Escape Artist 4/2, Hide 4/2, Knowledge (Popular Culture) 4/3, Move Silently 5/3, Peform(Dance) 5/2, Speak Language Vietnamese/1, Tumble 5/3

Talent: Evasion

Feat: Brawl, Windfall, Simple Weapon Proficiency

Cheerleading Uniform
Disposable Camera
Cell Phone

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Gwen Daniels
Dedicated Hero 1 Student (Class skills: Knowledge (arcane lore) +1, Knowledge (earth and life sciences) +1, Research)

STR 10 (+0)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 10 (+0)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 16 (+3)
CHA 12 (+1)

Combat Stats:
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Melee: +0 [+0 BAB, +0 STR]
Ranged: +2 [+0 BAB, +2 DEX]
Hit Points: 6 [6 (levels)]
Defense: 13 [10 + 2 (DEX) + 1 (Class)]
Initiative: +2 (+2 DEX)
Movement Rate: 30 feet

Attacks per round:
Unarmed (+0 to hit, 1d3 nonleathal dmg)

Action Points: 5
Reputation; +1
Wealth: +3 [2 roll, +1 Occupation, +0 Profession]

Saving Throws:
Fort: +1 [+1 base, +0 CON]
Ref: +2 [+0 base, +2 DEX]
Will: +4 [+1 base, +3 WIS]

Simple Weapon Proficiency (Free for Dedicated)
Divine Gift (Cure Minor Wounds)

Investigate +8 (4 ranks, +2 INT, +2 Attentive)
Knowledge (arcane lore) +7 (4 ranks, +2 INT, +1 Occupation)
Knowledge (earth and life sciences) +7 (4 ranks, +2 INT, +1 Occupation)
Listen +6 (3 ranks, +3 WIS)
Read/Write Latin
Sense Motive +9 (4 ranks, +3 WIS, +2 Attentive)
Speak Latin
Spot +6 (3 ranks, +3 WIS)
Treat Injury +9 (4 ranks, +3 WIS, +2 Healing Knack)

Healing Knack


Total Weight Carried: 0 lb
Load: Light

Current XP:
Current: 0
Next Level: 1,000

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 5’9
Weight: 147 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

Gwen's mother, Anna, is a doctor at a nearby hospital, while her father, Michael, is an officer in the local police force. She's always known her parents had high hopes for her, and has done her best to keep up to those lofty goals. She's enjoying her time at [insert High School], studying hard in several subjects. Her interests in medicine and science lead her to learning Latin, so as to better understand the terminology used. This in turn lead her to the school library's strangely extensive occult section...

She's also spent a lot of time in her father's company, resulting in her somewhat tomboyish attitude and above average powers of observation. She's pleased to have found two compatible areas of study, and is hoping to become a forensic pathologist once she's completed university

Unbeknown to her, she also has a spark of something... other... in her soul. It's yet to surface, but the power of life itself may lie within her grasp.


First Post
Name: Corlon
Male Fast 1
Student: Computer use, Knowledge (technology), Research
Age 16, Blue eyes, blond hair, 5'7"
Str 10/+0
Dex 16/+3
Con 10/+0
Int 14/+2
Wis 14/+2
Cha 12/+1

Hp: 8
Ap: 5
Defense: +6
Fort: +0
Ref: +4, 1 base 3 dex
Will: +2, 0 base, 2 wis

Wealth: 2
talents: evasion
feats: Simple weapon pro, personal firearms pro, point blank shot

Skills, 28 ranks
Escape Artist +7 (4 ranks)
Hide +7 (4 ranks)
Knowledge (streetwise) +4 (2 ranks)
Move Silently +7 (4 ranks)
Sleight of Hand +7 (4 ranks)
Tumble +7 (4 ranks)
Drive +4 (1 rank)
Read/write/speak (japanese) (2 ranks)
Read/write/speak (elven) (2 ranks)
Perform (Piano) +2 (1 rank)

Weapons: SITES M9: attack +3, 2d6 dmg, 20/X2 crit, 30' range, 2lb., ballistic, tiny

William Robert Smith is his real name. One day, two burgalars came into his house, but william's family was a big hunting family, and had firearms stashed around the house, so a small fight broke out. Both the parents and the burgalurs died, william grabbed a gun, and ran away. After a while the media went down, and he became just another homeless kid. This is when he got his street name, Corlon, and started living in a homeless shelter. But he still goes to any public school he can find, currently going to [insert name here]. His only true possetion is his pistol which he always keeps safely hidden.
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Tom Rollands
Smart Hero 1
Male Human 16 Years
Profession: Student (Computer Use,Knowledge (Arcane Lore),Knowledge (Physical Sciences)
Action Points 5
Hit Dice: 1d6+1 (7 hp)
Wealth: 4
Allegiances: Ethical Philosophy (Chaos), Moral Philosophy (Good)
Defence = 10
Ranged = +0
Melee = + 0
Saves: Fort +1 Ref +0 Will +2

Str 10
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 18
Wis 12
Cha 10

Skills (Rank+Stat+Misc)
Computer Use 4 Ranks (4+4+3= +11)
Concentration (Cross Class) 4 Ranks (2+1 = +3)
Craft (Chemical) 4 Ranks (4+4 = +8 )
Craft (Electronic) 4 Ranks (4+4 = +8 )
Decipher Script 4 Ranks (4+4 = +8 )
Disable Device 4 Ranks (4+4 = +8 )
Research 4 Ranks (4+4 = +8 )
Repair 4 Ranks (4+4+2 = +10 )
Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 4 Ranks (4+4+2 = +10)
Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 4 Ranks (4+4+1 = +9)
Knowledge (Technology) 4 Ranks (4+4 = +8)
Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 4 Ranks (4+4 = +8)
Profession 4 Ranks (4+1 = +5)

Feats: Wiccan Power (Detect Magical Aura), Gearhead, Simple Weapon Proficiency
Talent (Savant:Knowledge (Arcana))


Tom is one of those students that always seems to be doing something for school, preferable involving a computer, or failing that having his nose stuck in a book. Tom spends most of his spare time at home surfing the net looking at physics or philosophy or investigating accounts of the supernatural.

He is sure he has some kind of sixth sense since when he concentrates he can sometimes feel the presence of some force nearby in some of the Brightvale locations rumoured to have supernatural activity.

He's currently in Year 11, but is shy and tends to go unnoticed. He spends his lunch hours in the school library looking through the occult and paranormal sections when he's not doing research for one of his subjects.

Tom has little to do with his parents, since his father seems to be always away somewhere and his mother spends most of her time at work.
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OK, we're full up except Shalimar (Watcher-in-training) and the actual Watcher.. Where'd that old fart go? *l*

Full list:
Watcher(can't remember name)
5 Scoobies(kalanyr, Corlon, Jarval, Alex, Shalimar).


First Post
Matthew Storm
Male Fast Hero 1
Student (Computer Use, Knowledge Arcane Lore, Research)
Allegiances: Good, The Storm Family, And The Watchers
Age 15

STR: 12 +1
DEX: 16 +3
CON: 12 +1
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 10 +0
CHA: 12 +1

HP: 9
AP: 5
Defense: +6

Fort: +1 Reflex: +4 Will: +0

Wealth: 4

Talents: Evasion
Possesion: Crossbow, Longsword
Feats: Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Windfall

Skills: 28pts
Computer Use: +6(4)
Knowledge (Arcane): +6(4)
Knowledge (Pop. Cult.) +4(2)
Move Silently: +7(4)
Profession: +4(4)
Read Language (Latin) (1)
Research: +6(4)
Speak language (Latin) (1)
Tumble: +7(4)

Matthew Storm (14) comes from a long line of watchers, but his father split the family off after not being assigned to the slayer. He has decided to train his son to do the job (slaying vampires) regardless of the council' decision. All of this training and knowledge would lead him to being an excellent watcher if he would ever be allowed to do it, his father soo would not go for it. He is almost ready to start doing slaying in a few months.

Matt's entire family is well to-do and their reserve can be easily mistaken for being cold (think of Angel from the early seasons before he got all up on Buffy, or Lee from Card Captors, he can be considered a griendly rival). As a student he is well above average, but he never really participates in any of the school activities, and often feels left out.

With the Watchers always needing more men and women to join their ranks Matt's recruitment is a forgone conclusion, a partially trained recruit would be a godsend, if they can convince him at any rate.
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