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hello one and all


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hello all, i just want to find out weather anyone here knows about presents and what they mean, what i realy mean is if a boy gives a girl a picture of all your friends and he is in the pictures, what does that mean, i think it is just friendship but i dont realy know but if you dont want to chat about just chat

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the Jester

If in doubt, ask yourself this: 'do I want this to be more than friendship?' If the answer's yes, then make a move yourself- it's likely he meant this as a cautious overture. If the answer's no, then thank him politely and be friends; it's likely that's how he meant it.


First Post
If you scroll down a bit to your previous posts, you'll see I have explained why. And I can only stress again going to Randomling's House http://www.randomlingshouse.com/forum/index.php for chatting as this board is much too slow for that and besides generally much too serious for my current taste.

I don't really think it means that much. It could be that he just wanted to stress that he was your friend. And it could also mean that he has some long-term idea of you and him getting together, but to know that I do need to know more about what your feeling for him is.

Hand of Evil

It is a picture of friends, nothing more, nothing else, a remembrance. Now if there was a note or some comment there may be more but it is a friendship gift.


First Post
Was it wrapped up... Is the picture framed?

This is realitivly important to the meaning. I mean if he framed it and wrapped it, then he really wanted you to make sure that you looked at it. He knew that it would mean something to you and thus, means that he cares for, at least, your feelings, which makes your friendship more than casual...

But, if he just handed you a pic and said, hey were in it... Keep it. That may not mean so much. But still, if your asking yourself if this guy likes you more than casual friendship..that means that you have, either probably noticed somethings, or that you want it to be more. So my advice..ask him..

Or flirt a bit to get how he reacts to it..make continued eye contact...smile alot at him... ect..

Of course i could just be infering here...

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