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Help me betray my friends


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This might be a bit of a text dump

I joined an ongoing campaign about five sessions ago in which i am playing a Strongheart halfling Rogue1/Conjurer5/Spell Warp Sniper1/Unseen Seer3. I joined a pair (halfing druid, human cleric) that were on a mission from farlaughn (sp) to travel to Namfoodle and sell their herbs to the masses along the way (my friends are stoners).
They are wanted by the local empire and they pissed of some Drow a while back.

So far my character really doesn't have much of a back story, he was also traveling to Namfoodle to look for work (freelance thief/occasional dungeoneer for hire) so the party was nice enough to let me travel with them. I was talking to my DM and we both thought it would be cool for my character to have been hired by someone (yet to be determined) to travel with and eventually capture/incapacitate (not kill, he is neutral and he actually likes these guys) the other two. I need ideas for a stealth based wizard to capture these two guys. Banned schools are evocation and necromancy.

I have the feats
Point Blank Shot, Invisible Spell, Scibe Scroll, Darkstalker, Sculpt Spell, Acidic Splatter, Silent Spell, and Metamagic School Focus: Conjuration

I also have the Abrupt Jaunt ACF and the Conceal Spellcasting skill trick.

I've never really done any PVP before so i am looking for any ideas, i have a decent size spell book at the moment and the DM will probably accommodate me finding any others i don't have.
It should be worth noting that neither of them are optimized at all

The good folks over at Giantitp suggested waiting until it's my turn on watch, sapping them into unconsciousness and tying all three of us up (to preserve my cover). I like the plan but I think the druid could just wildshape into something small and get out of the ropes. I also dunno what keeps them asleep after i hit them once with a sap. If it's possible to do i non-lethal coup de grace do they have to save VS. unconsciousness? does their non-lethal damage just get set to 1 above their HP or something?

Halfling conjurer/unseen seer needs ideas for incapacitating the party Druid and Cleric

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Given that if the possibility of betrayal existed amongst people, your fellow players would be much more wary of allowing characters into their adventuring party I think you should stop being a dick and work together with your fellow players.


First Post
The possibilities are endless.

First things first though... PvP has never, not once, in any campaign I've ever played in been done without having the group disolve into bickering children.

Learned that lesson long ago, and never looked back. Interparty drama is fine... dice rolls generally aren't. OK, enough of my 0.02

You've already mentioned that both the DM and you feel that this particular twist could be a cool story arc (and I'm assuming that the other PCs are game. Well, they're stoners, so who cares right?)

The next question that is begging to be asked is: What happens next? Does it move the story forward in some fashion? After this betrayal, is there going to be some mechanism that brings the roguish halfling back into the fold? If those types of questions haven't been thought out, it seems like this will be a 'dead end' kind of story arc for your PC.

An example:

After the betrayal... the cleric and druid are stripped of gear, holy symbols & holly berries, and they find themselves trussed up in the wizard's lair (tower, dungeon, cave by the sea, whatev).

The rogue receives his thirty pieces of silver in direct view of the captured PCs... oooh the horror.

Then, the wizard, in true megalomaniac fashion starts telling anyone who will listen his grand plan (which might involve harvesting a few 'divine' quarts of blood or something equally deadly to the cleric & druid).

Now, the rogue has found himself at a moral crossroads. Does he pocket the coin and leave? Or does he find that there is a bitter shame welling up within him?

Will he leave, only to return before the slaughter, attempting a 'prison breakout' type of scenario? Will he turn on the wizard then and there... causing all kinds of ruckus?

All interesting possibilites... but if you don't plan it out ahead of time with your DM, methinks it will all turn southward and the fun will vanish from the game quicker than you can say Namfoodle.


First Post
Given that if the possibility of betrayal existed amongst people, your fellow players would be much more wary of allowing characters into their adventuring party I think you should stop being a dick and work together with your fellow players.

Thank you for being polite and giving great advice, this is why i come here.

But yeah, careful planning will be involved. I'm not one for interparty conflict either, in fact I'm usually the guy trying hardest to avoid it but the DM and I both agree it would be a good direction for the story to go. My character has actually really grown to like theirs so it will probably end up with a rescue/redemption situation in the end. We are all pretty mature, I know my friends pretty well and I'm not worried about our group breaking up or anything.

I appreciate your insight Sorry Charry

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
The possibilities are endless.

First things first though... PvP has never, not once, in any campaign I've ever played in been done without having the group disolve into bickering children.

Learned that lesson long ago, and never looked back. Interparty drama is fine... dice rolls generally aren't.

Agreed. however, if it is inevitable . . .

Some sort of sleep agent that is in leaf form and an inhalant might be too tempting to pass up. If the DM is already on board it should be easy enough to add it tot he campaign. This won't kill them with kindness but should smoke them out. :D


If they're stoners, where's the problem? Introduce them to "this cool weed I just got from some guy around the corner". When they're high and incapable of reacting coherently, just tie them up.

Most likely they won't remember who did it to them, so if you want to pretend to be a victim also, you can just tie yourself up. Or claim "I just went outside to piss and you were gone when I came back" if he decides to rescue them later.


I like how everyone connects being high with being drunk. Generally when a person is high, their ability to make decisions and judgments isn't effected to nearly the extent that alcohol causes. I don't know about others, but I never take weed from anyone but my dealer, who grows it himself. I would be pretty leery of someone who isn't a stoner offering me weed... that is using real life logic in-game though, so it may not apply... ^^


First Post
I like how everyone connects being high with being drunk. Generally when a person is high, their ability to make decisions and judgments isn't effected to nearly the extent that alcohol causes...

Well, to be fair, I didn't hint that the players were impaired in any way... just that their opinions didn't matter as much. :)


First Post
I like how everyone connects being high with being drunk. Generally when a person is high, their ability to make decisions and judgments isn't effected to nearly the extent that alcohol causes. I don't know about others, but I never take weed from anyone but my dealer, who grows it himself. I would be pretty leery of someone who isn't a stoner offering me weed... that is using real life logic in-game though, so it may not apply... ^^
I don't know, man. Some would say that admitting to drug usage on the internet is a bad decision.

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