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Help me build an encounter.


The party is setting sail to the Isle of Dread (Savage Tide) and any encounter will likely be the only encounter they have that day (outside RP and plot thingies). I'd like to build a fast-paced and challenging encounter (à la Shilsen) using creatures with CRs lower or equal to theirs, but with numbers and tactics to kick their butts.

The party is 5 level 6 characters, equipped as level 7 or 8 (for a long voyage) and making liberal use of splatbooks. There's also a level 4 cohort running around. I'd say the party is easily equivalent to 4 level 7 characters at the minute.

I've recently bought the Monster manual 5 and think the Ushemoi could be appropriately challenging. These guys have low-light vision and get tougher with each attack they make or wound they take. That should be suitably spooky! I'll just make them aquatic creatures and give them the same stats. I just need to plan the attack well.

My first idea was to have one or two flying Arkemoi (CR4) start shooting 0 level rays to pump up their bonuses. At the same time 8 Lashemoi (CR1) could swarm on board, accompanied by a Hadrimoi(CR5) and a scary Turlemoi (CR8). In total CR10. Would you suggest anything other than the magic-users staying in the air and the rest charging or hitting and running once they get on board?

On the other hand - a simple 12 x Sahuagin with a level of Fighter and a few specialists could be just as challenging.

If anyone can give me tips on using the Ushemoi, or suggest another challenging encounter with plenty of numbers, and enemies who can hit ACs between 19 and 26 (darn VoP Druid) I'd be over the moon!

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Since you mentioned me (unlike Hastur, you need to say my name just once ;)), I figured I should pop in. I don't have the MM5, so I can't really comment on the Ushemoi, but I saw them in some WotC Dungeon adventure/sidetrek and I remember some seemed pretty strong for the CR.

Sahuagin are a particular favorite of mine and they can be really nasty. A sahuagin Ftr1/Bbn1, for example, would be attacking at +13 when raging, a Sahuagin rogue could be making three sneak attacks a round, and so on. I've used a couple of encounters in my Eberron game and could probably find the stats and throw together an encounter for you, if you want.

One other possibility, which would likely scare the crap out of the PCs, is to hit them with something way out of their league and have it fight till it's hurt and flee. A kraken would be a good option for that.
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blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
I think your ushemoi idea is much more interesting than the sahuagin. I think I'll steal that for my own Sea Wyvern's Wake after they get out of Journey's End.


@Blargney: Cheers! It's nice to use things they don't know the stats of.

@Shilsen: Buongiorno! I spotted them in that Dungeon adventure too. Didn't think much of the adventure but the beasties were nicely different. Their stats are all there though if you're interested. I was rereading your Eberron campaign a few weeks ago and remembered the acid-breathing sahuagin. I've been thinking of having them swarm the Sea Wyvern ever since :)
I just don't know how many to use and what's a reasonable breath weapon or whatever.

If you've got a few ideas about numbers, tactics and stuff I'd love to hear them.


First Post
If you go with sahuagin and have access to the Spell Compendium, consider adding in a Sahuagin Druid 4 with a Large Shark animal companion (CR 5). Give him the feat Practiced Spellcaster and have him max out his Ride skill. Equip him with a wand of spider climb.

Before the ambush, have him use the wand of spider climb to give any sahuagin warriors a climb speed. Also, use the spell wings of the sea (Spell Compendium) to boost the speed of the shark (90 ft swim!).

Have the druid set up set up the ambush with the spell cloudbust (Spell Compendium) to pour rain on the ship, making it harder to spot the sahuagin warriors clambering aboard. It also makes it harder to use ranged weapons.

During the fight, the druid can zoom around on the shark and use the spell kelp spray (Spell Compendium) to bind up any PC spellcasters. The cloudburst makes this spell harder to use, but it is a ranged touch attack.
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First Post
Scrags with sahaguin and sharks in the water. Scrags just try and grapple&drag or bullrush PC's into the water with the sharks.

An aboleth with a couple of skum thralls might not be too bad for that level of party.


First Post
There are a lot of really good ideas here. I'm a fan of aquatic versions of staple monsters (trolls, ghouls, gargoyles, eyes of the deep) but creatures like the sahuagin really do have that "sea adventure" feel.


moritheil said:
... but creatures like the sahuagin really do have that "sea adventure" feel.

I agree totally - scrags are scary, using Ushemoi will mess with the players heads, but Sahuagin are just classic. Savage Tide is kind of full of classic stuff, so using them 'fits'. They've already had a rust monster, and there are all sorts of oozes for later.

Another reason to go for the numbers and swarm the ship is to give their characters a decent workout - they haven't had a fight at 6th level yet - I'm curious as to how the whole 2 attacks from the fighters etc will go. Waves of attackers, rogue levels, druid levels, mutants, sharks - excellent!


Mr. Shilsen, I was wondering if you still had the stats for the mutant, tentacled, acid-spewing sahuagin you used in your Eberron campaign? I'd like to pump it up to about a CR 6 or 7 and throw it at the party, accompanied by about 8 normal sahuagin and 4 with a level of rogue.

That lot should end up giving them a good workout, if they attack at night with silenced grappling hooks. Maybe I should have them arrive on sharkback and have the sharks chew on the hull until chased away later.

The kraken is a great idea too - think I'll throw that in there too.


I went with 8 normal sahuagin, 4 with 3 rogue levels and a scary acid-spewing four-tentacled beast. It was a great fight! The scary barbarian with monkey-grip and a HUGE greataxe did 20-30 damage with every hit, the rest of the party had their moments, the tentaclebeast climbed over the forecastle and looked down over the deck to behold ... the wizard, the cleric cohort and the druid sheltering from combat behind some cargo on deck, all standing beside each other.

Cue reflex saves all round and consternation amongst players. Everyone had fun - sweet!

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