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HELP ME build some monsters

Michael Morris

First Post
I suck at one think D&D related - Monster creation. 20 spells in a sitting? No problem. But Monster creation is something that not only am I no good at, but I don't particularly like.

Anyway, here are some beasties I've alluded to in the past in my writings. Any of you who are bored are welcome to stat them out, flesh them out, etc.

Ball Lightning

These volitile creatures can be summoned briefly by an 8th level spell - but on their home plane they last for much longer. They can discharge a jolt of eletricity that deals 10d6 to a single foe once every round fort save / half as a supernatural ability. Physically they are about the size of a basketball.

Telzoan Mastiff
This dog breed is about the same size as a St. Benard. It is frequently used as a pack animal and halflings occasionally use it as a riding beast.

Lune Dog
This breed of dog is about the same size as a dobermann, with a slight gold cast to its skin. An expensive and relatively rare breed, it is popular among wizards although it cannot be a familiar. It can sense magic as per the feat on the Dusk site with a +4 bonus to the roll. When it does it alerts it's master. While it cannot convey anything about the nature of the aura, it can be useful in determining whether or not to cast detect magic.
The creature is a magical beast.

Apenca's Viper
Telzoa's only native venomous snake, this creature grows to a length of up to 4 ft. The snake is solid black except for a red stripe that runs along it's backbone. This stripe is bright scarlet among hatchlings, though it dulls as the creature matures. The creature specializes in the hunting of magical beasts and is itself a magical beast for determining what spells can affect it. It has a SR of 20 and it's venom is a powerful neurotoxin with a primary damage of 1d6 INT and a secondary damage of 2d6 INT. The DC against the poison is 18. The poison is especially active in the systems of elves, sylvan and fey creatures, and magic users. In these creatures the damage increases to 2d6 primary damage to INT, 3d6 secondary damage and the DC jumps to 22.
For all these fearsome qualities, the snake is relatively docile and will not bite unless provoked or stepped on.

This purple furred house cat like monstrousity has poisonous claws which deal 1d6 / 1d6 STR damage. Though legends persist of some wizards which have tamed this creature, most avoid them and in many areas this agressive creature is killed on site.

Wyrms are to dragons as monkeys are to humans. Flightless, legless and usually very stupid, wyrms grow to frightening sizes.

These creatures routinely reach 40' long and 60' specimens are not unknown. They have a BW that discharges a lightning blast and are electric subtype creatures.

Telzoan Wyrm
While most numerous west of Otal's Wall, these creatures are found throughout northern Delcerni. At up to 100' long they are are frightening sights. Their breath weapon is a cone of acid.

Sulonic Wyrm
Native to the sulonic mountains, this creature is of the fire subtype and has a fire breath weapon. It grows in excess of 150'

Desert Wyrm
Burrowing beneath the sands of the Blood sea, the desert or sand wyrms are the most feared wyrms. It is not known how big they get, but the last one killed was 1200' long and as 20' around. Most of the time they are completely buried ((Ok, think sandworms in Dune folks)).
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Ball Lightning

Here's a version of the Ball Lightning I whipped up for ya.

Ball Lightning
Tiny Elemental (Air)

Hit Dice: 4d8 (18 hp)
Initiative: +9 (+5 dex, +4 improved initiative)
Speed: fly 60 ft. (perfect)
AC: 17 (+2 size, +5 dex), touch 17, flat-footed 12
Attacks: slam +2 melee
Damage: 1d3 – 1
Special Attacks: Lightning discharge
Special Qualities: DR 10/+1, elemental traits, electrically charged, electricity immunity
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +1
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 21, Con 10, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 13
Skills: Listen +9, Spot +9
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative

Climate/terrain: any (native plane)
Organization: Solitary, pair, flight (4-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: none
Alignment: neutral
Advancement: 5-8 HD (tiny); 9-12 HD (small)

Ball lightnings are exotic creatures of elemental air. Typical specimens appear as a ball of crackling electrical energy only a foot in diameter. They are nimble and constantly on the move, frequently flying together in small groups. The air around ball lightnings has the charged feeling one would get just prior to a lightning strike and often smells of ozone.

Generally, ball lightnings are non-aggressive. When they feel threatened, however, they are dangerous foes with their ability to unleash powerful strokes of electricity at great distance. They are tactically minded enough to try to blast from a distance and stay on the move. While they will usually only fight in self-defense, these creatures sometimes perceive innocent behavior as an aggressive action, so they are best observed at a great distance.

Elemental traits (Ex): A ball lightning is immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. It is not subject to critical hits or flanking, and it cannot be raised or resurrected. The creature also has darkvision (60 foot range).

Lightning Discharge (Su): A ball lightning can generate a Lightning Discharge once per round. This strikes a single target unerringly, to a range of 200 feet. Fort save DC 14 for half damage. This ability may be used once per round.

Electrically Charged (Ex): When the ball lightning is struck in melee combat by a natural or metallic weapon, the attacker is subjected to a strong reciprocal electric charge. The attacker takes 2d6 electrical damage. Fort save DC 14 for half damage.

Michael Morris

First Post
For reference...

Ball Lightning
Conjuration (Summoning) [Electricity]
Level: Sor/Wiz 8, Shm 8, Red 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One Action
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 levels)
Effect: Ball Lightning
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See Text
Spell Resistance: See Text

You summon Ball Lightning, a volatile creature from the plane of Shun which can only last a couple of seconds on the prime material plane. You designate a point for it to appear within close range and all creatures within 10’ of that point are dealt 10d6 damage, reflex saving throw for half and SR to negate (if any). Unlike other summoned creatures the ball lightning does not wait to your next action to move, instead it immediately moves to attack a single foe of your choice within 60’. It has a +10 to hit and needs only make a touch attack. If it hits it deals 10d6 damage, fortitude save for half with no spell resistance allowed. It dissipates after this single attack.

Now, some notes.
  • I'll assume that the initial 10d6 damage is a property of the spell, but that discharge attack (which is fatal to the ball lightning) should be an ability of the creature. Hmm... Perhaps the creature is able to make this 10d6 discharge attack only once - killing itself in the process. The attack is touch range and occurs automatically on the creature that deals it's death blow. The ability to deal 10d6 damage on any attack, even a single one, makes it a bit more than CR 4.
  • The creature is a fire elemental - electricity is part of red magic in the Dusk setting, and the only D&D elements associated with red magic are fire and earth. I don't think earth elementals shock people, therefore...
  • All red creatures, but ball lightnings in particular, are known for being highly aggressive.
Otherwise, it's looking very good. Much better than I can do at least.
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First Post
Well, I certainly would have made the ball lightning creature much different if I'd seen the spell description first. Oh well. Still a usable creature as is. I'd agree that the CR is probably a little low at 4, but I don't see it being higher than 5. In that it can only hit one target rather than multiple ones as an actual Lightning Bolt spell would, I've considered this a weaker attack. The Fort save is pretty low and creatures in general tend to have better Fort saves than Reflex.

Maybe I'll try another variant of it that holds closer to the creature summoned in your spell description if I have time later tonight.

As an aside, for an 8th level spell, I'd consider this to be pretty weak. It's essentially an area attack that caps at the same damage as a Fireball but has a much shorter range. That's followed by a single secondary attack that requires an attack roll and still allows a save for half damage. Anything you're thowing an 8th level spell against is going to be making most of those saves and/or stands a decent chance of avoiding the secondary attack altogether. For close range attacks, a Cone of Cold will average out to nearly the same damage, but is only a 5th level spell. I wouldn't hesitate taking an Empowered Cone of Cold in a 7th level spell slot over this spell for damage output at close range. Just food for thought. Personally, I'd do something to allow the summoned Ball Lightning stick around for at least a few rounds.


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Wanna give a general CR that you want these creatures to be? If you give me the neighborhood of power, I could see about working up some stuff.

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