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Help me design my homebrew D20 Apocalypse


OK, how about this for the virus:
Stage 1: Intended to simply make the population docile, it instead kills large sections of the population by shutting down all higher order brain functions. This happens to say 90% of those infected.

Stage 2: Some have their reasoning centers altered, so they are driven by unrelenting ID a la Reavers - or these could be your zombie types slowly decaying while their brains cause them to wander about and attack randomly. Say abot 9% of the infected.

Stage 3: In a very rare group, less than 1% of the infected, it triggers psionic abilities - and in those so affect 99% go mad. These peopel start manifesting powerful psychic phenomenon - rogue tulpas as described int he Psi minisetting in the d20 Modern hand book.

If you want the PCs to have psionic abilites let them take the Wild Talent feat - but only that.

As far as secondary disasters go -
1. Cheap nuclear reactors in the 3rd world that are just barely safe to begin with crack when infected workers set off a meltdown.
2. Doomsday cults and terrorists all over the world see this as a sign of the Judgement and accelerate the destruction in all the usual ways.
3. Fires from all the plane crashes, car crashes, and unfought house and wild fires.

And if you want to go really scifi:
4. In the west experimental bio-tech reactors - a kind of organic solar collector perhaps - also succumb to the mutated virus and transform into ooze like monsters - and perhaps starting infecting peopel with their own spores and creating sentient hive minds.
5. Nanotech cures gone wrong. Released as the counter to the organic virus, this tech is unstable and untested. Its basic programing is protect and strengthen the host - which it starts to do in unusual ways.

As for mechs - exploratory craft that aren't supposed to have any millitary application are upgraded to work in the hostile world of the Infected. These guard the corporate enclaves, and perhaps are sent to raid cities for supplies.

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First Post
With regards to the plague, a virus that turns people into zombies wouild cause massive panic and extreme measures to stop. Nuclear weapons might and would probably be used to cleanse contaminated areas. Quarantines would be imposed to stop the plagues spread. Violence would erupt against the "tainted" or atleast who people think are tainted. The genetically engineered food is a great idea to stir the plot. Many people would blame the food for the plague and strain the limited non engineered food causing shortages and riots. I like the idea of the plague being caused on accident or for some noble purpose. For example, an unverisal antidote gone horribly wrong or an attempt to raise the dead or a twisted success in the quest for immortality. Some of ideas would cause the end of hte world as we know it. Society would crumble, governments would collaspe under the imppossible strain of maintaining order, chaos would grow and rule. I'll submit more ideas if you like these.


One comment (that apoc fans probably already know). Once food distribution systems break down most urban cities have only a few days worth of food on hand.

If you want to be creepy places like Manhattan (with a small number of physical entry points and a local government) manage to effectively barricade themselves off. The population eventually suffers panicking, and riots and after a few months the only people who manage to surivive are those who kill others for their water and food.


First Post
I'd say they have considerably more than that, at least in the US. I'd say an average person has enough food to feed himself for about a week. And between markets and restauraunts, there's enough for an additional week. And given the extent to which Americans overeat and waste food, You could probably go a month, maybe even two, before the pets started looking tasty.


arscott said:
I'd say they have considerably more than that, at least in the US. I'd say an average person has enough food to feed himself for about a week. And between markets and restauraunts, there's enough for an additional week. And given the extent to which Americans overeat and waste food, You could probably go a month, maybe even two, before the pets started looking tasty.
Even if the power goes? The average american lives out of their fridge.
How much bottled water does the average american have on hand? Canned food?
Without water or gas how do you heat pasta?

While there are exceptions to the rule (especially colder rural places where you can get snowed in for several days or weeks) I've heard this number a few places and I think its valid.
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Wow! What great advice.

Cool, guys, I can't thank you enough for all the brainstorming. Keep it Coming!

What I've done is I've created a Wiki (using Peanut Butter Wiki, a great free wiki hoster!) for the campaign. This way I can work on it at home or at school or at work, share it with all of you and better yet, give you the opportunity to add to it if you like.

Check it out. It's also in my .sig now. The password for editing it is "apocalypse".

Feel free to keep posting any general ideas here, and be sure that I'll be adding them to the campaign site as I go along. Thanks again!

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